In-class Exercise for Week 10: Pivot Tables

In-class Exercise for Week 10: Pivot Tables
Outcome: Understand dimensional data and how to work with it using Excel Pivot Tables.
Learning Outcomes:
Gain hands-on experience with Pivot Tables in Microsoft Excel.
Practice data analysis techniques such as aggregation and slicing.
Practice analyzing data to generate business insights.
Step 1: Preparation
1. Login to the lab computer or use your own laptop.
2. Download the EmergencyRoomVisits.xlsx file from the Community site.
Step 2: Individual (40 minutes)
Use Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts to answer the following questions.
1. How many total emergency room visits were there?
2. How many total emergency room visits were there in 2009?
3. How many total emergency room visits were there in 2010?
4. How many males visited the emergency room in 2009?
5. How many males visited the emergency room in Nov., 2009?
6. Do more males or females visit the emergency room?
7. What is the most common reason for visiting the ER?
8. What is the most popular time of day to arrive at the ER?
9. What is the most common reason for teenagers to visit the ER?
10. What is the most common arrival mode for emergency room
11. How would you describe the relationship between arrival mode
and urgency (how do people tend to arrive when urgency is
(HINT: Use count as % of parent row total as the computed
12. Are some reasons for visiting the ER more urgent than others?
If so, what reasons are the most urgent?
(HINT: Use count as % of parent row total as the computed
13. What is the most expensive reason to visit the ER?
14. What is the average duration of an ER visit?
(HINT: StayDuration is in days)
15. What reason to visit has the longest average duration?
16. What reason to visit has the longest average duration for men?
17. What reason to visit is most likely to result in admission to the
(Hint: Put HospAdmit as a column label. And use count as % of
parent column total as the computed value.)
18. Write your own question and provide the answer
Step 3: Class Debrief (10 minutes)
Review the answers for each question.