To, Mart Doyle From, Abhay Kshirsagar Subject: Ruby on Rails Exam 2 Our company will substantially increase the efficiency of our web developers by 50% and increase the revenue by $22,875,000 by utilizing Ruby on Rails platform. Currently, our web developer teams are overwhelmed with incoming projects. Switching to Ruby on Rails web development platform will be an intelligent investment as it will allow web development twice as fast as our current process. Ruby on Rails is an open source web application frame work, a faster and a time saving technology. The process of coding and developing web applications on this platform is much faster than the other framework because of its object-oriented nature and vast collections of open source code available. The framework also makes it convenient as it has less coding and move between projects is easier. For instance, currently, our teams are experiencing a lot of traffic of incoming projects. Ruby on Rails will allow our web developers to complete the projects faster, and reuse the old project structures, which will increase the productivity significantly. By investing in Ruby on Rails our company will gain the net benefit of $22,875,000 over the period of three years. Five web development teams will utilize Ruby on Rails for the start. Our company will incur the total cost of $3,000,000 over the period of three years, which includes the cost of training 5 lead web developers (Refer Table #2). Implementing Ruby on Rails will increase our productivity by 50%; 30 projects will be completed per year instead of 15 projects. Our benefit over the period of three years will be $25,875,000 (Refer Table #1). It is a viable opportunity for our company to increase the productivity and revenue significantly. Table #1 Total Revenue Projects per year Before Ruby on Rails 15 After Ruby on Rails 30 No. of No. of Total Revenue Basic Lead Developers Developers With Revenue revenue generated generated by for each project 45 * $10,000 5* $25000 45 * $10,000 5*25000 Total Revenue in 3 years $8625000 $25,875,000 $17,250,000 $51,750,000 Benefit = $51,75,0000 - $25,875,000 = $25,875,000 Table #2 Costs Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total Cost in 3 years Lead Web Developer Training Cost Licensing Cost Total $200,000 * 5 $200,000 * 5 $200,000 * 5 $0 $0 $0 $1000000 $1000000 $1000000 Net Benefit = $25,875,000 - $300000 = $22,875,000 $3,000,000 References Morini, Tom. "Here's Why Ruby On Rails Is Hot." Web. <>. "Learning Rails." Building Web Apps. Web. <>. "Ruby on Rails." Web. <>.