Budget Amendment

Act 002
Short Title: 2012 Budget Act
Primary Sponsors: President Alessandro Lanuto
Secondary Sponsor:
Version: Initial
Senate Session:
First Reading: March 28, 2012
Legislative Act No. 002
WHEREAS, Student Government seeks to be open and transparent in its finances, both as a means
of abiding by ethical business practices, as well as to set an example for other university entities;
now therefore be it,
RESOLVED, That all matters involving money and finances must be approved by the Senate,
regardless of amount; and be it further,
RESOLVED, That exceptions may be exercised in extraordinary circumstances, in accordance
with Student Government constitutional procedures and by-laws, and exceptions may only be
exercised provided that a detailed report justifying the amount is submitted to the Senate no
latter than the next full Senate Session, in which the report must also feature a justification for
the exercise of the exception; and be it further,
RESOLVED, That exceptions must be approved by the Treasurer and President, who are held
directly accountable and responsible to the Senate, where failure to comply with any of the above
provisions will result in penalties as outlined by the constitution and Student Government bylaws; and be it further,
RESOLVED, That Budget Reports are to be submitted by the Treasurer at least twice per semester
to the President, the Executive Board, and the Senate, and are to be published on the Student
Government website, and are subject to public scrutiny; and be it further,
RESOLVED, That this Act shall be effective immediately upon Student Government approval.
Submitted 27/03/12;
Alessandro Lanuto