September 7, 2012

“I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles; but today it means
getting along with people.”
-Mahatma Gandhi
I) Introduction: (4 minutes)
1. First official meeting, congrats! Senators will join us next week. VS,
one member dropped out, she thought she could not handle it.
2. Roll Call (1 min) ->moving on
II) Board (20 minutes)
1. (5 min)
a. President’s meeting: today we had a meeting, the 3 of us
with the President. We asked for a possible donation for
the gala, although we did not explicitly asked. We discussed about a few
things, for example how important it is this year’s Gala. We will send him
a spread sheet asking for president, alumni, and trustees donations. The
president is having a table for the board. Many trustees are attending!
Also this is an opportunity to talk to them about many other events
stugov is working on. We might have a mini board of trustees meeting
for now we are waiting until school confirms that. It is always a good
idea to attend that, good food, good talks they are very nice. We are all
Alumni are coming we might do an exhibition with pictures of how JCU
used to look like. Our President just received an honor from the
Accademia dei Lincei.
Questions? No.
b. Academic meeting
i. Dean Merva invited us last year and she is inviting us this year. It
is good because we can raise some academics concerns. Some
ideas from last year and new ideas we had during the summer.
Future meetings like this will be attended by the academic
- : pass and fail- Transfer students they get pass and fail not
actual grade. Not fair, I will talk about it.
- : We have few other things: language expansion. Writing center
more professors working there. Especially because there are
always more thesis students that will spend a lot of time in there!
Communication major expansion. More major electives classes
during the summer and more during the year to have less full
classes. If you have any ideas we are open.
1. : psychology major, since we already a minor! It would be
very easy to add just a few classes.
2. : more finance electives,
3. : film major
4. : we need to be very serious about the language
5. : tripling the reserve books..
6. : make sure the library has ALL the books.
2. (5-7 minutes)
a. Kick Off :
Ode to Joy - Beethoven
“I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles; but today it means
getting along with people.”
-Mahatma Gandhi
i. Wednesday September 12, a barbeque and we
need to be prepared to have MANY people. Does
anybody else have a different idea for this event?
1. : we have less students this semester than
last spring!
2. : we have a set budget of 300 euros but we
should be able to spend even less. We need
people to get the food. I will come up with a
list of things we need. Possible settings: lemon tree
courtyard or secchia terrace. Music, food, vegetarian
option. Do you want to debate the topic?
: 300 people maybe 300 euro not enough.
: Last year with 200 euros and we fed 250 people.
: Shall we get American food at the embassy?
: not enough money!
: visiting students would love the kick off if we have
American food!
: we might buy american candies
: we are going to be playing American music, burgers, hot
dogs, chips.. everything you usually have for an American
: maybe you think Americans will like it more, but they
will never know where the meat comes from
: students will not be very concentrated what type of
food they have.
: is everybody cool with the barbecue?
: I only think more people would go
: how about you do the research and if you can email the
board with all the info then we might take into
consideration to buy it!
: how about beverages?
: not ice cream this year!
: what about frozen yogurt?
: if we have the kick off in the tiber cafeteria then we
cannot have our own food!
: what about vegetarian food?
: there will be some vegetables and maybe if we have
time some vegetarian burgers!
: motion to move on
: Second
3. (5-7 min)
a. Explaining September’s agenda:
i. : explaining the Calendar. All the events of the month are there.
Every month I will give you one. Very straight forward, if you
have any question just ask me.
b. Gala
Ode to Joy - Beethoven
“I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles; but today it means
getting along with people.”
-Mahatma Gandhi
i. : everything is nearly ready for the gala. We are
starting the tickets sale next week, everyone will
do it. These are the menu, booklet attire,
invitations.. We will be selling 20 tickets per day so
that everyone will have the chance to buy a ticket.
Non-jcu people will buy their tickets the week after
: This is how you write a receipt. It is very
important everyone will do it in the right way in order not to get
confused. Also, the money will be counted at the end of every
: 2 questions. If a non jcu student wants to come? Every person
has to buy its own ticket?
: Non jcu people will be told to wait for a week. Everyone can buy
a ticket for whoever she /he wants.
: how many non jcu can a person bring?
: What about having a waiting list for non jcu?
: they will have their time to buy it. Also, we are doing this
because we want to give jcu students the possibility to enjoy
such an expensive dinner. Then, the other people.
: do you want to open the debate?
: Anyway, we still do not have tickets . We are taking the money
and writing down name and email address. As soon as I have the
tickets ready I will personally contact the people and give them
their tickets.
: motion to move on
III) General Assembly (3 minutes)
a. (10 min)
i. Romecoming
Going through every night’s program.
Let’s open the debate.
Talent show: do we want alumni to be part of the show or just let
them watch?
: We need two committees, kick off and romecoming. Everyone
will have to be part of one of them at least. Questions? When we
move to the voting procedure, just keep in mind that if you vote
yes, that means you commit yourself into making it possible.
: Motion to vote now?
: second
: no. wait let’s go over them and vote at the end.
5 minutes debate, movie night:
: Because of the gala, let’s watch one of those movies!
: let’s do the movie night every month.
: that was our idea last year, but then after the first movie night
Ode to Joy - Beethoven
“I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles; but today it means
getting along with people.”
-Mahatma Gandhi
we saw that not many people came so we decided
not to do more.
: anyway, you can make an event proposal! Just talk
to Emily and myself and we can help you. Anything
you want to add?
: if we watch movies every month, we can watch
movies for classes so that those people will
definitely come!
: would people like to watch old movies?
Motion to move on.
Mr. Ms. Jcu: 3 minutes.
: what are the categories of questions?
: we can decide that altogether
: how long is it going to be? Who is going to be there? Who will
ever want to do it?
: I agree.. I do not have all this school spirit. And because many
other students feel the same way I think he is right.
: People, just keep in mind we all approved romecoming week,
: we are voting for the events separately. So if one does not pass
someone else will have to suggest something.
: toga usually people drink a lot, however we cannot have so
much alcohol on school people will not have fun since they
always do that back home! What if we do it informally outside
: are people going to leave their houses with a toga?
: many people live close by
: still do it, we can have an aperitivo toga party and then move
: someone else has to organize it then. Not stugov, we could get
: if we vote down something what happens?
: we need to have new ideas. Do not take it personally! This is
how it is, this is how you make a big event.
Closing debate
Motion to vote
Emily: second.
Motion to vote for talent show night
Favor: 10
Against: 1
Abstain: 1
Motion Approved.
Motion to vote for the movie night
Favor: unanimous
Ode to Joy - Beethoven
“I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles; but today it means
getting along with people.”
-Mahatma Gandhi
Against: Abstain: Motion Approved.
Motion to vote for mr. and mss JCU
Favor: 5
Against: 4
Abstain: 4
Motion Approved.
Motion to vote for toga night:
Favor: 3
Abstain: 6
Motion to vote for the soccer game:
For: unanimous
Against: Abstain: Motion Approved.
IV) Committees (15minutes)
: There will be two committees, gala and kick off.
1. Academic Affairs (5 minutes)
i. First forum: Thursday sept 27 because that Friday then it is
a make up Friday and people will be around the campus. It
should be a welcome / welcome back to jcu forum. We will
have the opportunity to say who we are and have some
back up from the students. I would like to invite people
from the housing to talk a little bit.
: I think it’s a great idea.
: explaining what an academic committee is.
2. Electoral Commission (2-3 minutes)
a. When are we having elections?
3. Community Service (2 minutes)
a. Anybody interested in taking the leadership? NEXT WEEK
4. Social Events
a. Lily’s party! NEXT WEEK
6. Constitutional Committee , - you will be receive an email and you can apply.
: motion to push the rest of the agenda to next week
: Second
: meeting adjourned.
Ode to Joy - Beethoven
“I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles; but today it means
getting along with people.”
-Mahatma Gandhi
V) Task Forces (2 minutes)
1. Any ideas?
VI) Legislation (4 minutes)
1. Act 009
VI) Open Session (Debates) (10 min)
VII) Closed Session (Voting)
1. Vote on Act 0009
a. For:
b. Against
c. Abstain:
2. Vote on Constitutional Committee
a. For:
b. Against:
c. Abstain:
IX) Adjournment
Ode to Joy - Beethoven