Banner Self Service Manual


Banner Self Service

Training at East Carolina



Banner introduces many new terms and concepts which are important for you to understand to make effective use of the system. In this first section, we will explain the

Chart of Accounts and its elements (FOAPAL) and how those elements translate from

FRS terminology. We will also describe the different screens you will see for making queries and displaying documents, and the different columns that you can manipulate to get the information you need. This course is designed as a first exposure to Banner. Its goal is to familiarize you with Banner and demonstrate navigation.

What is Banner?

Banner is a web-based, administrative software application developed specifically for higher education institutions by a company called SunGuard. Banner provides an online environment that will allow ECU to perform administrative functions in a highly effective manner as all data will now be totally integrated and shared among different departments across the University.

Banner comes in two different flavors: INB or Internet Native Banner and Self Service

Banner. Self Service Banner is what we will be working with today in class. Self

Service Banner is a more user-friendly interface that only allows a specific set of processes to be completed.

What is Self-Service Finance?

Finance Self Service is the web interface that allows users to perform designated financial operations and procedures in a user friendly environment.

Chart of Accounts:

The Chart of Accounts is the numbering system used by Banner to capture financial transactions and facilitate retrieval of information and financial reporting. The Chart of

Accounts is defined by the letter “E”.

The Chart of Accounts structure is composed of six elements: Fund, Organization,

Account, Program, Activity, and Location (FOAPAL).

Some of the FOAPAL elements represent information that is similar to the Account

Numbers and Object Codes in FRS. Each element of the Chart of Accounts is described below.

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A six-character code that identifies a self-balancing set of accounts and identifies ownership. Similar to FRS GL Account.

Examples of Funds:

111170-State accounts for East Campus

310900 -Auxiliary



A six-character code that identifies a unit of budgetary responsibility and/or department within an institution. It is normally used to define “WHO” spends the money. Similar to

FRS SL account. Houses information regarding revenues and expenses.

Examples of Organizations:

240901- AF Systems Coordination

230601- Purchasing

240204-Accounts Payable


A five-character code that identifies objects, such as the general ledger accounts (assets, liabilities, and fund balances) and the operating ledger accounts (income, labor, expenditures, transfers). The account code in Banner represents the same information as the FRS object code. Examples of Account Code:

60200-SPA Staff Salaries

72181-Education Supplies

72204-Medical Supplies


A four-character code that identifies a function and enables the institution to establish a method of classifying transactions across an organization. The program code is similar to the purpose code in FRS.

Examples of Program:




1600-Student Services

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An optional six-character code that is non-hierarchical and can be used to further define an object of expenditure, like, temporary units of work, subsidiary functional classifications, or short duration projects. Activity codes are often used to account for tracking of special events.


An optional six-digit code used to specify assigned physical location of an asset being purchased. This code is optional.


A six-character code used in banner as a shortcut to the fund, organization and program code. The index is entered into the system when recording transactions and performing queries. When the index is entered, the system retrieves the fund, organization and/or program codes that correspond to the index. Most auxiliaries and state accounts do not default an organization so you may have to enter that information.

Finance Self Service Terminology

Adopted Budget

Budget Adjustment

Adjusted Budget

Temporary Budget

Accounted Budget

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Original budget allocation given at the beginning of the Fiscal Year

An increase/decrease to budget

An increase/decrease to budget

Adjustments done in the current year that are temporary in nature. (Budget

Adjustments that will not role over to the next fiscal year)

Original Budget plus or minus any Budget

Adjustments. Total of all budget transactions. Similar to revised budget in


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Year to Date




Available Balance

Terminology Continued


Year-to-Date activity; The transactions from July

1 to current for fiscal year

Generated by outstanding purchase orders; funds committed for future payments

Funds set aside for purchase orders and requisitions regardless of whether a PO is issued or not

Outstanding purchase orders and requisitions

Remaining Budget left to spend;

Adjusted budget less year to date less outstanding commitments


Fiscal Year (Required)

Fiscal Period

Comparison Fiscal Year

Comparison Fiscal Period

Commitment Type

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Fiscal Year represents the University’s fiscal year from July 1 st

-June 30 th

. For example “2005” relates to the year starting

July 1 st 2004, and ending June 30 th , 2005.

This field will default to the current year but can be overridden.

The number of fiscal month you wish to query.

Note: The University fiscal year starts July

(not January). Therefore, if you wish to query the month of May, you would enter

“11” in this field (not 05). If you would like to query in July, you would enter “01”.

The fiscal year you would like to compare the first one to.

The fiscal month to which you want to compare with the first one.


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Terminology Continued


Chart of Accounts (Required)


Fund (Required)


Organization (Required)




Fund Type

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“E”, represents the chart of accounts.

Shortcut number that will display the default Fund, Organization, and Program field data, if available.

Represents the source of funds. The Fund code will default when the Index is used.

An optional element used for independent reporting needs.

Departmental entity or budgetary unit responsible and accountable for transactions. Sometimes, the Organization

Code may default when the Index is used.

Identifies the physical whereabouts of property. Optional element.

Grant identification number. Only required when viewing Grant Inception to Date

Information. All other FOAPAL code numbers must be removed prior to submitting a query on a grant inception to date.

Identifies objects, such as the general ledger accounts (assets, liabilities, and fund balances) and the operating ledger accounts

(income, labor, expenditures, transfers).

The account code in Banner represents the same information as the FRS object code.

The type of fund allowing high-level rollup

(consolidation). This could be used if you

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Account Type

Program (Required) want to query budget information for a specific organization using only one hierarchy source of funds.

Higher-level category of account if rollup or consolidation is desired.

Function reporting classification for tracking the use of funds. The Program code will default when using the index code.


Chart of Accounts Code


Code Criteria

Title Criteria

Max Number of Rows to be Returned


“E”, which should appear by default, represents the Chart of Accounts.

Type is the actual item you are querying.

Please refer to the following table for further descriptions of type items.

The search criteria for the type of item you are searching. You may use the Banner

Wild Card (%) to assist in the search.

Use this field if you know at least part of the title from the above chosen field type.

Enter the letter followed and/or preceded by the percentage sign (%-represents a wild card, any number of unspecific characters). For example, %Finance% would result in showing all the organizations that have the word Finance in them. All titles in banner are case sensitive in that all names and organizations begin with a capital letter, followed by lower case letters.

Enter the number of results you would like to view at a time. For example, if you pick ten, ten rows will show for your review.

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Under the Type field form on the Code Lookup screen (See info on Code Lookup fields above) you will find a list of items. Currently, the majority of the listed items are not being used. Those items that will be used are defined below.


Address Type








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A five-character code that identifies objects, such as the general ledger accounts

(assets, liabilities, and fund balances) and the operating ledger accounts (income, expenditures, transfers). The account code in Banner represents the same information as the FRS object code.

Assorted Vendor address types

Who in purchasing created the PO

Chart of Accounts Code; “E”

What has been bought

The type of currency being used (i.e. US

Dollars; Canadian dollars, Pesos, etc.)

Usually determined by Vendor; such as discounts if paid by a certain date, etc.

A six-character code that identifies a selfbalancing set of accounts and identifies ownership. Fund Code is similar to the general ledger used in FRS.

A six-digit code used in Banner as a shortcut to the Fund, Organization, and

Program Code.

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Tax Group

Unit of Measure

Optional-identifies whereabouts of property. the physical

A six-digit code that identifies a unit of budgetary responsibility and/or departments within an institution.

Normally used to define “WHO” spends the money

A four-digit code that identifies a function and enables the institution to establish a method of classifying transactions across organizations.

Where goods will be shipped


Unit of measure of what has been purchased. For example, each inch, case, ream, etc.

The Vendor associated with the transaction. Vendor

Course/Exercise Usage Data

Chart of Accounts





The following data is to be used during the training course for completing all processes.


Fiscal Year

Fiscal Period

Budget Period

Date to be used



01-July, 02-August, 03-September; etc.


910112 & 111170

910112 & 111170

240400 & 240901

3120 & 1700

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Process I


Logging into Banner Finance Self Service

1) The web address to access East Carolina’s Banner System:

For training class, select Training Database (TRNF) . Beginning January 2006, select

Production Database .

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Self Service Menu

Logging In

To log into Self Service Banner, select Enter Secure Area from the Self Service Main Menu .

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Logging in

To Log In

The user ID and Personal Identification Number (PIN) will be specific to each user.

Login is case sensitive.

The first time you log in, you will receive the following page. It requires you to enter a security question along with an answer. This enables you to retrieve your password if you forget it. Keep in mind that the userid and PIN are case sensitive.

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Logging In

Forgot PIN?

Select the Forgot PIN?

button. The Security Answer page provides the user a Hint

Question. Provide the answer and select Submit. Enter a new PIN, select Reset PIN, and continue.

Select Finance from Main Menu.

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Process II

Budget Status by Account Query

Budget status by account query allows you to look up budget information for one organization or grant. It does not allow for hierarchy roll up, but is the quickest way to get details on transactions. Similar to screen 19 and 23 in


Budget Status by Account:

To complete a Budget Status by Account


Click Budget Queries

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Select Budget Status by Account .


Click Create Query .

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Budget Status by Account


Click on the desired data columns that you want displayed.

The selected columns will be your Operating Ledger Data you wish to display as a

Column in your query. We recommend Adopted Budget (Original Budget),

Accounted Budget (Revised Budget), Year to Date, Commitments, and Available


After selecting the appropriate columns, select Continue.

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Budget Status by Account


Enter in the following information on the next screen: a.

Fiscal Year b.

Fiscal Period c.

Chart of Accounts d.



Select submit query; review the displayed screen for Fund, Organization, and Program accuracy. An Organization may or may not populate based on Fund Type you are using. An

Organization or Grant has to be keyed to perform a query.


Click on the Submit Query again.


The query results screen will display desired budget information.

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Budget Status by Account Query

Additional account information can be displayed by selecting the “drill downs.” Select the underlined information for further details on the account.

Expenses and revenues shown as same sign (+) in the detail, however, the total show the actual sign. Report total in example is (-) therefore, expenses are greater than revenues by amount shown.

Total Budget Balance Available will not calculate if revenues and expenses are shown together in a query.

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Process III

Budget Status by Organizational Hierarchy

Budget Status by Organizational Hierarchy Query allows you to review budget information of organizations for the Fiscal Period and Year to Date by: Hierarchical

Structure, Specific Funds, High-level Organizations, Accounts, Programs, Fund Type,

Account Type, or Revenue Accounts.

To complete a Budget Status by Organizational Hierarchy:

1. Click on the Budget Queries link

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Choose the Budget Status by Organization Hierarchy from the dropdown window.

Budget Status by Organizational Hierarchy

3. Click on the Create Query button.


Click the desired data column titles (headers) that you want displayed in the query results. (See pages 3-4 for column title definitions)

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Budget Status by Organizational Hierarchy


Click on the Continue button.


Enter the following information: a.

Fiscal Year b.

Fiscal Period c.

Chart of Accounts d.


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Select the Submit Query button.


Review the resulting Fund, Organization, and Program fields for accuracy.

*Organization or Grant field must be populated to perform a query.


Select Submit Query again.


The Query Results screen will display desired budget information.


To get further information on a transaction, click on the purple and underlined items to “drill down” for more information.

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Budget Status by Organizational Hierarchy

Expenses and revenues show with different signs unlike the other Self Service

Banner Queries.

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Process IV

Budget Quick Query

This process allows the end user to do a very fast query. The columns are already defined. The end user can not “drill down” in a quick query.

To complete a Budget Quick Query:


Click the Budget Queries link.

2. Choose Budget Quick Query from the drop down window.

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Budget Quick Query


Click the Create Query button.


Enter the following information a.

Fiscal Year b.

Chart of Accounts c.



Click the Submit Query button


Review the result screen for Fund, Organization, and Program accuracy.

*Organization or Grant field must be populated.

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Budget Quick Query

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Budget Quick Query

Quick Queries will not allow you to drill down for specific data and you cannot determine your columns for the report.

**If you would like another query, select the Another Query button.**

Expenses and revenues show as same sign (+) in the detail, however the total shows actual signs.

If revenues are included in query, then total Budget Balance Available is not calculated.

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Process V

Encumbrance Query

An encumbrance query allows you to view encumbrance information by account for a specific FOAP (Fund, Organization, Account, and Program).

To complete an Encumbrance Query:


Click on the Encumbrance Query link

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Enter the following information: a) Fiscal Year b) Fiscal Period c) Chart of Accounts d) Index

Encumbrance Query


Click on the Submit Query button.


Review for Fund, Organization, and Program data accuracy.

*A value must be entered for Organization or Grant field.


Click on the Submit Query again.

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Review Query results for accuracy.


If you wish to see more on a particular Document Code, you can “drill down” by clicking the purple and underlined data.

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Process VI

Budget Transfers (Single Line)

This process allows the user to move non-salaried expense items within a fund. This process is for a single line transfer. The journal type you will be selecting will always be

B22. Only valid account types are 70 and 80.

To complete a budget transfer (single line):


Click on the Budget Transfer link.


Confirm the Journal Type field displays B22.


Enter the amount you wish to transfer into the Transfer Amount field .

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Budget Transfer Single Line


Enter the following information: a) From Index-Enter an index number for the account from which the funds are being transferred. b) To Index-Enter an index number for the account to which the funds are being transferred. c) Budget Period -Must reflect the effective month.

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Budget Transfer single Line


Click Complete button.


Confirm that Fund, Organization, and Program Codes are correct.

*Organization field must be populated.


Enter the account numbers to which you want to transfer the funds for each



Click the Complete button again.

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If this process is successful, the Document Number will appear along with a green check mark on the resulting screen.

*When you have clicked Complete for the last time, and you’ve received the

Document Number confirmation screen, make sure that you DO NOT click the complete button again or else another budget transfer will be performed.

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Budget Transfers (Multiple Lines)

Process VII

This process allows the user to transfer budget between multiple accounts or multiple organizations. In each document created, the pluses (transfer to) must equal the minuses

(transfer from). These accounts must offset one another and add up to the total

Document Amount. The journal type will always be B22. This Budget Transfer code allows for transfer of non-salaried expense items.

To complete a budget transfer (multiple line):


Click the Multiple Line Budget Transfer link.

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Budget Transfer Multiple Lines


Confirm that the Journal Type field displays B22


In the Document Amount field, enter the total document amount.

**The Document Amount is the total amount transferred on the document between the to account and the from account.


Enter the Chart of Accounts code in the Chart field.


Enter the first index number from which you are transferring funds into the first

Index field.


Enter the amount you wish to transfer out into the Amount field.


Choose the minus sign (negative symbol) from the Debit/Credit (D/C) field.

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Budget Transfer Multiple Lines


Repeat steps 4-6 if there is more than one Org/Account from which you are transferring funds.


Tab to the next line.


Enter the correct chart code in the Chart field.


Enter the second index number to which you are transferring funds into the second Index field.


Enter the amount you wish to transfer in into the Amount field.


Choose the plus sign (positive symbol) for the D/C field.


Repeat steps 10-12 on the following rows if there is more than one Org/Account to which you are transferring funds.


Confirm that all pluses (+) and minuses (-) add up to the value entered into the

Document Amount field at the top of the screen.


In the Budget Period field, choose budget period of the effective month that are available by default.


Click on the Complete button.

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The screen will display all Funds, Organizations, and Program fields. Confirm that these are correct, or add any missing Organizations and enter the correct

Account Codes on each line.


Click the Complete button again to finish the transfer.


Confirm a document number and statement showing that it has been forwarded to the posting process appears.

**Make sure that you DO NOT select the Complete button again. This will transfer the amounts for a second time.**

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Process XIII

Viewing a Document

This process allows the user to display the details of financial documents, such as

Requisitions, Purchase Orders, and Journal Vouchers.

To View a Document:


Click on the View Document Link.

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Viewing A Document


Choose the type of document to view from the Choose type drop down field.

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Viewing A Document


Enter the Document Number (if known) in the Document Number field textbox.

*If you do not know the Document Number, please see the next page.


Click on View Document button.


Data from the chosen document will appear for viewing.

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To find a document that you don’t have a number for:


Click on the View Document link

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Viewing A Document


Choose the type of Document to view from the choose type drop down field.


Click on Document Number Button.


Your ID will appear.

*You do not have to use this as query criteria.


Enter as much information that you know into the fields provided.

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Viewing A Document


Click on the Execute Query and a list of transactions will show.


Click the Document Number of the document you wish to view.

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Process IX

Saving and Retrieving a Query

Some queries may be valuable enough to save so that you can run them again at a later date. Finance Self Service allows you to create your own personal queries and also “shared” queries. Shared queries may be viewed by all system users, cannot be deleted by the creator and will be removed from the system in a periodical system sweep. ECU requests that you only create your own personal queries, and not any shared queries.

To Save a query:


Configure a query as desired.


Click in the Save Query As textbox. Type the name of configured query.


Click on the Submit Query button.


You will receive a message that the query has been saved at the top of the screen.

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To access saved queries:


Access any Finance Self Service query area.


Select the desired query from the saved query drop-down box.


Click on the Retrieve Query button.

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Process X

Saving and Retrieving a Template

Budget queries can be saved as Saved Queries (See Process 9). Budget Transfers can also be saved and are referred to as templates. If you are going to transfer budgets on a regular basis, creating a template will automate this process.

To Save a Template :


After you have completed filling in all the required information for budget transfer, click in the Save as Template textbox and name the template what you would like to save it as.


Click on the Complete button .


A statement will appear stating the template has been saved.

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Saving and Retrieving a Template

To Retrieve a Saved Template:


Click either the Budget Transfer or Multiple Line Budget Transfer links.


Choose the template you would like to use from the Use Template drop-down window at the top of the screen.


Click the Retrieve button.


The template you previously saved will display

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Process XI

Downloading Queries to a Spreadsheet

To allow review of budget information for transactions, Banner Self Service allows all queries to be downloaded to a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet. The spreadsheet can then be printed and/or edited for further analysis, calculation, etc. You can download all available query headers to a spreadsheet or only selected ones. This is not allowable in

Quick Query.

To download all available query column titles (headers) to a spreadsheet:


After completing a query, click on the Download Ledger Columns button to download all available columns to a spreadsheet.

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Downloading Queries to A Spreadsheet


Choose Open from the file Download window.


Excel will open up and display all columns available.

You can then format and calculate the worksheet data in Excel to suit your needs.

To Download Selected Query Column Titles (headers) to a Spreadsheet:


After completing a query, click on the Download Selected Ledger Columns .

The columns download will be only the ones you chose at the beginning of the query.

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Downloading Queries To A Spreadsheet


Choose Open from the File Download window.


Excel will open up and display all columns available.

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Process XII

How to Use Code Lookup

If you are not sure where you’d like to transfer the funds, you may use the code look up feature. Scroll down past the screen that allows you to enter the Transfer information.

You will see the following:


Enter the correct Chart of Accounts field (“E”)


Enter the type of code you wish to view from the Type drop down field.


Enter any Code Criteria field. (For example, you could use 7 with the wildcard symbol (%) to pull a range of expenditure accounts).


Enter the number of rows you would like to view in the Maximum Rows to

Return Field

. **It’s encouraged that you set the Maximum rows to return to a high number as you can not view any additional rows past the maximum number indicated even if there are more available**


Click on the Execute Query button.

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How to use Code Lookup

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Installing A Java Applet for Banner

The first time you attempt to connect to Banner from a computer, you’ll need to install a JAVA Applet that allows Banner to run on your machine. This Applet, which is around 11 Mb, should take a few minutes to download and install. The machines in the lab already have it installed, but you’ll need to install the Applet when you go back to your desk. If you need assistance installing this program, please contact the Helpdesk at ext 6866.

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