Hiring Process and Changes in Employment Documents Presented by Office of Human Resources August 13th, 2008 Hiring Process • Civil Service Hiring Process Position Control Form - Approval Process Civil Service Request Position Description Questionnaire – Regardless if the position is represented or non represented • Professional/Administrative Hiring Process Position Control Form – Approval Process Position Description Questionnaire – PDQ Ranking process Recruitment Routing Slip – Additional advertising available through HR PAPE Form (if new position) – Required by SUCSS (State University Civil Service System) Forms can be found at: http://www.siue.edu/PERSONNEL/Forms/index.html I-9 Required by the USCIS (U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services) When should an I-9 be completed by? Documents accepted to complete an I-9 Employees must show up in HR with a memo from the hiring department What constitutes “break in employment”? *See Copy of Acceptable Identification Employment Forms Required • Position Control Form • Administrative & Professional Staff Appointment Approval Form • Request To Hire or Change The Status of Civil Service Personnel Form • Assistantship Appointment Form • Faculty Appointment Approval Form • Job Change Request Form (Admin., Prof., Fac., & Grad. Asst.) • ALL NEW FORMS FOR FY09 CAN BE FOUND AT: http://www.siue.edu/humanresources/forms/ New: Statement of Economic Interests • What criteria are used to determine who must complete a Statement of Economic Interests form? – Persons who are or who function as the head of a department or other administrative unit – Those who have supervisory authority over, or direct responsibility for the formulation, negotiation, issuance or execution of contracts entered into by the State in the amount of $5,000 or more. – Those who have supervisory responsibility for 20 or more employees. – Those individuals who are a Principal Investigator (PI) or Co-PI on a grant http://www.siu.edu/~ethics/econint.htm Department Responsibilities • New Information that needs to be provided. – Budget Purpose Number – Budget Profile Code – Reserve Position Number - (Banner “Reports To”) – Organizational Code (DDU) – Position Number Where to find Information? • The following can be found using the Position Control Crosswalk provided at: www.siue.edu/AIS/FORMS/Crosswalk.xls • Budget Purpose Number • Reserve Position Number This is the Banner “Reports To” column • Organization Code (DDU) Crosswalk for Position Control Form FAS ACCOUNT AIS BUDGET PURPOS E 276001 072700 276503 172000 276504 AIS UNIT Organization No. / DDU Banner "Reports To" OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT 00001 997997 ZSR997 UNIVERSITY INTERNAL AUDIT 10001 998998 ZSL998 172001 GENERAL COUNSEL 10011 998998 ZSL992 270362 721001 ACADEMIC COMPUTING AND LABS 70250 641413 ZSR413 270101 721003 ACCOUNTING (ACADEMIC)-SALARIES 70350 655535 ZSR525 270001 721004 ADMINISTRATIVE ACCOUNTING 70450 722210 ZSR155 270421 721005 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 70650 725336 ZSR336 270041 721008 ALUMNI AFFAIRS 70850 210060 ZSR055 270177 721009 ANTHROPOLOGY 70950 653790 ZSR667 270136 721010 ART AND DESIGN 71050 653670 ZSR667 270008 721013 BURSAR 71500 722225 ZSR155 270324 721014 CAREER DEVELOPMENT CENTER 71750 650441 ZSR412 270207 721015 CHEMISTRY 71850 653760 ZSR667 270254 721016 CIVIL ENGINEERING 71900 670635 ZSR625 270435 721018 COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES-DEAN'S OFFICE 71150 653667 ZSR667 270437 721019 COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES-GENERAL ADMINISTRATION 71150 653667 ZSR667 270110 721021 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS-SALARIES 71950 655570 ZSR525 270298 721024 COMPUTER SCIENCE 72000 670653 ZSR625 270253 721025 CONSTRUCTION 72050 670637 ZSR625 270424 721027 COUNSELING SERVICES 72150 840482 ZSR477 270276 721029 CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 72250 665590 ZSR580 270006 721030 UNIVERSITY RELATIONS NON-RECURRING SALARIES 72400 210055 ZSR055 270013 721031 OFFICE OF UNIVERSITY RELATIONS 72400 210055 ZSR055 270436 721032 DISABILITY SUPPORT SERVICES 72450 840483 ZSR477 270007 721033 DISBURSEMENTS 72500 722230 ZSR155 BP DESC www.siue.edu/AIS/FORMS/Crosswalk.xls Where to find information? • Budget Profile Code – Select appropriate Budget Profile Code based on “Description” and “When to Use.” Budget Profile Codes Description When To Use: Z011 Recurring A permanent/recurring position Z022 Non-Recurring A term appointment Z033 Graduate Assistant A Graduate Assistantship appointment Z044 Summer July-August A Summer Session contract for the first part of the Fiscal Year Z055 Applied Music A contract in the music department Z066 Pay Adjustments N/A Z070 Self-Lapsing A position with "Reports to" value of ZSLxxx Z077 Excellence in UG Education A contract for an EUE Award Z088 Summer May-June A Summer Session contract for the last part of the Fiscal Year Z099 Reserve Position Budget Office Use only New Administrative Staff Position Example Hiring Situation • New Employee: – John Smith • New Position: – Director of Special Events • Hiring Department: – Office of the Bursar • Interviewer’s Name: (Only Civil Service) – Kris Wilson • Account Number: – 270008 – 414684 • (In this example, the person is being paid from 2 different accounts.) Go To Position Control Crosswalk • Search Crosswalk for each account needed. • Budget Profile Code can be obtained from this presentation. How to find Information • The account number is provided by your fiscal officer. – Note: Employees may be paid from multiple accounts. • Save the Position Control Crosswalk on your computer… – Click on the “Edit” tab in the upper left corner of the screen. – Next, click on the “Find…” tab. – Then, in the dialogue box, type the account number, and press “Find Next.” (This will highlight the information needed) – Note: This will need to be done for each separate account. Crosswalk for Position Control Form FAS ACCOUNT AIS BUDGET PURPOS E 276001 072700 276503 172000 276504 AIS UNIT Organization No. / DDU Banner "Reports To" OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT 00001 997997 ZSR997 UNIVERSITY INTERNAL AUDIT 10001 998998 ZSL998 172001 GENERAL COUNSEL 10011 998998 ZSL992 270362 721001 ACADEMIC COMPUTING AND LABS 70250 641413 ZSR413 270101 721003 ACCOUNTING (ACADEMIC)-SALARIES 70350 655535 ZSR525 270001 721004 ADMINISTRATIVE ACCOUNTING 70450 722210 ZSR155 270421 721005 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 70650 725336 ZSR336 270041 721008 ALUMNI AFFAIRS 70850 210060 ZSR055 270177 721009 ANTHROPOLOGY 70950 653790 ZSR667 270136 721010 ART AND DESIGN 71050 653670 ZSR667 270008 721013 BURSAR 71500 722225 ZSR155 270324 721014 CAREER DEVELOPMENT CENTER 71750 650441 ZSR412 270207 721015 CHEMISTRY 71850 653760 ZSR667 270254 721016 CIVIL ENGINEERING 71900 670635 ZSR625 270435 721018 COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES-DEAN'S OFFICE 71150 653667 ZSR667 270437 721019 COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES-GENERAL ADMINISTRATION 71150 653667 ZSR667 270110 721021 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS-SALARIES 71950 655570 ZSR525 270298 721024 COMPUTER SCIENCE 72000 670653 ZSR625 270253 721025 CONSTRUCTION 72050 670637 ZSR625 270424 721027 COUNSELING SERVICES 72150 840482 ZSR477 270276 721029 CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 72250 665590 ZSR580 270006 721030 UNIVERSITY RELATIONS NON-RECURRING SALARIES 72400 210055 ZSR055 270013 721031 OFFICE OF UNIVERSITY RELATIONS 72400 210055 ZSR055 270436 721032 DISABILITY SUPPORT SERVICES 72450 840483 ZSR477 270007 721033 DISBURSEMENTS 72500 722230 ZSR155 BP DESC www.siue.edu/AIS/FORMS/Crosswalk.xls Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Offices of Human Resources Position Control Use this form to request approval to create a new position, fill a vacant position, or cancel an existing position. Upon approval by the Chancellor’s Office, a copy of the position form will be returned to the functional area for distribution to the hiring department. The position number must be recorded on the appointment form submitted to HR for the creation of employment and payroll records. I. Type of Request (please check one) Create a new position (please also complete next line) PDQ ranked date or PDQ NA Cancel an existing position Change an existing position from part time to full time Fill an existing position II. Position Characteristics Classification: Administrative Staff Appointment Continuing Type for Term Classification Effective Date Once a position is approved, It will contain a Position Number. Professional Staff Civil Service Regular (Cont) Durational (Term) Continuing (Accrues Seniority) Temporary Extra Help Exempt Non-exempt Position is within two reporting lines of the chancellor: Position will carry faculty rank: yes no Position Title Director of Special Events Hiring Dept Office of the Bursar Interviewer’s Name (Civil Srvc Posns) Kris Wilson To be completed by HR staff: Position Class Code: E-Class SALARY: Group Table Barg Probationary 6 mos Unit Period 12 mos Position Number yes no Appt % (100.00=full-time) Organization (Div, Dept, Unit codes) Phone xt 1000 100.00 722225 Bldg & Rm Job Progression CS Sys ID Step PDQ Ranking Grade Sp Ex Code (APS only) Position Control Form PDQ Revw Type N 0 (zero) This info can be obtained from the crosswalk provided. III. Incumbent Information Current or Previous incumbent none Last Day Assigned to Position n/a On Leave; expected to return to work on Promoted to (title) Transfer to Department Terminated Budget type: Position type: III. Position Funding AIS Account for Labor Distribution Reserve Information Permanent Single Funded Period Temporary Pooled Salary Funds Required 000.00% Budget Profile Reserve Posn No. Date from (xx/xx/xx) Date to (xx/xx/xx) Current FY Cost Expected full FY Cost 721013 60 Z011 ZSR155 8/1/08 con't 37000 40000 742242 40 Z011 ------ -------- -------- 18000 20000 Description Budget Purpose 1 Bursar 2 Bursar 3 Z 4 Z Comments: Submitted by Vice Chancellor Title Chancellor’s Representative Denied URL: http://www.siue.edu/PERSONNEL/Employment/PositionControl.dot Date Date Approved Date 5/08 This info can be obtained from Budget Profile Code Chart (shown before). Administrative & Professional Staff Appointment Approval Form • Carry the information from the Position Control Form over to the Appointment Approval Form. ADMINISTRATIVE & PROFESSIONAL STAFF APPOINTMENT APPROVAL FORM This will become the formal notice of appointment upon completion of all approvals listed. Legal Name: Soc. Sec. No.: John Smith Alton E St Louis Campus: Edwardsville Springfield Position TITLE Director of Special Event No. Personnel Bulletin No.: New Renewal POSITION/JOB INFORMATION Box: Full-Time Semi-Mo Salary Base (whole no.) $5000 $5000 $ $ FY Previous Incumbent: 09 Actual Asgn. Salary (round up to next whole dollar) $3000 $2000 800-xxxxx n/a Phone w/Prefix: Bldg. & Rm. No.: Appt. Percent: (4 decimal places max. (.3333=33.33) .60.00 40.00 Banner ID : 555-55-5555 Account Title Bursar Bursar Expenditure Acct. Org/ DDU 722225 722225 AIS Budget Purpose 721013 742242 $ $ Administrative & Professional Staff Appointment Approval Form APPOINTMENT TYPE & APPOINTMENT PERIOD: Professional Staff (Bargaining): Regular Durational Beginning (term/yr or mo/day/yr) (term/yr or mo/day/yr – durational appts only) through If regular, appointment period will be from: (mo/day) through (mo/day) each year. (A regular appointment is subject to termination only as provided in the applicable collective bargaining agreement. A durational appointment may be used only for replacement of a regular appointee on leave or for a specific project of a limited duration.) Administrative Staff: Continuing Term If fiscal, appointment period will be from: Beginning 8/01/08 through con't (mo/day) New Information: (term/yr or mo/day/yr) (term/yr or mo/day/yr – term appts only) through (mo/day) each year. (A continuing appointment is renewed automatically each year unless the appointee is given notice as specified in the applicable personnel policies. A term appointment is written for a specified period of time and may be renewed; notice of non-renewal, other than the terminal date of this appointment as stated herein, is not required and shall not be given.) CONDITIONS OF APPOINTMENT/DESCRIPTION OF RESPONSIBILITIES: (Include position description. Attach separate statement if necessary) •Budget Purpose Number •Organization Code (DDU) •Statement of Economic Interest Check if applicable If related by blood or marriage to any member of the Board of Trustees, please state relationship: READ BEFORE SIGNING: The applicant agrees that if appointed his or her conditions of employment will include the laws of Illinois, including Board of Trustees legislation, and all policies, regulations, including those of SIUE, from time to time issued pursuant thereto, all of which will be as much a part of the applicant's employment contract as if set out in full therein, and that such terms and conditions as from time to time amended will continue to govern in any change of assignment or renewal of the appointment. It is a condition of employment that each appointee agrees to abide by the provisions of the University Patent and (or) Copyright Policy and any contractual obligations of the University to others with reference to discoveries, inventions, improvements, composition or creations made, produced, developed, actually or constructively reduced to practice or perfected during the term of employment. Appointee’s Signature Date As defined by the Office of the Secretary of State and based on the responsibilities assigned to this position, the employee will be required to complete a Statement of Economic Interest. URL for filing information, including criteria: http://www.siu.edu/~ethics/econint.htm RECOMMENDATION: Chair/Supervisor Signature & Date Dean/Dir./Fiscal Officer Signature & Date Vice Chancellor Signature & Date Chair/Supervisor Signature & Date Dean/Dir./Fiscal Officer Signature & Date Vice Chancellor Signature & Date ACCEPTED BY DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES: Date APPOINTMENT: Subject to the requirements of the Board of Trustees' Policy on Personnel Approval, you are hereby appointed to the position described above. CHANCELLOR Date approved/ratified by President: http://www.siue.edu/PERSONNEL/Employment/apsappt.dot Date Date ratified by Board of Trustees: 06/08 Civil Service and Assistantships • Complete same process for… – Civil Service Hire/Change Form – Assistantship Approval Form – Faculty Approval Form – Job Change Request Form • New Information Provided by Department – Budget Purpose Number – Organization Code (DDU) REQUEST TO HIRE or CHANGE THE STATUS of CIVIL SERVICE PERSONNEL Offices of Human Resources SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Edwardsville REQUEST TO HIRE CIVIL SERVICE PERSONNEL 1. Application is hereby made for the appointment of to the classification (Civil Service class title) number N1234 in 2. Employee’s Soc Sec No.: 3. The employee is to be paid : (employee's name) Pamela Beasley Office Administrator in the Civil Service System Office of Information Technology Employee’s Banner ID: 555-55-5555 $$1,293 , a semi-monthly salary OR Department. 800-xxxxx $ , an hourly rate from the accounts as specified below: AIS Acct Title: 4. Information Technology 721080 Labor Dist: %: Budget Purpose: Labor Dist: %: AIS Acct Title: Budget Purpose: Labor Dist: %: 100.0 This employee’s appointment type is : Continuing AND 5. Budget Purpose: AIS Acct Title: Civil Service Request to Hire Form Temporary (not to exceed 3 mos. Full-time OR Part-time at The effective date for this appointment is 100.0 8/1/08 and the position no. for NBAJOBS is Extra Help (intermittent work) % (4 decimal places max on part-time, e.g., .3333=33.33) . The department organization no. is . Previous incumbent:: Interviewer’s name*: Creed Branton Phone: *Required prior to submitting this request to HR. REQUEST TO CHANGE THE STATUS OF CIVIL SERVICE PERSONNEL 6. 650-3814 Location: Soc Sec No. CURRENT STATUS CHANGED TO (NEW) STATUS Class (Title) Class (Title) Appointment type Continuing Temporary (not to exceed 3 mos.) Extra Help (intermittent work) AND Full-time OR Effective Date Appointment type Continuing Temporary (not to exceed 3 mos.) Extra Help (intermittent work) AND Full-time OR % (e.g., .3333=33.33) Semi-mo salary $ Civil Service system No.: NBAJOBS position no: Dept. Organization Code: 1. AIS Acct Title: Budget Purpose: 2. AIS Acct Title: Budget Purpose: 3. AIS Acct Title: Budget Purpose: OR Hrly rate N Labor Dist %: Labor Dist %: Labor Dist %: $ Part-time at Semi-mo salary $ Civil Service system No.: NBAJOBS position no: Dept. Organization Code: 1. AIS Acct Title: Budget Purpose: 2. AIS Acct Title: Budget Purpose: 3. AIS Acct Title: Budget Purpose: 1068 Banner ID •Budget Purpose Number •Organization Code (DDU) •Previous Incumbent % (e.g., 3333=33.33) OR Hrly rate N $ •Statement of Econ Interest Labor Dist %: Labor Dist %: Labor Dist %: Signature of Fiscal Officer Date: Signature of Dean or Director Date: Signature of Chancellor or Vice Chancellor Date: As defined by the Office of the Secretary of State and based on the responsibilities assigned to this position, the employee will be required to complete a Statement of Economic Interest. URL for filing information, including criteria: http://www.siu.edu/~ethics/econint.htm HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICER: URL: www.siue.edu/PERSONNEL/Employment/CSHireChangeStatus.dot . New Information: Employee Name Part-time at 641160 Michael Scott 6/08 Note: Don’t forget to include interviewer’s name. REQUEST TO HIRE or CHANGE THE STATUS of CIVIL SERVICE PERSONNEL Offices of Human Resources SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Edwardsville REQUEST TO HIRE CIVIL SERVICE PERSONNEL 1. (employee's name) Application is hereby made for the appointment of to the classification (Civil Service class title) number N in the Civil Service System in 2. Employee’s Soc Sec No.: 3. The employee is to be paid : Department. Employee’s Banner ID: $ , a semi-monthly salary OR $ , an hourly rate from the accounts as specified below: 4. AIS Acct Title: Budget Purpose: Labor Dist: %: AIS Acct Title: Budget Purpose: Labor Dist: %: AIS Acct Title: Budget Purpose: Labor Dist: %: This employee’s appointment type is : Continuing AND 5. Change the Status of Civil Service Personnel Form Temporary (not to exceed 3 mos. Full-time OR Part-time at Extra Help (intermittent work) % (4 decimal places max on part-time, e.g., .3333=33.33) The effective date for this appointment is . The department organization no. is and the position no. for NBAJOBS is . Interviewer’s name*: Phone: *Required prior to submitting this request to HR. REQUEST TO CHANGE THE STATUS OF CIVIL SERVICE PERSONNEL 6. Employee Name Soc Sec No. Stanley Hudson 555-55-5555 CURRENT STATUS CHANGED TO (NEW) STATUS Class (Title) Class (Title) Grounds Worker Part-time at 50.00 Location: Banner ID 800-xxxxx Grounds Worker Effective Date 8/01/08 Appointment type Continuing Temporary (not to exceed 3 mos.) Extra Help (intermittent work) AND Full-time OR Appointment type Continuing Temporary (not to exceed 3 mos.) Extra Help (intermittent work) AND Full-time OR % (e.g., .3333=33.33) Semi-mo salary $ OR Hrly rate Civil Service system No.: N1234 NBAJOBS position no: Dept. Organization Code: 724260 1. AIS Acct Title: Facilities Management Budget Purpose: Labor Dist %: 733309 2. AIS Acct Title: Budget Purpose: Labor Dist %: 3. AIS Acct Title: Budget Purpose: Labor Dist %: . Previous incumbent:: $16.96 100.0 Part-time at % (e.g., 3333=33.33) Semi-mo salary OR Hrly rate $ Civil Service system No.: N1234 NBAJOBS position no: Dept. Organization Code: 724260 1. AIS Acct Title: Facilities Management Budget Purpose: Labor Dist %: 733309 2. AIS Acct Title: Budget Purpose: Labor Dist %: 3. AIS Acct Title: Budget Purpose: Labor Dist %: Signature of Fiscal Officer Date: Signature of Dean or Director Date: $16.96 New Information: 100.0 •Organizational Code (DDU) •Budget Purpose Number Signature of Chancellor or Vice Chancellor Date: As defined by the Office of the Secretary of State and based on the responsibilities assigned to this position, the employee will be required to complete a Statement of Economic Interest. URL for filing information, including criteria: http://www.siu.edu/~ethics/econint.htm HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICER: URL: www.siue.edu/PERSONNEL/Employment/CSHireChangeStatus.dot *In this example, the employee is being changed from a part-time employee to a continuing full-time employee. 6/08 ASSISTANTSHIP APPOINTMENT Posting No: Graduate School Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Sample Name NOTE; INITIAL APPOINTMENT REQUIRES A PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL DATA FORM, STATE AND FEDERAL W-4 CARDS, LOAN DEFAULT STATEMENT, DRAFT COMPLIANCE FORM, EFT FORM (optional), AND (if this is a teaching assignment) THE ORAL ENGLISH PROFICIENCY CERTIFICATION (Please Type: Name Last Employment location information: First M.I.) 3762 Phone No. Social Security # 000-00-xxxx Student ID # 800###### Alumni Bldg. Room No. 3128 Box# 1457 Contingent upon the approval of the Graduate Dean and the Chancellor of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, upon admission to the Graduate School and continued maintenance of good academic standing in an approved course load each term, you are hereby offered a term appointment under the following conditions. 1. ASSISTANTSHIP CATEGORY (Check One) General Research Teaching % of Time Full-time Salary Base Monthly Salary Payment Semimonthly Payment Name of Account to be Charged 50.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 $250.00 270303 Position Number Org/ DDU AIS Budget Purpose No. to be Charged 653820 721101 Assistantship Approval Form Supervisor’s statement of specific duties and responsibilities: This position will provide functional support to the department chair. Name of Appointee’s Supervisor 2. Period of Appointment: Academic Basis for: Other: Fiscal Basis for: New Information: Randy Watson Fall (8/16 – 12/31) 2008 , (Year) Dates: beginning 3. Present Status: Admitted to Graduate Public Administration School, Undergraduate approved pending degree completion yr, Spring (1/1 – 5/15) through yr, Summer (5/16 – 8/15) , (Year) yr. through Dept., beginning with Fall/2008 (term/year), for MPA •Organization Code (DDU) degree. 4. Show dates of any prior SIUE Assistantships: During Academic Year(s) 5. If related by blood or marriage to any member or the Board of Trustees, please state relationship READ BEFORE SIGNING The appointee agrees that, if appointed, his/her terms and conditions of assistantship appointment will include the laws of Illinois, including Board of Trustees legislation, and all policies and regulations including those of SIUE, from time to time and pursuant thereto, all of which will be as much a part of the applicant’s assistantship appointment as if set out in full therein, and that such terms and conditions as from time to time amended will continue to govern in any changes of assignments or renewal of the appointment. It is a condition of appointment that each appointee agrees to abide by the provisions of the University Patent and (or) Copyright Policy and any contractual obligations of the University to others with reference to discoveries, inventions, improvements, composition or creations made, produced, developed actually or constructively reduced to practice or perfected during the term of employment. I have read the Conditions of Assistantship Appointment and accept the position under these terms and subject to stated above contingencies: Signature of Student RECOMMENDATION Date APPROVED: APPROVED: Dean/Director/Fiscal Officer Date Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Date Dean/Director/Fiscal Officer Date Vice Chancellor Date Graduate School BUDGET INFORMATION: Source of Funds Original – Graduate School / Payroll / Institutional Research & Studies / Dean or Director / Appointee Copy 1005-29 rev. 6/08 by ccj •Budget Purpose Number Date JOB CHANGE REQUEST FORM Administrative & Professional Staff, Faculty, & Graduate Assistants (For changes other than labor re-distributions and extensions of appointment periods) “Acting” positions may not be given an appointment period which exceeds one year. Legal Name: Soc Sec No: John Smith Banner ID: 555-55-555 POSITION/JOB INFORMATION POSITION TITLE or RANK No. 800-xxxxx CURRENT STATUS: Full-Time Semi-Mo Salary Base (whole no.) Appt. Percent 4 decimal places max. (.3333=33.33) $3000 100.0 Professor Actual Asgn. Salary (round up to next whole dollar) $3000 $ $ $ $ $ $ Account Title Biological Sciences Org/ DDU AIS Budget Purpose 653755 72117 New Information: CHANGE STATUS TO: Professor $3000 $3000 $ $ $ $ $ $ EFFECTIVE DATE(S) FOR CHANGE: Beginning TYPE OF APPOINTMENT: 100.0 Environmental Science FUR 653765 729084 5/15/09 or Continuing Academic: Faculty Continuing Faculty Term Grad Asst (term only) Fiscal: Faculty Continuing Faculty Term Grad Asst (term only) Administrative Staff Continuing Administrative Staff Term Admin/Professional Staff: •Budget Purpose Number •Organization Code (DDU) Ending 8/15/08 Job Change Request Form Professional Staff Regular (IEA/NEA) Professional Staff Durational (IEA/NEA) COMMENTS & JUSTIFICATION: •Statement of Economic Interest Check if applicable This extra service is over and above services required by the current budgeted contract. It will not affect performance under such contract. READ BEFORE SIGNING: The applicant agrees that if appointed, his or her conditions of employment will include the laws of Illinois, including Board of Trustees legislation, and all policies and regulations, including those of SIUE, from time to time issued pursuant thereto, and any applicable collective bargaining agreement, all of which will be as much a part of the applicant's employment contract as if set out in full therein, and that such terms and conditions as from time to time amended will continue to govern in any change of assignment or renewal of the appointment. Signature of Staff Member Please sign and make a file copy before forwarding. Date As defined by the Office of the Secretary of State and based on the responsibilities assigned to this position, the employee will be required to complete a Statement of Economic Interest. URL for filing info., including criteria: http://www.siu.edu/~ethics/econint.htm RECOMMENDATION: Chair/Supervisor Date Dean/Dir./Fiscal Officer Date Vice Chancellor Date Chair/Supervisor Date Dean/Dir./Fiscal Officer Date Vice Chancellor Date ACCEPTED BY DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES: Date: APPOINTMENT: Subject to the requirements of the Board of Trustees' Policy on Personnel Approval, you are hereby appointed to the position described above. Chancellor Date Date approved/ratified by President URL: http://www.siue.edu/PERSONNEL/Employment/jobchange.dot Date ratified by Board of Trustees 06/08 FACULTY APPOINTMENT APPROVAL FORM This will become the formal notice of appointment upon completion of all approvals listed. Legal Name: Soc. Sec. No.: John Smith Alton E St Louis Campus: Edwardsville Springfield Position TITLE or RANK Professor No. Personnel Bulletin No.: New Renewal POSITION/JOB INFORMATION Box Full-Time Semi-Mo Salary Base (whole no.) $3000 $ $ $ FY 555-55-5555 09-114 Bldg. & Rm. No. 1608 Actual Asgn. Salary (round up to next whole dollar) $3000 $ $ $ Appt. Percent: (4 decimal places max. (.3333=33.33) 100.0 Banner ID: Previous Incumbent: Dave Thomas Phone w/Prefix: SL 2222 Account Title Biological Sciences 800-xxxxx 650-5056 Org/ DDU 653755 AIS Budget Purpose 721177 Faculty Appointment Approval Form APPOINTMENT TYPE & APPOINTMENT PERIOD: Continuing: Academic Fiscal* Beginning *If fiscal, normal fiscal year will be from: Summer Academic** Beginning 8/16/08 (term/yr or mo/day/yr) (mo/day) through (mo/day/yr) through (mo/day) each year. (mo/day/yr) (A continuing appointment is renewed automatically each year, excluding Summer, unless the appointee is given notice as specified in the applicable personnel policies. Summer appointments assigned to continuing, tenure-track faculty do not count toward tenure.) **Subject to July 1 salary increase when applicable unless otherwise noted below as a condition of appointment. Term: Academic Fiscal Summer Academic** Beginning through (term/yr or mo/day/yr) (term/yr or mo/day/yr) (A term appointment is written for a specified period of time and may be renewed. Notice of non-renewal, other than the terminal date of this appointment as stated herein, is not required and shall not be given.) **Subject to July 1 salary increase when applicable unless otherwise noted below as a condition of appointment. CONDITIONS OF APPOINTMENT/DESCRIPTION OF RESPONSIBILITIES: (Include position description. Attach a separate statement if necessary) New Information: •Budget Purpose Number •Organization Code (DDU) •Statement of Economic Interest If related by blood or marriage to any member of the Board of Trustees, please state relationship: READ BEFORE SIGNING: The applicant agrees that if appointed his or her conditions of employment will include the laws of Illinois, including Board of Trustees legislation, and all policies, regulations, including those of SIUE, from time to time issued pursuant thereto, all of which will be as much a part of the applicant's employment contract as if set out in full therein, and that such terms and conditions as from time to time amended will continue to govern in any change of assignment or renewal of the appointment. It is a condition of employment that each appointee agrees to abide by the provisions of the University Patent and (or) Copyright Policy and any contractual obligations of the University to others with reference to discoveries, inventions, improvements, composition or creations made, produced, developed, actually or constructively reduced to practice or perfected during the term of employment. Appointee’s Signature Date As defined by the Office of the Secretary of State and based on the responsibilities assigned to this position, the employee will be required to complete a Statement of Economic Interest. URL for filing information, including criteria: http://www.siu.edu/~ethics/econint.htm RECOMMENDATION: Chair/Supervisor Signature & Date Dean/Dir./Fiscal Officer Signature & Date Vice Chancellor Signature & Date Chair/Supervisor Signature & Date Dean/Dir./Fiscal Officer Signature & Date Vice Chancellor Signature & Date ACCEPTED BY DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES: Date APPOINTMENT: Subject to the requirements of the Board of Trustees' Policy on Personnel Approval, you are hereby appointed to the position described above. CHANCELLOR Date approved/ratified by President: http: www.siue.edu/PERSONNEL/Employment/facappt.dot Date Date ratified by Board of Trustees: 6/08 Check if applicable Helpful Links PowerPoint Presentation: http://www.siue.edu/humanresources/employment/pdf/HiringProcess_DocumentChan gesFY09.ppt Forms: http://www.siue.edu/humanresources/forms/ Statement of Economic Interest: http://www.siu.edu/~ethics/econint.htm AIS Crosswalk: http://www.siue.edu/AIS/FORMS/Crosswalk.xls Adm/Prof Staff Appointment form: http://www.siue.edu/humanresources/forms/pdf/apsappt.dot Job Change Request form: http://www.siue.edu/humanresources/forms/pdfjobchange.dot PDQ: http://www.siue.edu/humanresources/employment/pdf/PDQ/Grade.xls Position Control form: http://www.siue.edu/humanresources/forms/pdf/PositionControl.dot Civil Service Request/Change of Status: http://www.siue.edu/humanresources/forms/pdf/CSHireChangeStatus.dot Questions??