UNIVERSITY OF HARTFORD STAFF ASSOCIATION MEETING MINUTES May 9th, 2012, Woods Family Classroom, Mortensen Library – 1:00 pm PRESENT: Bonnie Barsi, Nancy Clubb, Karen DeGrace, Nancy Fields, Valerie Gilleran, Kathleen Hayden, Ben Ide, Cheryl MacMath, Erik Pavesic, and Holly Stevenson. MINUTES: Meeting minutes for the March 14, 2012 and the April 11, 2012 meetings were approved. UNIVERSITY COMMITTEE REPORTS BAT Sharon Scorso provided an email list of bullet points to Evelyne Haldimann. The Budget Advisory Team met on May 3, 2012. Items discussed: Tuition discounting - Chuck Colarulli reported on how the University has provided and factored tuition discounting and financial leveraging since 1993. Chuck also noted that deposits for the Fall 2012 entering class are down; Asylum Avenue Campus is up for sale, prospective buyers wanted to use it as a school, however, Hartford’s Planning and Zoning Committee unanimously voted down the proposal and there is not an appeal process. Other options will be pursued; the proposed FY 2013 budget was reviewed; and Arosha explained that the first phase of the Foundation of the Future process was going well and the report is scheduled to be presented to the President in July. This was the last meeting of this fiscal year. Monthly meetings will resume in September 2012. WELLNESS Per Kathe Snow’s bulletin, 14 individuals have signed up for Weight Watchers, need one more person to sign up to reach the minimum needed of 15 for Weight Watchers to come to campus. Monthly passes are available, it is easier to join – spread the word! BTF No report. SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE – No report. Foundations of the Future Evelyne Haldimann provided an email for this month’s update as follows: Templates from departments/programs were due to the committee by the end of April. The committee has an aggressive schedule to complete reviews of the templates by some point in June so we may solicit questions (if there are any) back to departments/programs for clarification to the committee. A report is due to Arosha and Sharon Vasquez by midJuly. Please continue to watch for Town Hall meetings for more information and ability to submit questions/concerns. STAFF ASSOCIATION REPORTS WEB ADVISORY COMMITTEE – No report. FACULTY SENATE – Ben Ide reported that the Faculty Senate held elections and there are new representatives on the board. Check the website for their names. The Officers will be the same as last year. The last meeting of the semester will be Thursday, May 10, 2012. Meetings will resume in the fall. Chuck Colarulli and Rick Zeiser attended the Senate meeting to discuss undergraduate recruiting – they are doing an amazing marketing job to recruit students. Examples include: virtual tour for mobile phone, based on GPS. As people walk around campus they can get information; personalized mailings not only with the individuals’ names but future programs geared to their interests, can go to the website; aggressive email campaign 11.5 million messages sent talking about events and programs; ramping up social media – Facebook groups for class of 26 students. It was noted that we admitted 16.4% more students, but deposits were 1.8% down. They are trying to follow up with students who didn’t enroll to find out why. President Harrison addressed the Senate regarding the Asylum Avenue Campus. The plan is to close 2/3 and keep some of it open while trying to sell the campus. Currently on that campus we have graduate housing, Center for Social Research, Center for Professional Development, Construction Institute. The Butterworth Hall, and graduate dorms we will be keeping. COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE – Kathleen Hayden reported that the committee has been following up with Barbara Steinberger of the Office of Communications to generate a mass email to all staff that will ask about which forms individuals use most often and where those forms are found now. They are trying to get this sent out before summer. They are starting to gather information for different forms and sites. MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR’S REPORT Members. – Nancy Clubb reported that there are 170 Staff Association TREASURER’S REPORT – Cheryl MacMath reported that the balance in the budget is $3,088.56. Funds were spent for a sympathy gift for an EBoard member’s loss. Discussion followed as to whether this is a common practice. The Staff Association tries to acknowledge with cards if there are family deaths, employee illness, and/or for congratulatory occasions, however, EBoard members aren’t always made aware of these occasions as they happen. This is an elective practice with good intention, but it is hard to be consistent due to the word of mouth communication. Anyone can let Nancy Fields know when there is an occasion to be recognized and she will send a card. A log is maintained of the cards sent “from your friends at the Staff Association.” In some instances, care should be taken for privacy issues. Some people would prefer that others are not informed of their circumstances. Discussion on Community Representatives and Grievance Officer Position descriptions – The one line officer position description for the Grievance Officer is suggested to be added to Article 7, Section I of the Bylaws as the second sentence. Elli Cherry has been appointed by the EBoard as the Grievance Officer. HRD knows of the appointment. Reference to a Grievance Officer is in the Staff Employment Manual under grievances. Community Representatives were sent an email on 5/9/12 to review the draft job description of their role, based on their suggestions and asked to respond with any comments by 5/18/12. Any edits will be presented to the Staff Association. It is suggested to be added to Article 3, Section I of the Bylaws. The current list of Community Representatives is on the website. Contact Evelyne or Nancy Clubb if anyone wants to get involved as a Community Representative. OLD BUSINESS – regarding recent Eboard activities. 1. Marketing the Staff Association – waiting to get the Community Representatives to be involved once they sign off on the description. Want to try to get the Community Representatives geared to come to meetings and market the Staff Association, and to head committees for events, etc. 2. Lynn Galvin would love to bring back the Thanksgiving Lunch. She secured a contract to have the Thanksgiving Lunch on Wednesday, November 14, 2012. The quote from ARAMARK is based on an estimate of 100 people from 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. in the 1877 Club. The EBoard offered that some of the Staff Association budget funds could subsidize the costs. At $12.50 per person on the contract, if the Staff Association paid $5.00 per person, the customer would pay $7.50. The Staff Association budget would pay for any additional costs for room set-up. The general consensus favored making the discount available to all staff (not just members), setting the seating limit to 100 persons, requesting an RSVP and having a ticket system for the purchase price of $7.50 (non-refundable). Responses over 100 count could be put on a wait list to be determined whether or not they could be accommodated. The idea was enthusiastically supported with the goal that members and non-members could enjoy a social venue, it would encourage more non-members to participate with a good ticket price, and it was suggested that brief remarks be made about the Staff Association during the luncheon to promote the Staff Association. 3. We look forward to starting up with social activities, some of which may impact the Staff Association budget such as the Thanksgiving Lunch. This would justify having fundraisers to help contribute to the costs. Fundraising ideas were discussed, such as a kite flight, to sell kites and enjoy a fun outdoor activity on campus. Another idea would be a pet clinic, possibly offering microchip implants, discount grooming, etc. NEW BUSINESS – It was recently realized that the Non-exempt Member at Large position is currently held by an exempt employee. The intent of the position was to represent non-exempt staff. From the time that Erik Pavesic was placed on the ballot by the Nominating Committee and voted in by the members, Erik and the Staff Association did not realize that he was exempt. It was brought to light during recent Foundation of the Future discussions. We would like to keep Erik on the EBoard for continuity until the next election in April 2013. We will discuss this again as old business at the next meeting. Respectfully submitted by Nancy Fields, Secretary in collaboration with Cheryl MacMath