CLUC Minutes 11/28/11 Attendees: Rich Davis, Grant Hensel, Robyn Herring, Gabrielle Hamilton, Mark Lacina, Mark Kormondy, Paul Smith, Guest: Scott Morgan, Scott Stavely, Sonya Bobotek, Asa Israel, Grace Winner, Alix Josey Recorder: Bianca Janssen-Timmen Meeting started at 3:05pm Introductions and approval of last meeting minutes Nobody had anything to add and the minutes were approved 1.) RAD Cob oven (Scott Stavely) A cob oven and fire pit/barbecue pit were built behind F building. The staff in RAD didn’t realize they needed to bring the project forward to the CLUC because it was so small. They are asking for a retroactive review and approval now. Following items were discussed: Control of what is burned. Only provided fuels can be used. The fuels will be limited and supplied by a Director of Residential Facilities (RAD). Water is available through a water hose attached to housing. Signs with rules are put up. In the future RAD is thinking about providing a barbecue grill fueled by propane for student use. Burn ban and how it would be enforced. It was decided that the fire pit/barbecue pit would not be used during official Thurston County burn bans, basically from mid July to mid October. The cob oven is a closed construction and can be utilized during that time. It is away from potential risky areas, such as pathways. The oven and fire pit are controlled by a Resident Director. RAD will maintain this oven. The committee recommends retroactive approval of this project with the caveats above. Action Item: Mark will email Paul a map and some measurements of the oven and the fire pit. 2.) Gateway remodeling/hardening project (Asa Israel Light Step: Designing for a Sustainable World) Propose to remove the chain at the path from parking lot C to SEM II building and replace it with one removable bollard and make it more accessible for pedestrians and bicycles but also accessible for emergency vehicles. Not really intended as official path but it was a left over from SEM building construction and therefore, there is no lighting. The group would like to move on with at least the middle bollard and keep a chain between the bollards until lighting can be installed; probably by the end of the school year. Another option might be LED lighting with battery back up or solar lights. It was mentioned that it might be pretty difficult to dig a hole for the bollard because of large rocks underneath the current surface layer. There is also a natural drainage area, where the gravel area meets the concrete area. Addressing the drainage would be a good idea as well, if this path is to become an official pathway. The group greed to work with Mark Kormondy on ways to make the end of the “pathway” more stable and less waterlogged. The CLUC recommends approval of this project to place a bollard in the old road and to begin turning the old construction road into a pathway from the C parking lot to the Seminar II facility. The group also discussed another possible project, which would improve the second newer trail to the Organic Farm. The issue here is that the trail is very uneven and muddy and the group proposed to level out some areas and make it more accessible for pedestrians. This path is as a result of the construction for the new water line to the Organic Farm. After putting the water line in the path was covered with wood chips except of a small area which was covered with crushed gravel and left the way it was. Last summer Anthony and Karen indicated that they wanted to try some trail hardening techniques. The students decided that it was premature to ask for CLUC approval of work on this trail until they had more information about the type of work and the location of the work on the trail. <Sonja Bobotek left at 3:43pm> 3.) German Shepard Urban Search and Rescue (Paul) This group was here last year and we received very positive feedback, so we are welcoming them back for training. They have ten individuals and eight dogs. 4.) RAD Storage Containers relocation (Mark Lacina) Currently there are two storage containers (30 ft. long) with surplus furniture in the Driftwood house area. Because this house and the area became somewhat an unofficial disposal area it was decided to remove everything from this area to discourage this. Another reason for moving the containers is practicality, as staff would have easier access because the containers would be closer to the housing area in case the furniture would be needed, and finally by October next year the Driftwood house site needs to be completely cleared. The new location would be an old trail/road next to the F parking lot. On this site No trees would have to be cut down because there is sufficient space already available for the containers at this location. This site will be the permanent home for these trailers until other storage is made available. The ground is stable. The CLUC recommends approval of the relocation of the trailers with the understanding that the move will be coordinated with Mark Kormondy and that no live trees will be cut to make room for the trailers. Action Item: Mark will provide a map of the new location to Paul. <Mark and Scott leave at 3:55pm> 5.) Alix from the Organic Farm Project Alix came in to see what the CLUC meetings are about because she and her project group are planning a proposal. She also had a question in regards to water drainage. Mark, Rich and Robyn would be the people to consult, once the group has more concrete plans. 6.) Grace asked Paul if he was invited to attend the end of the quarter presentations of her class. He said he would attend if his schedule would allow it. 7.) January meeting. The third Monday in January is Martin Luther King Jr. day so Paul suggested the fourth Monday, which would be January 23rd, 2012. No meeting in December. If there are any questions or concerns in December we would email them out and ask for an e-mail response. The meeting ended at 4:08pm