

DIIS New Hire Application

Please turn in this application via e-mail to


by 5:00pm on Thursday, March 24, 2016.

DIIS Student Employment: www.ithaca.edu/its/general/studentemploy (view available positions, important dates & hiring process details)

You must attend ONE Information Session to apply.

Please indicate the session that you have attended to the right.

Check “other” and specify the date if you have gone during a previous semester.

3/8/16 from 12:10-1:00pm (Friends 210)

3/9/16 from 6:00-7:00pm (Friends 210)

Other: 3/22/16 from 12:10-1:00 pm (Friends 210)

Have you applied for employment with DIIS before? YES: NO: When: 3/23/16 from 7:00-8:00pm (Friends 210)

Please rank at least 3 positions that you are interested in. Rank them by order of preference, 1-3. Refer to our website for a list of current openings for Fall 2016. ( www.ithaca.edu/its/general/studentemploy )

Business Services Assistant Chief Info Officer Student Asst. Enterprise Content Mgmt. Asst.

Endpoint Systems Technician

Lab Consultant

fixIT Technician

Learning Spaces Tech Specialist

Information Security Assistant

Media Specialist

Service Desk Consultant

First Name:

IC E-mail:

TLC Training Specialist

Preferred Name:

Ithaca College ID:

Last Name:

Worked on campus before? YES: NO:


Local Address:


Local Phone: Cell Phone:

Abroad this Semester (Spring 2016)?: Skype/Lync Name (If Abroad):

Class Status for Fall 2016 : FR: SO: JR: SR: Graduate Student: Month/Year of Graduation:

Can you attend training beginning August 17, 2016?

YES: NO: (If NO, please apply another time – Training is Required)

Are you a Resident Assistant? YES: NO:

Are you applying to be a Resident Assistant? YES: NO:

How many credits are you taking next semester?

What clubs or organizations will you be involved in for the Fall

( Please review hours of operation for positions of interest)

When do you prefer to work? Days: Nights: Weekends:

It Doesn’t Matter:

Do you expect to have other jobs on campus? YES: NO:

How many hours would you like to work with DIIS?

2016 semester?

Do you have a website or online portfolio that you could share with us?:

How did you hear about DIIS? Posters Intercom E-mail Facebook Twitter


Why do you want to work with DIIS?

What excites you most about the position(s) you desire?

What skills do you offer (computer related or interpersonal)?

Please include at least one professional reference; Ithaca College faculty or staff members are preferred.

Name Phone E-mail Relationship

DIIS values professional development. We encourage, but do not require, applicants to submit a resume and a cover letter highlighting work, volunteer experience, and skills.


Please elaborate on your knowledge/experience with the following:

What operating system(s) are you familiar with? What is your preferred platform?

What mobile device(s) are you familiar with?

What internet browser(s) are you familiar with?

How do you access e-mail and are you familiar with any e-mail applications?

What is your familiarity with calendar applications? How do you keep a calendar (if you use one online/an application)?

What is your familiarity with Sakai?

What is your familiarity with Microsoft Office Suite/Microsoft Office Applications?

What is your familiarity with databases?

What is your familiarity with iWork/iWork Applications?

What is your familiarity with Adobe Suite/Adobe Applications (creative cloud or desktop applications)?

Do you have experience with photo/video cameras?

Are you familiar with any multimedia applications (such as Audacity, Final Cut Pro, Garageband, iMove, iTunes, Photo & Slide Scanning, or Video Capture Tools)?

Please describe your experience with hardware installation or hardware knowledge (for either Windows or Macintosh machines).

Please describe your familiarity with software installation. Be as specific as possible.

Please describe any knowledge or experience with audio/visual hardware or applications (such as Skype, A/V Control Systems,

Teleconferencing, VLC Media Player, Classroom clickers, projectors). Be as specific as possible.

Please describe your knowledge of programming. Be as specific as possible.

What is your familiarity with web publishing? Be as specific as possible. Do you have any experience with or knowledge about Web

Profile Manager and/or Taskstream?

What is your familiarity with online security (such as anti-virus software, endpoint protection, or file/folder encryption)? Be as specific as possible.

