Download ISP Participant Agreement

The Outdoor Adventure Leadership (OAL) Immersion Semester Program (ISP) is a program of the
Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies (RLS). Please consider the following and contact the
Program Coordinator or Course Instructor with questions and comments.
Administration and Logistics
Ithaca College policies, procedures, and student handbook expectations of conduct will be
Mutually exclusive relationships, including sexual activity, use of non-prescription drugs, and
alcohol usage are PROHIBITED. Failure to comply with these policies may result in removal from
the course and forfeiture of course and tuition fees. 
Tuition, fees, and refunds are to be handled according to the Ithaca College’s policies and
procedures. Students accepted into the OAL ISP will make payments to Ithaca College during the
end of fall semester in the form of a course fee attached to one of the courses registered for in the
Immersion Semester Program. Tuition is not included in the ISP fee and is to be paid to the
college upon receipt of the bill. Please contact the Program Coordinator IMMEDIATELY if you are
injured or otherwise unable to attend or continue participation in the ISP. Attempts for alternate
accommodation will be made, however, your course fee may be lost if an acceptable resolution
cannot be met.
You must be enrolled as a full‐time student (18 undergraduate hours) to be an expedition
member. 
All participants must have personal medical insurance that is adequate to cover expenses in case
of illness, injury, or hospitalization. Search and rescue insurance is provided for each participant
as part of the course fee for the OAL ISP (Visit:  for more
info.) 
ISP participation requires a judicial review. An Authorization for Release of Judicial Information
Request must be completed at: prior to participation on
ISP. Participation on ISP may be contingent upon review results.
A wilderness course in a group setting has innate risks. The nature of a wilderness course is
unpredictable and not all factors are controllable. Individuals may experience, but not limited to,
exposure to unexpected travel problems, extreme weather, high altitude, steep cliffs, allergens,
deep water, wildlife, loss of food and potable water, interpersonal and intrapersonal stresses,
damaged or lost personal possessions, minor to major injuries, and loss of limb or life. Please talk
to the ISP coordinator for concerns you may have prior to commitment. 
The ISP includes physical requirements. A medical examination by a physician that certifies you
as medically fit to participate in the expedition is required.
The OAL ISP is conducted in the wild outdoors away from doctors and ambulances. No
prescription or nonprescription medication is allowed without notifying course instructors.
Tobacco products, alcohol, and illegal drugs are not to be used at any time while on the course,
period. See the Ithaca College student conduct policy statement at
Participant Agreement
The following information and expectations form the basis of an agreement in your participation with the
Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies’ (RLS) Outdoor Adventure Leadership (OAL) Immersion
Semester Program (ISP). 
ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE: The ISP is an academic experience with college level instruction and
assessment. The ISP is not designed to be high‐risk adventure for the sake of adventure, nor is the ISP
designed to be therapeutic in nature. The ISP is designed to be a highly experiential program to prepare
future outdoor leaders in interpersonal, intrapersonal, technical, risk management and educational skills.
INTERPERSONAL/ INTRAPERSONAL: ISP participants are expected to critically analyze strengths and
weaknesses, give and receive feedback and participate in all course lessons and activities to the best of
one’s ability. ISP participants need to be self‐motivated, adaptable, focused, and self-disciplined. Please be
prepared for it.
TECHNICAL: Technical instruction will start at a basic level and progress to create a common base of
knowledge and understanding as well as avoid any potential errors in assuming prior knowledge. The ISP
is not guide training.
RISK MANAGEMENT: The setting often times can be intense, uncomfortable, and unexpected. ISP
participants are expected to take active roles in managing personal and group risks. Failure to participate
in risk management may result in removal from course.
EDUCATION: ISP participants will be expected to prepare and participate fully in lessons, discussions,
reading, and assignments prior to, during, and after the field portions of ISP. Failure to be an active
member of the learning community may result in removal from course.
EXPEDITION BEHAVIOR: ISP participants will live within a community of 12 to 20 other students and
instructors for up to 90 days. Part of the ISP learning and living community is the absence of: prejudice of
any kind on its programs (including but not limited to discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion,
creed, sexual orientation, national origin, age, or disability), drugs and alcohol, mutually exclusive
relationships, sexual conduct with participants or staff and physical or emotional abuse. Failure to adhere
to ISP living and learning community expectations may result in removal from course.
I have
read, understand, accept and agree to abide by the rules, policies and guidelines set forth in the
IC student handbook and OAL ISP statement. I understand that the relationship between IC/OAL ISP and I
will be governed by the substantive laws of the State of New York.
I give IC/OAL ISP permission to share my contact information with other OAL ISP students or graduates
and/or with strategic partners in which OAL ISP graduates may be interested. I also give IC/OAL ISP
permission to use my name, contact information and picture in promotional materials and press releases.
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