John Cabot University Student Government Event Report Event:

John Cabot University Student Government
Event Report
Event: Student Forum, “Does Size Matter??”
When: Monday, February 20, 8:15 p.m.
Where: Tiber Cafè
Attendance: Around 50 Students were in attendance in addition to Faculty members from
the library and registrar.
Details: Below is a list of various suggestions and comments made and discussed by
students at the Forum.
1. Communication
 Students believe that information is not communicated properly or effectively
to students, and that there is often confusion on policies or procedures
2. Bookstore
 Students agreed that JCU needs an independent bookstore on campus
 Students suggested that the administration encourage the Anglo-American book
store to buy and resell used books at a discounted price
 Students raised the point that AUR, JCUs main competition, has an onsite
3. Technology
 Have a technology orientation for professors
 Constant class delays are due to technology malfunction to equipment such as:
VHS, DVD players, and projectors. This includes the malfunction of the
projector in the cafeteria
 Students are inconvenienced by the different copy cards needed at Tiber and
Guarini campus
 Wifi in the residence is inefficient and at times spotty
 Professors do not use MYJCU consistently or at all
 Add announcements and class cancellations to MYJCU or post in an accessible
area online
 Use the TV screens in Tiber Cafè for announcements or educational related
 Professors must advise students of class cancellations at least 24 hours in
advance, as it is not fair to students, especially those who live outside of
Trastevere or outside of Rome (many Degree Seekers fall in this category) to
come to class only to see the class cancellation posted
i. There must be a more efficient, reliable way of communicating to
students class cancelations and other relevant information
ii. Proposed solution by a student was to have class cancellations text
messaged to students before hand
1. Privacy issues would be overcome by students signing up for
this “service” voluntarily
4. Academics
 Discussed the issue of Professors using textbooks which are only available on
reserve in the library. Students agreed that this is inefficient, wasteful, and
unfair to the students
 Debated the use of the Tiber computer lab. Students agreed to schedule
computer classes only in Guarini or add an additional computer lab in Tiber
 The website is not professional and seems more of a marketing tool to attract
visiting students. Students were upset that for a long period the largest print on
the homepage was “Study Abroad”
5. Advising
 Advisors should only advise students whose majors are within their department
 All professors should post syllabus online before registration
 Freshmen and transfer students should be able to registrar in advance
6. Facilities
 Have the cafeteria open on weekends for study space during mid-terms and
finals. This can easily be done by opening only the entrance to the Tiber Cafè
and maintaining the rest of the campus closed
 Add outlets to tables in Tiber Cafè
 Tables for studying on the 2nd floor of Tiber
 Post the list of vacant classrooms all semester long so they may be used for
Purpose: The purpose of these Forums is to allow students to speak to their Student
Government representatives. It is Student Government’s duty to listen to the concerns of
the student body so that they may be addressed with and communicated to the
Administration. For this reason, Student Government invites all students to have an open
dialogue to voice, discuss, and propose responsible solutions to relevant issues.
Outcomes: Every suggestion and comment is documented during these Forums. The aim
is to open a channel of communication with the appropriate administrative representative,
so as to resolve any issue by collaborating with the Administration. This Forum led to the
Referendum that took place from Tuesday, February 21st to Wednesday, February 22nd.
Submitted February 27th, 2012;
Angelo Cauchi
Academic Affairs Committee Chair