Minor Works Notification Letter 2015

University of Dublin
Trinity College
Estates and Facilities Department
Dean of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
Dean of Engineering, Mathematics & Science
Dean of Health Sciences
Dean of Research
Dean of Students
Dean of Graduate Studies
Chief Operating Officer
School of English
School of Histories and Humanities
School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies
School of Linguistic Speech & Communication Sciences
School of Drama, Film and Music
School of Computer Science and Statistics
School of Engineering
School of Dental Science
School of Medicine
School of Nursing and Midwifery
School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
School of Business
School of Education
School of Law
School of Psychology
School of Social Sciences and Philosophy
School of Social Work & Social Policy
School of Biochemistry & Immunology
School of Chemistry
School of Mathematics
School of Natural Sciences
School of Religions, Theology & Ecumenics
School of Physics
Estates and Facilities Department
Minor Works 2015
02nd November 2015
School of Genetics & Microbiology
Chief Financial Officer
Senior Lecturer
Director of I.S. Services
Head of Sport
Director of Bio-resources
Director of Human Resources
College Secretary
Head of Facilities and Services
College Safety Officer
Facilities Officer
Warden of Trinity Hall
Chairman, C.S.C.
Students’ Union President/GSU
Director of Accommodation & Catering
Director of Disability Services
Head of Student Counselling Service
Director of Buildings
Director of College Health Service
VP Global Relations
Nursery Manager
Academic Secretary
V. Provost/Chief Academic Officer
Director Careers Advisory Service
Ass. Director Innovation Services
Senior Tutor
Further to a request for bids under Minor Works 2015 funding, formal approval for the attached
schedule of projects was received from the Higher Education Authority on 2nd November 2015.
A manager has been assigned to each project, and can be contacted regarding the scheduling
and implementation of the successful projects. Bids that do not appear on the attached schedule
have been unsuccessful in this instance and should be retained on your files for inclusion in any
further calls for proposals.
A schedule of successful bids may be viewed on the Estates & Facilities Department website
www.tcd.ie/Buildings (please note some individual bids may have been rolled up into one larger
bid for project management purposes. In this case the project number will be the same for
multiple bids, see attached). Funding of €146,000 was allocated by the Higher Education
Authority to College this year, so it was possible in most cases to approve a single bid from each
Unit, and every attempt was made to approve Priority 1 bids where possible.
With thanks,
Rebecca Kelly
Senior Executive Officer
Estates & Facilities Department