“In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.” -Robert Frost JOHN CABOT UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNMENT GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION III September 18, 2012 I) Introduction: (5 minutes) 1. (2 min) Minute Approval (2 min) 2. Roll Call (1 min) II) Board (25 min) 3. (3 min) Introduction of Menna and Francisco ACT 009(1 min) Extended opening hours (1min) Tuesday and Thursday campuses until 10.30pm. Tell everyone. : can you tell me more about it? Some people think it is only for clubs. : no. it is for everyone and Giummarra says he wants to see it used. 4. (7min) Clubs meeting NOT HERE. : introduction, goal of the clubs, some events. Filip will go through this next week. 5. (5min) Budget Revision We sold out all the tickets. 4980 euro students tickets. 4000 president donation. We still have to see how much we made out of online registration (ALUMNI) 6. (5 min) Kick-off Feedback Thanks everybody it was a great success and maybe chaotic but we fed everyone. It worked very well. Report next week. 7. (5 min) Gala update b. : motion should students be consulted about table charts? YES:8 no: 5 Abstain:2 Motion Carries Motion: by email? Yes:8 No:3 Abstain:4 Motion Carries : When we send the email we do have to say that it will not be guaranteed. It is just an option. : it will be too much work : we need to make sure that outside guests will not seat with one they know : motion to vote again. Second- Mr. Brightside – The Killers “In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.” -Robert Frost Shall students be consulted? Yes: 7 No: 6 Abstain: 2 STUDENTS WILL BE CONSULTED Should students be consulted via email? Yes 7 No 4 Abstain 3 STUDENTS WILL BE CONSULTED BY EMAIL : we only have 6 guests. : motion to vote to mix students and alumni? Yes- 3 No- 8 Abstain- 5 Motion fails Picture next meeting. Do not miss it! Board of Trustees are coming next week. Student Government has to be there. III) General Assembly (10 min) 1. (5 min) a. Proposal: An idea to see what you think. Lunchtime thing for Tuesday. IV) Committees (15minutes) 1. Academic Affairs (5 minutes) a. : i. Forum, Thursday 20th 1. Take a look at the paper with the agenda. ii. Next forum/ Q&A? b. : The idea of Oct 2 worries me. c. Yeah it is too much right after romecoming. We should all take a week break. d. Lily: Oct 9? e. : the clubs – introduction. f. : it shoud be up to each individual club. We can have a speaker. g. : so it is not a forum? Moving on. 2. Constitutional Committee (7 min) a. : i. Amendments ii. We did not change much. We have to vote on each article. So please read it yourself and I will read the new one. The chief of stuff means of something else, so we decided to call it Academic chair. Is it ok? : so we will have to change the act from last year : yeah, we will have to change the name. The role is the same. : when do people run, then the one : there is no need of chief of stuff as an intermediate. I like the new one. If you can think of a new title, Chief of stuff it is not Mr. Brightside – The Killers “In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.” -Robert Frost appropriate. : would this academic chair different? : nothing changes but the name. : we nee do to make it clear that it is not a role you can run for and why. : if you want we can vote on the name. : why did you become more general with multiple committees? : because we do not want people to think we only have those two. : two standing committees, and others… So that they will always be there. : since you guys you all agree we will change it. Are there other debates on art 1? : so why from Senate to the Assembly. : because we are an Assembly now composed by both Senators and Representatives : so why there is senate all over the place? : we were worrying about the contents. But yes or I guess we should amend each of them. We will change it, is it ok? : can we read it at home and vote on it next time? iii. _ motion to vote on the vice president position? iv. SecondFavor: 12 Against: abstain 3 Motion Approved Secretary, voting on it next time because n3 must change Let’s move on the webmaster first. v. Do we need one/want one? : motion to eliminate of eliminating the position of webmaster Favor: 15 no:Abstain: 1 Motion Passes Social events officer Representative/Senator: they should be the same not with different roles. We had senators because some people that lost elections running for some position but they are still good people for stugov. : I will defend the senator position because in the future you cannot promise people will not be voted based on popularity. : does it have to specify how many representatives and senators? : it is in the act? : shall VS be part of the assembly? If people will not come forward replying to emails and coming to meetings then. We should change the language and make it less binding. WE VOTED ON THE VP AND WEBMASTER. EVERYTHING ELSE Mr. Brightside – The Killers “In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.” -Robert Frost MUST BE REVISED. WE WILL SEND EVERYTHING BY EMAIL, SO PLEASE READ IT AND WRITE DOWN NOTES. 3. Community Service (3 minutes) a. First Clean-Up day? 4. Social Events i. Romecoming : tomorrow SEC meeting. Mic night, simpler with not sign up. This will be on Wednesday. Pageon will be on Monday. The schedule we have for next week it’s a mock. It will be fun, not serious! when you seat down make it sun. : giving 2 free gala tickets. Motion to vote on that: Favor:7 Against: 6 Abstai: 2 motion passes : can we please call it Mr. and Mss JCU mock pageant? YES. 1. Committee + extra help. a. Tomorrow’s meeting, all invited. 2. Free tickets ii. Movie: Gladiator. Or Batman. Not download by stugov. 5. ISLC a. Email by Dean Merva VI) Legislation (minutes) VI) Open Session (Debates) (10 min) - : revising all the constitution and art. Problems with Act 002 and the constitution. The role of the stugov treasurer is kind of not clear. -: can you bring this when we talk with treasurer? -: I want to motion to have revision on this. So that next meeting we have new terminology, I will do it. VII) Closed Session (Voting) 1. Vote on Constitutional Amendments up to Art.4 2. IX) Adjournment Motion to adjourn the meeting. Second. Mr. Brightside – The Killers