Board of Trustees Report

John Cabot University Student Government
Spring 2012 Board Report
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Student Government has undergone tremendous transformation over the last year, growing into
a productive and efficient body in the service of its peers. Since September, it has focused on
three primary goals: community, professionalism, and continuity. With regard to the former,
recognizing that John Cabot University attracts immensely talented students, Student
Government has dedicated itself to helping create an environment that allows for the full
development of its students. In this way, the contributions that each student brings become a
part of the university and can be enjoyed for years to come. As for professionalism, it is an
undertaking as much internal as it is external. Student Government actively works at operating
professionally, and encourages other students, clubs, faculty, and the administration to do so as
well. Student Government believes that in this way the university is able to function more
productively, enhancing the JCU experience of everyone involved. Most importantly, Student
Government is committed to creating a sense of continuity, so that the lessons and gains of one
year can contribute to the growth and improvement of John Cabot well into the future.
Student Government is composed of different organs. The Executive Board is composed of the
President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Events Coordinator, and the Chief of Staff, which
is a non-voting position on the Board. The main organ of Student Government is the Senate,
composed of 10 members. During full Student Government meetings, there are 16 members. The
Senate is broken down into standing committees, which include the following:
Academic Affairs Committee – This committee is headed by the Academic Chair (who is
also the Chief of Staff). This committee is primarily charged with attending to matters of
an academic nature, including Forums, meetings between students and faculty, and issues
of academic quality.
Community Service and Environmental Committee – This committee is tasked with
developing ways by which to expand community service offerings at JCU, as they are a
vital part of the American University experience and an important life skill. To date, the
committee has organized two Clean-Up Days, an environmental awareness campaign, and
is currently working on fundraising strategies for less fortunate students in
underdeveloped regions.
Visiting Student Committee – The responsibility of this committee is to help represent
the interests of Visiting Students while helping to narrow the divide between Visitors and
Degree Seekers, as it undermines the full development of the vibrant JCU community. The
Visiting Student Committee has officially launched a blog open to all students regarding
Student Government has undertaken an ambitious plan to reform its operational procedures and
promote greater openness and transparency. After each event, the coordinator of that event
drafts a report, which is then circulated among all members and then distributed to the relevant
members of the administration. Reports, as well as the Agendas and Minutes from every meeting,
will now be published online on the John Cabot University website under the Student
Government page.
Events and Initiatives
Notable Events from Fall 2011
 Clean-Up Days – Clean-Up Days are the backbone of Student Government’s Community
Service and Environmental initiatives. Students gather on select Sunday mornings
donning JCU t-shits, plastic gloves, and trashbags, and wander around Trastevere cleaning
up trash. Residents are appreciative, students give back to their community, and get to
bond in the meantime. It is an excellent opportunity for Visiting and Degree Seeking
students to interact. Two such events were held last semester.
President’s Gala – John Cabot is located deep within a city full of history and tradition.
Student Government has helped JCU create a tradition of its own with the President’s Gala.
Held on November 5, 2011, Degree Seekers and Visiting Students attended this formal
dinner at the Hassler Hotel for an evening of memories, with a total of 150 guests,
including students, faculty, alumni, the President, the Dean, and other friends. In this way,
the university community has an elegant event to look forward to every year, one that will
also bring alumni back to JCU and motivate them to invest in the future of their alma
Social Events to Date during Spring 2012
Brazilian Night Kick-Off Event - nearly 100 students showed up during the aperitivo
hour in the cafeteria to enjoy live music performed by a local Brazilian Band. The venue of
the cafeteria was chosen to promote the usage of the space after school hours, as well as to
raise awareness about the free aperitivo offered by the cafeteria.
Academic Events to Date during Spring 2012
Clubs Fair – Clubs were present during the peak lunch hours at both the Tiber and
Guarini campuses to answer questions and recruit new students to their respective
Plenary Meetings – Once a month, Student Government coordinates meetings between
all the clubs. This semester a main focus has been on coordination and communication.
Student Government and the clubs are working on a master calendar on which the events
of all the student organizations will be posted to reduce conflicts and increase
cooperation. Furthermore, the clubs have all worked together to improve the shared office
Student Forum – On Monday, February 20, 2012, Student Government hosted one of its
biggest Student Forums of the year with a turnout of nearly 50 students. The Forum was
held in the Tiber Cafeteria during the aperitivo hour. Students came and voiced their
concerns on a range of issues, from facilities, to communication, to technological
improvements and other suggestions. Most importantly, students worked together to try
to find solutions.
Referendum – In response to the Forum from Monday, February 20, a Referendum was
held the following two days, from Tuesday, February 21, to Wednesday February 22 in
which students voted on issues pertaining to the cafeteria and expanding study space on
the 2nd floor of the Tiber Campus. With 784 ballots out of a total student population of
1152, a voter turnout of 68% was reached, an unprecedented feat in John Cabot history.
Future Events
Movie Nights – Student Government believes that in order to create community, the
facilities and spaces must be used properly to facilitate that. For this reason, as many
events as possible are held in the Tiber Cafeteria, so as to promote it as the student space,
a space in which intellectual and cultural exchanges can take place. Movie nights are a fun,
easy way to accomplish this goal.
Clean-Up and Free Hug Day – This is a continuation of the popular Clean-Up Days, with a
Student Forums – Student Forums remain the lifeblood of Student Government and the
most effective way to communicate with the student body. They are fun, informative, and
helpful to everyone involved.
International Student Leadership Conference – This Conference is designed to bring
Student Governments from American Universities from across the world together to share
in their common experience and help find solutions to the challenges they might all face
given their unique identities. This will also reflect positively on John Cabot as a leader in
American higher education abroad.
Spring Fling – In the spirit of the 40th Anniversary, Student Government would like to
close out the 2011-2012 academic year with a celebration. To be held on the evening of
Saturday, April 21, this aperitivo will provide students, faculty, staff, alumni, and other
guests an opportunity to enjoy an elegant evening in the Lemon Tree courtyard in
celebration of the year, the university, the 40th anniversary, and the future.
Fundraising for Student – A proposed idea is to engage in a year-long, schoolwide
project to raise money for a less fortunate student to attend JCU. This project is still in its
planning and debate stages
Task Forces
Student Government responds to the concerns and the issues that students bring up. In order to
make sure that these concerns are properly addressed, temporary Task Forces are established,
mandated to explore and reach findings on each issue.
Task Forces include:
Doctor on Campus – This Task Force is designed to explore any and all legal, financial or
other obstacles to establishing the presence of a Doctor at JCU to tend to the health needs
of its students, as is done at the American University of Rome and most other American
School Spirit – In order to build community, the community must have something around
which to rally. Student Government has actively explored strategies to inspire interest in
the university by purchasing a mascot for soccer games, banners with the Gladiator logo,
and acquiring a manager for the soccer teams. These issues fit into the larger picture of
helping to create identifiable traditions for students.
Transparency – Students would like to see more accountability and transparency in
understanding what goes on at John Cabot. Special emphasis has been placed on
communication throughout the different university departments. Student Government’s
task force is designed to assess the ways by which this can be accomplished.
Student Government has embarked on an ambitious agenda, the full contents and mission of
which cannot be contained within this document. It is comprehensive and far reaching, aimed at
making John Cabot the great place it can be while improving the student experience so as to
ensure that the community grows with its students while attracting the most talented for the
future. Continuity, ensuring that the contributions of each student are continued, is an important
element of this, as is working to foster productive relations with all aspects of the university – the
student body, clubs, faculty, staff, administration, and alumni. While Student Government is
aware that its projects cannot be completed in one year, it is confident that the groundwork laid
during this year will set up future governments for success. Student Government’s success will
ultimately translate into John Cabot’s success.