1963 to 1987 The First 25 Years

The Matata Urban Fire District under the control of the Whakatane
County Council and
directed by the members of the appointed Matata Urban Fire District
Committee, two appointed by the Whakatane County Council, councillor
G.P.M. Whitham - chairman and C.R. Paltridge; representing the
Underwriters Association C.E. Hale and the Fire Brigade’s representative
C.F.O. T.W. Dobson met for the first time and submitted the first
estimates sent to the Fire Service Council for the year ending 31-03-64.
Fire appliance
£150 ($300)
£300 ($600)
Hose and equipment
£526 (1,062)
First of many working bees on Fire Station.
The first of many second-hand Fire Appliance, a 1938 Fago
and equipment, purchased from Rotorua, costing £160 ($320) it was
housed in the Ministry of Works depot next door to the Fire Station site.
Fire Station roof fitted and a second hand siren and motor
purchased from Tokoroa costing £15 ($30). Fire appliance in new home.
Brigade praised in local press (Beacon) for prompt action
in quelling a fire in Mrs Flanery’s residence, Nesbitt Street, which caused
very minor damage.
The Brigades “call out” system left a lot to be desired, as Matata and
surrounding area was served by a manual telephone exchange, housed in
The Post Office building, which also accommodated the Postmaster and
The exchange was only operational between the hours of 6 a.m. and 8 p.m.
The operators were supplied with a list of brigade members with their
home and work numbers and when receiving a call for help requiring the
Fire Service, the operator would call those members, replaying the
information to them. The Postmaster was very obliging, he was able to (if
at home) receive a distress call, after operating hours had closed and pass
on the message. Fortunately his services were required only once (a
The brigade was not at all happy with this situation and began negotiations
with the Post and Telegraph to install a fire alarm switch at the exchange
so that the operator could activate the siren. Also they started the ball
rolling to gain a full 24-hour service.
The first Brigade Ladies Committee was formed in place of
the original Fire Committee and their fund raising effort netted £132
Mrs Iris Paltridge
Mrs Alice Dobson
Mrs C.
Mrs Nada Lees
Mrs Bunny Paterson
Mrs Betty
Mrs Mate Raureti
Mrs Laurel Foote
Mrs Vera
Mrs Thelma Longstaff
Gwen Jarman
Mrs Margaret Marr
Mrs Pixie Sykes
Miss Pink Burt
Brigades first AGM was held in the new Fire Station and
members sat on scaffolding planks supported on beer crates, with a full
complement of 15 members present.
C.F.O. T.W. Dobson
D.C.F.O. C. Paltridge
3rd Officer L.
Sub Officer W.J. Paterson
Sec. Fireman N. Jarman
Fireman W.
Fireman A.J. Longstaff
Fireman J. Blackwell
Fireman J. Langdon
Fireman R. Hill
Messenger J. Foote
Fireman T. Davis
Fireman P. Nadan
Fireman D.
Fireman R. H. Marr
The brigade was allowed 14 members but could enrol a person between
the ages of 14 - 16 years as a messenger (J. Foote). Social account opened
with a donation of £15-7-7 ($30.77).
Parade nights changed from Tuesday to Monday as more than half of the
brigade members were involved with rugby, who also trained on a
Tuesday night.
By now brigade members felt they were part of the Volunteer Fire
Service, having a station building (although not complete) and appliance
that was adequate and enough equipment to get by which was being
increased at a steady rate. The fire fighting kit consisted of helmet,
overalls and gumboots. New dress uniforms (cap, tunic, trousers and tie)
were being purchased for the longest serving members first, as soon as
finance was available, costing £14-15-6 ($29.56).
The operator could now activate the fire siren at the
A new Coventry Climax featherweight motor pump
(F.W.M.P) costing £450 ($900) was fitted onto a trailer purchased from
the Kawerau wreckers for £10 ($20). This trailer had its own hand
braking system, telescopic type support legs and was fitted out by the
members with a battery, generator, electric starter (for motor pump),
lighting, including a spotlight. All the equipment required becoming a
self-contained unit that could operate from either open water or a
reticulated water supply. And was proved to be a most valued part of the
equipment in the future and often referred to as “The Ladies Pump” as
they raised the finance required.
The government’s restructuring of the Local Bodies Act brought about
reformation with in the brigade’s local authority and a change of
Councillors and staff. Which in turn led to a more amicable relationship
between the council staff and not only the brigade but also the County
Town Committee (which replaced the RatePayers Association) that was to
continue for many years.
The County Town Committee now knew the amount of finance they could
utilise and were informed of the Government Subsidiaries that were
available and could also decide on which of the many projects it was to be
spent on.
This looked likely to be a difficult time for C.F.O. Tom Dobson, as he was
also the chairman of the County Town Committee and his main concern
was the water supply. Not only because of the Fire Service but also as a
plumber in country areas water supply was a major part of his livelihood.
The order of priority was quickly sorted out; the water supply became No.
1 and for the first time the council and staff agreed.
Work began on installing new water mains with fire hydrants, but that
wasn’t going to solve the problem of quality and quantity, as the source
The Waitepuri streams volume was not great enough to meet the demand.
So the search began for a new source of supply and many years were to
pass before it was found and tapped (to long a story to write here).
To relate 3rd Officer Dick Marr’s explanation on how slow the water flow
was “you can connect a line of 3 lengths of hose to standpipe with the
branch attached, order water on, place the branch on the ground, roll and
light a smoke before the water arrives”. And Dick was always quite happy
to demonstrate the fact.
February 1966 for the first time members of the brigade attended the
Annual Conference of the United Fire Brigades Association (U.F.B.A.)
held in Whangarei.
In 2 years the Ladies Committee had raised £742 ($1,484).
Sub Officer Noel Jarman suggested the streets of Matata
should be sign posted, strange as it may seem now, this was the situation
then. The siren would sound, one would dash to the station, grab the
phone to be told, “Kelly Brown’s stove is on fire” you would inquire,
“where’s that” the reply “I think it’s next door to Bill Smiths”. Although
the streets were named when surveyed, very few people knew the name of
the street they had lived in for years.
This task was completed within a few months by The Council, plus a few
years later giving every section a number, but the brigade found
themselves with a new roll to play, educating the public to use their
number and street name.
Ex. D.C.F.O. Cyril Paltridge presented the brigade’s first
honours at a social held at the fire station to D.C.F.O. Bill Paterson, Sub
Officer Noel Jarman and Jimmy Foote with their 3-year certificates and
C.F.O. Tom Dobson with two 2-year bars for 13 years service.
The telephone exchange now operating a full 24-hour
A social at the local hotel with invitations for the first time
to neighbouring brigades, Rangitaiki Dairy, Fletchers, Te Puke and The
Whakatane Board Mills.
Brigade looking for new recruits as there are only 9 serving
personnel left after 3 members left the district this year.
May to September 1967 working bees continue, to line, plaster and paint
interior of station.
First suspected arson, Eddie Stoneham’s garage and store
shed 30% damage.
per year.
After the first 5 years the brigade averaging 4.5 fires call
Exterior of the station plastering completed.
Presentation of honours at the brigade’s first cabaret held at
the Awakaponga Hall. The U.F.B.A. President C.F.O. A.H. Downey
presented them to: Fireman Stanley Marks and Sub/Officer Allan Dobson
3 year certificates, D.C.F.O. Bill Paterson and 3rd Officer Dick Marr 5 year
medals, C.F.O. Tom Dobson 2 year bar for 15 years.
Jan 1970
Hose tower erected cost $349.67 constructed by Fireman
Bob Gardiner and The Chief, still in use today.
The Brigades membership has increased to 12. Extracted from The Chiefs
Annual “the efforts of the brigade in promoting the hazards of fire within
our fire district must be regarded as worthwhile. And residents
congratulated as this last year was the driest we have experienced making
the danger of fire very high and only 5 calls were received, while in all
other surrounding areas there was a considerable increase, especially grass
and scrub fires”.
During this same month while at an evening training, the brigade
experienced a near tragic incident, before the planned exercise of relaying
water from the lagoon using both pumps had begun. The trailer with its
pump was connected to the towbar of the appliance and with a crew of
four plus two firemen (David Semmens and Brian Dobson) standing on
the rear step of the appliance it moved off. Unfortunately David fell off,
flying outward feet first and the trailer wheel bounced over his helmet
with his head still in it. Before anyone could get to him, he was on his
feet. “Bloody Hell!, Dave you alright?” yelled The Chief, David replied
“sorry Chief I buggered that up”. He was unharmed, not even a scratch,
only to his helmet it was grazed on one side.
There was no way David would part with that helmet or have it repainted;
it is now hanging on the wall in the Social Room.
7th AGM Brigade members all present
C.F.O Tom Dobson
Dick Marr
D.C.F.O Bill Paterson
Sub Officer Allan Dobson
Fireman Stanley
Fireman Bob Gardiner
3rd Officer
Fireman Gordon Parkes
Fireman Chas Semmens
Fireman Alwyn Renata
Fireman Clem
Fireman Dave Semmens
Secretary Fireman Brian Dobson
Cabaret again held in the Awakaponga Hall, by now it had
become an established yearly event, keenly looked forward to by everyone
who was able to attend. The supper supplied by the brigades Ladies
Committee had become and remained the main feature of these very
successful evenings.
The Brigade is investigating ways to improve
communications by installing a radio, to link with neighbouring brigades,
as well as internally from the scene of the fire or
incident to base.
Finally a ray of hope for a new water supply, a spring has been located 6½
km. From town, west of Awakaponga and a Council Engineer is
calibrating the volume of flow over a period of 12 months, plan and
estimate the cost of utilizing the water from this source.
A change of appliance, a 1939 V8 with reconditioned
motor, purchased from Kinleth Mill. D. Harley of North Shore bought the
old Fargo for $150. The V8 powered a Colonial 3 stage centrifugal pump,
rated to deliver up to 400 gals. of water per minute, brigade members
thought they had been done, for when trying it out only about half of the
expected rate of flow could be achieved, the pump was opened up to find
that one of the vaned impellers had been fitted upside down and when
rectified it performed as rated.
During the same month heavy rain caused a large slip to completely bury
the dam used for the towns water supply. And while the slip was being
cleared and necessary repairs made the brigade’s featherweight pump was
put to use pumping water from the Waimea stream into the water mains
for five days. Very good for public relations and a great add for the
“Ladies Pump”. Even made T.V. news.
The painting of the exterior of the Fire Station completed
the Building project.
A fire in the Public School classroom 10.35 p.m., only
minor damage - suspected arson.
A decade of service, not quite averaging 5 fire calls per
year. The brigade were and still are greatly assisted by our Ladies
Committee, they have over the last nine years raised $3,740 for equipment
and the station building. This was a great year for not only the Fire
Service but also all the residents of Matata as the new water supply had
past all the tests; excellent quality and adequate quantity was piped into
the town from Awakaponga and turned on.
There were many hilarious moments on training nights, as the increased
volume and pressure was to take its toll, especially the slow and casual
ones, there were often many drowned firemen by the end of the evening
exercises. It had only taken months to install and the ten years of waiting
and hoping was finally over. What a great relief for the Fire Service
personnel to know that water at a fire within the town would no longer be
a problem.
Purchased the first 2 B.A sets. Extracts from C.F.O.
annual report. Five fire calls in the last 12 months only one involving
Since the brigades formation 54 actual fires, an average 4.5 per year and
when one delves into the figures there have been 12 fires in buildings
within our township which contains approximately 110 residential, 20
commercial, including schools, halls and churches, estimated monetary
loss, less than three thousand dollars.
February - March 1975
U.F.B.A. Conference and Competitions in Christchurch, attended by
Fireman Gordon Parkes, Sub Officer Brian Dobson and C.F.O. Tom
Dobson. First mention of the Regionalisation and Nationalisation of the
N.Z. Fire Service in an address by the Minister of Internal Affairs, the
Hon. Henry May.
social room.
Investigating ways and means to enlarge the fire station in the form of a
C.F.O Fred Villis donated a cup for attendance.
A most historical day in the annuals of the N.Z. Fire
Service, for on this day the 277 Fire Boards and Fire Committees
controlling the Fire Districts within our country ceased to exist. These
districts have now been placed into 22 Fire Areas, which in turn make up
the 6 regions known now as the N.Z. Fire Service by the permanent three
man Fire Commission, who have the same powers as were exercised by
the Fire Authorities.
Plans to increase the size of the fire station were submitted
to the Fire Commission for approval, but unfortunately owing to the
economic situation within our country all building programs have been
shelved for the next 12 months.
If this years estimates of $6,500 are approved, the standard of our
equipment will be greatly improved for in the past our purchasing power
has been limited owing to the small amount of finance available. The
estimate included a request for a $600 grant for our Social Club.
News of our social grant being cut prompted the Chief to
write to the Regional Commander W. (Bill) Clarkson. Extracts from this
letter: Our request of $600 for the Social Club grant has been cut back to
$200. And after hearing the sum approved for other brigades within this
area, I not only felt disappointed, but properly baffled and after very little
thought I feel fully justified in appealing to you to reconsider this decision.
What have we done, why should our brigade receive so little, others much
more. Is there not a system for those who decide what each brigade
should receive? Admittedly our social grant will be doubled, but a mere
$200 to a brigade that is probably one of the few within the region that has
been handed over to the New Zealand Fire Commission free of debt.
As we have no social room it has been necessary when holding our only
function of the year, to hire a small hall 4 miles out of the town and pay
for a temporary phone installation. I cannot agree that it is good policy to
beg and scrounge money from people who support and assist our brigade,
then charge them to be our guests. It is not possible for us to return the
hospitality extended to our members by other brigades, act as hosts to our
supporting citizens, buy milk, tea, sugar and biscuits for parade nights
with $200 per year.
When one compares the amount of money received for Social Club grants
for brigades in this area on the basis of membership, total received and the
amount per member, I am certain that you sir would consider I am not
fulfilling my duties if I did not complain.
Social Grant No. of members
Amount per member
Matata $200.00
Notification received from the New Zealand Fire
Commission stating that all 3rd Officers in Volunteer Brigades will be
appointed by The Commission - not elected each year by the brigade
Cabaret held at the Awakaponga Hall. The Fred Villis
Trophy presented for the first time for the best attendance over the
previous 12 months. Won by Sub/Officer Brian Dobson.
January 1977 Our brigade was most grateful for the donation received
from Opotiki and Whakatane, both brigades gave $100 to supplement our
social account. Incidentally they were always invited to our yearly socials
in the future.
Informed by the Fire Commission that our Social Grant
would be increased to $600 per year.
It must be mentioned that The Regional Commander W. (Bill) Clarkson
based in Hamilton, was the first Commander appointed to our region when
the restructuring of the New Zealand Fire Service came into being in 1976.
Each region is allocated a fixed amount of revenue to finance all the
brigades’ requirements within the areas of that region; therefore it was the
Commanders responsibility to keep within that budget. Our brigade was
the first in this area to feel the axe when our requested social fund was
Bill Clarkson wasn’t the most popular name to be mentioned by any of our
members, until after he visited Matata. Firstly he phoned our Area
Commander Barry Shields, stationed at Kawerau wanting to know “who
the hell is this Tom Dobson?” and he (Barry Shields) was to arrange a
meeting with Tom Dobson at his station in Matata. Both Barry and Tom
agreed, at least there has been some reaction - “but what?”
A few days later, while waiting at the station for this meeting, Tom was
very apprehensive; surely there cannot be another Whakatane County
Clerk type within the Fire Service holding the purse strings. That wasn’t
to be, for the Commander had sussed out our brigade by visiting the other
five brigades in our area prior to arriving in Matata. He had been
informed of our history and was full of praise for what we had achieved.
While admitting he had boobed when swinging the axe, promising our
social fund would be increased to $600 for the next financial year. Bill (he
insisted that was what he wished to be called) also agreed that our station
should be enlarged, as social activities were an important part of the fire
service structure, especially among Volunteer Brigades. But it would be a
year or two before the Fire Commission could finance the project. It was a
much happier Tom Dobson that wished Bill a safe journey home, it all
sounded pretty good, we will just have to wait and see.
As the next few years passed by it became more and more apparent that
Bill Clarkson could have a soft spot for the Matata Brigade. As he was
always willing to assist us with equipment and fire station improvements
and other brigades started asking, “How the hell can your brigade get this
and that?’ especially after the additions to the station and up grading of the
back yard were commenced. Even we began to wonder, why?
Later, while attending a C.F.O.’s meeting in Tokoroa and mingling with
others present, the answer was solved. Commander Bill Clarkson was
using Matata Brigade as a sort of “Roll Model” by stating what they have
done for themselves. And if your brigade is prepared to do the same (with
volunteer labour and donations) we the Fire Commission may be able to
supply the finance to meet some of the cost, if not all, for the materials etc.
This will allow me to keep within the region’s budget and your brigade
will have what it needs.
This didn’t please a lot of brigades, but we were happy, as we had never
known any other way. And now to have for the first time a governing body
really interested in our small part of the Fire Service and to be free of the
continual scrounging for finance was a wonderful feeling. We didn’t mind
being used as a “Role Model” for under our old Local Body Control we
were regarded by many as “Bloody Fools”, now with a hell of a lot more
A very shrewd man our Commander, but not a bad bloke - Thank you Bill.
At last we have radio communication with Fire Control in
Kawerau, with a set fitted in our appliance but there would always be
problems owing to the many blank spots in our district.
This was a sad day for our brigade and community, our
D.C.F.O. W.J. (Bill) Paterson passed away. Bill was a foundation
member. Served our Fire Service extremely well for over 14 years, a most
popular and well-respected citizen. He was a great loss to our members,
especially as the C.F.O.'s right hand man and companion.
The Fire Commission approved our plans of the additions
to our station. Submitted on the 04.04.76. They showed a new appliance
bay, watch room, office and store room, also alterations to the existing bay
and store room, changing them to a social room and the meeting room to a
kitchen and ladies toilet. That was good news but there would be no
finance available for two years.
Appointment of Officers by the Fire Commission:
3rd Officer Clem Elliott to D.C.F.O.
Sub Officer Brian Dobson to 3rd Officer
Fireman Gordon Parkes elected to Sub/Officer by Brigade Members.
It wasn’t a happy start for Gordon in the Officers ranks, for on 14.11.77 a
fire call to Manawahe, appliance and crew dispatched, Gordon followed in
his car towing the trailer with the pump. One kilometre out the trailer lost
a wheel. ‘Luckily it wasn’t required’.
At a cabaret held in the new Matata Rugby Football Club
C.F.O. Tom Dobson was presented with his Gold Star by a past President
of the U.F.B.A. Emrys (Em) Evans of Hamilton. C.F.O. George Chan of
Raetihi representing the Auckland Gold Star Association presented the
Gold Star Pin.
The Matata Volunteer Fire Brigade’s Life Honorary Members
Medal presented by D.C.F.O. Clem Elliott.
A special evening function was held to present Mrs Bunny
Paterson with her late husband’s Life Honorary Members Medal.
We received 8 fire calls for the year ending 31.12.78 and
since there has been 10.
The Queens Long Service and Good Conduct Medal were
presented to C.F.O. Tom Dobson, Mrs Bunny Paterson received her late
husband’s in Kawerau.
The brigade was informed that the N.Z. Fire Service
Commission had granted a sum of $30,000.00 towards the new additions
and alterations to our station building, which was estimated to cost at least
$43,000.00. The oldest serving members were delighted, for the first time
we were to receive financial support from our governing body for a
building project and to top it off didn’t have to pay the Local Council a
building permit, as the construction was to be done under Ministry of
Works supervision. To complete the task it meant voluntary labour and
continued fund raising by our Ladies Committee to supplement the cost of
materials and employment of trade people not within our ranks. (We were
never able to recruit an electrician). A considerable cost saving on some
materials was to be made by having access to the government stores up to
50% on some items.
A recent new resident, a teacher at Edgecumbe College
Ken Stenton wished to join our brigade and now that we were under the
control of the N.Z. Fire Commission it was necessary for all new recruits
to pass a medical examination and eye test. Ken’s medical A.I. but failed
the eye test, so therefore was turned down by the Commission. Once
again our Chief did not agree with the Controlling Authority and promptly
wrote to the regional Commander Bill Clarkson stating “I can not believe
that any person as young, keen, physically and medically fit will not be
accepted into the Volunteer Fire Service just because his vision is not first
class. In a fire situation it doesn’t matter a damn how good your eyesight
is, you can’t see bugger all most of the time. Ken plays rugby at first-five
and doesn’t drop the ball, has a passenger service license to drive the
school bus to Edgecumbe each day and I am quite sure he would be of
great value to our brigade. Finally I wish to point out that if all our
existing fire personnel were eye tested very few would pass”.
The reply from Bill. “I agree with you Tom that the Fire Commission has
gone overboard with eye sight requirements even for permanent staff and I
am sorry I can only abide by their decision”.
Ken was very disappointed, Tom bloody annoyed. Incidentally Ken spent
more time working on our building project than a lot of the serving
members. Later on he and his family moved to Edgecumbe and the idiots
in the Fire Commission lowered the eyesight requirements and Ken was
accepted as a member of the Edgecumbe Brigade.
On this night our cabaret held at the Rugby Club rooms
was disrupted by a fire call to a house fire on State Highway No.2, two and
a half miles towards Whakatane, just as supper was about to be served.
Fire appliance dispatched with standby crew, D.C.F.O. C. Elliott,
Sub/Off’s G.Parkes and P. Falwasser, Fireman H. Wi and D. Elliott
followed by C.F.O. Tom Dobson towing the trailer pump with his station
wagon accompanied by Fireman F. Body, G. Harris and J. Gribben. The
“Ladies Pump” again proving it’s worth by relaying from open water to
the appliance, which was within one hundred and fifty metres of the water
source. Fire extinguished within 20 minutes, 75 % damage.
The Edgecumbe Brigade had also been called out and arrived when the
fire was well under control and they insisted we return to our function as
they would remain to “dampen down and make up” our water-way
equipment. This offer was thankfully accepted. Our arrival back at the
Club Rooms caused more than a little amusement and ribbing, the party
mood had reached its peak - our Area Commander Barry Shields had
discarded his tunic and necktie as had most of the other fire personnel.
Most of us had not thought to remove our ties and some clown remarked
“The gentlemen firemen fighting fires with ties on”. We had some
catching up to do, the refreshments were still flowing freely and the ladies
had saved our supper. The real gentlemen that night were the Edgecumbe
Fire Crew.
D.C.F.O. Clem Elliott felt obliged to resign, owing to work
commitments and would return as a member when he had more time
B.B.Q. evening to “wet the roof” of the station’s new
17th A.G.M. Those present:
C.F.O. T. Dobson
Secretary 3rd Officer B. Dobson
Sub/Officer G. Parkes Fireman G. Harris
Sub/Officer P.
Fireman H.
Fireman J. Gribben
Fireman F. Body
Fireman P. Haimona
Fireman J. Drinkwater
Leave Fireman R. Hill Absent Fireman R. Hunia
The vacant position of D.C.F.O. was dealt with by popular vote to
recommend that 3rd Officer B. Dobson be appointed to Deputy and
Sub/Officer G. Parkes to 3rd Officer. The Fire Commission approved this.
Fireman Gordon Harris filled the vacant Sub/Officer position. He was
also elected to Secretary, as the new D.C.F.O. could not see himself doing
justice to both positions. Brian had been Secretary for 12 years and most
of the data that has been compiled until now has been extracted from the
brigades minutes and roll books he had recorded.
A social evening was held in the fire station as we had to
forego our usual cabaret this year as the brigades finances were being
channelled into the new additions.
C.F.O. Fred Villis presented the honours.
Firemen Fred Body, Harold Wi, John Gribben and Robert Gage
received their 3 year certificates.
Sub/Officer Peter Falwasser
2 year silver bar
3rd Officer Gordon Parkes
2 year silver bar
Sub/Officer Gordon Harris
23 years
2 year silver bar
C.F.O. Tom Dobson
27 years
2 year gold bar
This was a most enjoyable evening as the additions and alterations were
almost complete, just the finishing touches to purchase and fit. Once again
the Ladies Committee were to the fore, as they had raised $1,517.50
towards these items. The C.F.O. addressed the gathering thanking the
ladies and also those who had spent many hours working on the project.
Pool table purchased from the Edgecumbe Cosmopolitan
Club for $200.00
Official opening of the Fire Station additions and
alterations - at 14:00 hrs the premises were opened to the public.
Distinguished guests:
Mrs Shirley Mossman - representing the Whakatane District Council
Mr Jimmy Marks - chairman, Matata Community Council
Rev. Bill McEwan and Father Horrigan - dedication
Regional Commander Bill Clarkson - official opening
As Bill Clarkson could not stay for the evening celebrations D.C.F.O.
Brian Dobson presented him with one very large crayfish (Bills favourite
food) and thanked him for his assistance with the building project, for
without his support we would not have this Fire Station today which we
are all very proud of.
At the evening function - Ex. C.F.O. Fred Villis presented honours.
Fireman Phillip Haimona
3 year certificate
Fireman Bob Hill
2 year silver bar
7 years
D.C.F.O. Brian Dobson
2 years silver bar
Matata’s telephone system switched to automatic, all 111
calls requiring fire service response were received in the Kawerau Watch
room, then transferred to ours by means of the “G” system.
Fireman John Gribben resigned from our brigade and
transferred to Ohope. John was a very good fireman, our loss Ohope’s
gain. One recalls an incident that happened just after his transfer, for at
this period of time all our equipment, uniforms, protective clothing and
footwear were supplied by our Area Command, Kawerau Fire Service.
John joined us (05.12.77) there were problems as he was such a big man to
“kit out” and had to put up with clothing that was more than a little tight
and also his feet covered a sizable area of the terrafirma and had to wait 10
months for his boots. Therefore when John was accepted by the Ohope
Brigade and farewell by Matata he was packed off with all his kit “boots
and all”.
This act upset the Deputy Commander at Kawerau who was in charge of
stores in our area, for when he was asked, “why wasn’t Gribbens gear
returned?” and quoted the regulations, “when a person is no longer a
member of a brigade all personal gear must be returned to the store”. Our
chief replied “as John was accepted straight into the Ohope Brigade which
is within the same area, I told him to take his gear with him because it had
taken such a damn long time before he received what he has now and if it
goes back to the store he would be back to square one. I also told John to
keep on your back until he received a Dress Uniform he would feel
comfortable in”.
The Deputy Commander was shocked and upset that regulations had not
been adhered to, as stated in The Fire Service Act. It was quite some time
before he accepted that it was the sensible thing to have done.
As the years passed by John has become a worthy member of the
Fire Service in Ohope, rising through the ranks to be appointed Chief Fire
All Fire Service Brigades throughout New Zealand have
been granted a canteen license.
Our second Gold Star evening was held at the Rugby Club.
Sub/Officer Secretary Gordon Harris was presented with his Gold Star by
past president of the U.F.B.A D.C.F.O. Lloyd Dennis (Whakatane Board
Mills) Gold Star pin by D.C.F.O. Murray McCrae (Edgecumbe)
representing the Auckland Gold Star Association. Brigades Life Honorary
Member Medal by C.F.O. Tom Dobson.
Commenced working bees to concrete and fence the
backyard of the fire station. Special words of appreciation were conveyed
to our next-door neighbours The Ministry of Works staff, they removed
the soil (mostly sand) and constructed the rock retaining walls, free of
Extracts from the C.F.O. Report - at the 20th A.G.M “Our
social facilities are not being used as often as I had hoped, I suggest that a
social committee could be formed of at least 3 members of the brigade,
plus members of the ladies committee. Also give some thought to forming
a Brigade Social Club with the possibility of including a limited number of
the community as members, such as friends and relatives. It is pleasing to
note that some of the ladies have commenced a games afternoon here in
this room once a fortnight and all residences are welcome”.
As previously mentioned radio contact could not be
established in most parts of our district, the Chief started demanding a
better deal and made the comment that we could possibly save some ones
life by having quick communications for assistance. We have only one
set, which is in the appliance and what we want is a base set in our
watchroom and some means of establishing improved contact between the
appliance and station. A survey has been made using borrowed sets and
found that in 60% of our district no radio communications was possible on
channel six (which is the channel used by brigades in the Kawarau Area)
but when switching to channel one we found improved reception from
many dead spots and could make contact with the Tauranga Fire Service.
The response was almost immediate - a radio callout
system was installed which gave us a base set, fixed on channel 6 as it now
activated our siren. To digress a little - the Chief had managed to obtain a
door-lock, which could be activated by an electric impulse or in the usual
manner with a key. He fitted it to the small front door and then it was
wired up so that when the siren switched in the lock was released. Brigade
members were delighted, no more would one be first to respond to a call
and be frustrated because they didn’t have their key with them. At a later
date owing to several break-ins we found it necessary to have a burglar
alarm installed and had it connected to the siren (amazingly no more
Portable radio received and by using it at the station on
channel one were able to communicate more often with our Fire Crew if
they were in many of the dead spots and relay any data on our base set to
“Fire Command” at Kawerau. The problem is the “Repeater” is stationed
on Mt. Edgecumbe and if it is well out of “Line of Vision” from your
position it cannot receive you and most of the time you will not receive
from the repeater. Why the hell those in charge of communication would
not permit one to be placed on Whale Island we will never know.
The Queens Honours Evening - The Ladies Committee
insisted by holding it in the station and serving a three course dinner, they
could save us heaps of dollars, many brigade members were doubtful and
with more than a little apprehension agreed. It was a huge success catered
for over seventy people at a cost of only $183.07.
The Menu:
Mussel Chowder or Tomato Soup
Chicken, Ham, Pork, Crayfish, Curry and Rice
Potatoes, Salads (lettuce, beetroot, asparagus) savoury eggs
Steam Pudding and Brandy Sauce
Fruit Salad
Tea or Coffee
There was plenty left over for those that cleaned up the following
The refreshments including an assortment of wine on the tables $312.11.
This confirmed to us that if a person is fed well they will drink less once
again we had to bow to the ladies as their financial forecast was spot on,
well over $500.00 saved.
The Official Guest - Our newly appointed Area Commander Ted Stewart
addressed the gathering congratulating the brigade and their ladies and
stated “my wife and I have attended may Fire Service functions
throughout the country and none has surpassed the one we are attending
tonight”. (The ladies were delighted)
Commander Stewart representing the Fire Commission presented the
Queens Long Service and Good Conduct Medals to D.C.F.O. Brian
Dobson, 3rd Officer Gordon Parkes and Sub/Officer Gordon Harris.
Ex. D.C.F.O. Clem Elliott rejoined. Clem was welcomed
back with much enthusiasm.
On this evening an excellent dinner was again prepared to
honour a very special lady. Mrs Nada Lees was bestowed as our brigade’s
first lady Life Honorary Member (the U.F.B.A. told us Nada was the first
female to receive one). It was a wonderful occasion as Nada and her
husband Morris (Mo) did not have a clue of what was about to unfold.
C.F.O. Tom Dobson while addressing the guests led up to the event by
stating “we have a resident with us tonight who has been accepted by our
brigade as a L.H.M. That person has supported our Fire Service since it
was first mentioned in 1956” (he managed a few more phrases before
continuing). “And has most ably as President guided the Ladies
Committee for over 20 years”. The acclamation that came forth told it all.
When things quietened down the L.H.M. medal, which is fixed to a clasp
was presented to Nada and attached to her gown by Tom’s wife Alice.
There was no doubt it was the most memorable occasion for the women
folk during the history of the Ladies Committee.
The evening was spoilt a little for two of our members, Gordon Parkes
(Bar Manager) and Tom Dobson for they were the two of only three fire
personnel that knew at this time of a happening that was to be revealed 2
days later.
Meeting Night - Extracts from the Chief’s statement “some one has been entering the station to take money from the till and
beer from our stock. Since it was first noticed by our Bar Manager, a
religious check has been maintained and the police informed”. The
problem ended there, but the two of us had our suspicions.
we wished.
Mrs Nada Lees donated a cup to the brigade, to be used as
Suggested use for the Nada Lees Trophy, to be a two-man
Our brigade first fatal fire, causing the death of Tom Marr
(Ex 3 Officer Dick Marr’s brother). The dwelling was well alight when
the alarm was raised and 90% of our fire personnel were present. As
everyone knew Tom it was a damn hard first time experience for most of
the members.
Station Officer Peter Falwasser wished to stand-down from
his position, owing to his work commitments. Fireman Clem Elliott was
appointed to take his place.
Children’s Christmas party held at the Fire Station, this
afternoon was a huge success.
Fire at the hotel - this no doubt the brigades greatest save,
we were fortunate to catch it early. The cause was to remain a mystery.
Most of the hard work on our backyard project has been
completed, just the fence and gates to erect.
Honours Night - programme the same as the previous three
years, a dinner catered by the Ladies Committee, the presentations
followed by dancing to “Johnies Band”.
The honours by Ex C.F.O. Fred Villis
Fireman Harold Wi
Sub/Officer Clem Elliott
2 year silver bar
9 years
2 year silver bar
Fireman Peter Falwasser
2 year silver bar
17 years
3rd Officer Gordon Parkes
2 year silver bar
19 years
Sub/Officer Gordon Harris
2 year gold bar
C.F.O. Tom Dobson
2 year gold bar
Another unique occasion - Fred Villis himself was honoured, with Life
Honour Membership of our brigade. The C.F.O. outlined from a long list
why this was done (following are a few of those reasons). Fred has been
presenting the Service Honours to our members every year except two,
since 1966 tonight was the 18th and it must be the same number of times
he has made sure we have always had mussels included in the menu for
dinner or supper at these functions.
It all started way back when fire protection in some form was first
mentioned in Matata. Fred was our most valued supporter at that time and
the close relationship with our brigade has continued, even after his
retirement from Edgecumbe and now resides in Ohope.
Finally - quoted - “Fred, I am very privileged to be in the position to
reverse the roll you have been doing for over 18 years and place you as the
recipient. Thank you again. Our Life Honorary Members Medal”.
While responding to a call, a hay barn fire 27 kms out in
Braemar Road our appliance when passing an on coming vehicle, the
offside edge of the road gave way causing the fire truck to roll down the
bank, fortunately no one was seriously injured. The crew on board Sub/Officer Clem Elliott, Firemen Phillip Haimona, John Mihinui, Mike
Falwasser and Harold Wi (driving). Phillip and Harold suffered the most
bruising. The appliance was a write off. D.C.F.O. Brian Dobson was
quickly on the scene as he was following in his vehicle, followed by the
Edgecumbe appliance they were also called out and dealt with the fire.
This was quite an ordeal for Brian, being the senior officer at Matata (as
his chief was on holiday) having to explain how in the hell does one’s
brigade write off a fire truck. When the chief returned all the paper work
and explaining had been completed. Well-done Brian. Incidentally this
day the 21st December was also his birthday.
Early in the afternoon about 13:12 hrs a severe earthquake
really shook things about in the Eastern Bay, causing major damage in our
neighbouring township of Edgecumbe (Matata although badly shaken only
suffered minor problems). The devastation to many of the buildings,
railway, roadways, water and sewage mains had to be seen to be believed.
There were no major casualties and no fires, possible because the weather
was warm (no solid fuel fires burning). And fortunately there was a small
quake a minute or two prior to the big one, which cut off all electric power
within the area and most workers in industrial building and shopping malls
were still in a safe position, when all hell broke loose.
Our brigade responded to the station and reported in by radio to Area
Control that we were safe and well and were touring our township and
immediate area. Twenty minutes later no casualties, no power and no
visible damage, except one chimney top shaken off and state highway No.
2 towards Te Puke (Pikowai Straight) blocked mainly by trees shaken
loose off the pumice cliffs down onto the highway in many places.
Our automatic telephone exchange housed in Matata, not effected locally
and also we could call outside our zone but could not contact Edgecumbe
or Kawerau.
The water reticulation was undamaged and was transported to Edgecumbe
by tankers for many weeks.
We were without power for 4 days and other means of creating heat for
cooking were brought out of storage. The Ladies were quickly involved
within an hour of the quake. They were producing cups of tea/coffee and
sandwiches for everyone including the stranded motorists who were
informed by our members on traffic control that the Fire Station was an
“open house” to use the telephone and toilets. How many visited the
station we will never know, one of our Ladies remarked that she had
washed and wiped well over one hundred cups. The highway was re-
opened at 5:15 p.m. For the next two or three weeks the brigade received
many letters and cards of thanks, even some donations.
The backyard fencing and gates have been completed.
Honours were again presented by L.H.M. Ex. C.F.O. Fred
Villis after dinner, held at the Rugby Club.
The recipients:
Fireman John Drinkwater
2 year silver bar
7 years
Fireman Phillip Haimona
2 year silver bar
9 years
Ex. Fireman Fred Body
2 year silver bar
9 years
Fireman Robert Gage
2 year silver bar
9 years
D.C.F.O. Brian Dobson
2 year silver bar
21 years
The proposed date for the 25th Anniversary celebrations,
22nd October 1988 (Labour Weekend).
Notification from the Fire Commission - the terminology of “fireman”
would no longer be used, replaced by “fire fighter” (F/F) as many
womenfolk were joining brigades especially volunteers.
25th Annual General Meeting. Those present:
C.F.O. Tom Dobson
Gordon Parkes
D.C.F.O. Brian Dobson
Sec. Sub/Officer Gordon Harris
Clem Elliott
3rd Officer
Senior F/F Phillip Haimona Senior F/F John Drinkwater F/F Peter
F/F Harold Wi
F/F Robert Gage
F/F Ian Bragg
F/F John Hanover
F/F Gavin
Secretary Sub/Officer Gordon Harris wished to stand down as Secretary.
F/F John Hanover elected to this position.
Extracts from the Chief’s Report.
“I would not be honest if I were to use the common opening phase of - it
is with pleasure I present this report, sadness would be a more apt term, as
this will be my last opportunity to have this honour. But the pleasure of
serving as an active member of the Volunteer Fire Service will always
remain with me. When I look back to first joining in 1941 and being
actively involved for 35 years, it is time I stood down; my last day will be
on the 22nd of October this year. By that time I sincerely hope I can leave
knowing you have a far more efficient and tidy looking fire truck to work
with than the one we have now. Finally I thank you all for your service to
our brigade and the good fellowship I have experienced among you
Call outs for last year 16, three property, five-non property, two spillages,
four vehicle accidents, one standby and one false. This year already 13,
two properties, nine non-properties, one assistance and one standby.
Station Officer Gordon Harris informed the brigade that he would join the
chief in retirement on the 22nd October. It was approved that a letter be
written to the U.F.B.A. requesting the supply of three Ladies Life
Honorary Members Badges for Miss Pinky Burt, Mrs Bunny Paterson and
Mrs Alice Dobson, the three only original members serving on the Ladies
The brigade members were asked to help with obtaining addresses of ex
members to invite them to our Jubilee function. C.F.O. mentioned that he
would be stepping aside as much as possible to allow Brian a feel of the
reins and to decide if he would like to fill the C.F.O.’s position.
It was agreed unanimously that the Fire Commission be
informed that our brigade members recommended that on the retirement of
C.F.O. Tom Dobson and Sub/Officer Gordon Harris, the present officers
step up in rank. Approved by the Commission 06.09.88.
Informed by regional Commander George Roberts that he
would be unable to attend the Jubilee.
When final arrangements made for the Anniversary,
farewell and honours celebrations, Sub/Officer Clem Elliott suggested that
Fred Villis be asked to present the L.H.M’s badges to the ladies approved.
The day dawned bright and sunny, to the delight of
everyone, especially those involved with the final preparations, which
were completed by mid-day.
At 13:45 hrs the 25th celebrations and farewells commenced at the station
and it was open to the public. Unfortunately no details were recorded, the
following has been sussed out by memory and photos.
The ex. Fire Personnel that attended.
Past Area Commanders; Barry Shields and Ted Stewart
Ex. Brigade members; Allen Longstaff, Allan Dobson, Bob Gardiner,
Tony Semmens, Pat Ratahi, Raymond Hunia, John Cork, John Gribben
and Ken Stenton (a special guest)
Official Guests;
Representing the Fire Commission - Area Commander, Bill Gunn
The Whakatane District Council, Mayor Bob Burns
The Matata Community Council, Chairman Jimmy Marks
Master of Ceremonies - incoming C.F.O. Brian Dobson
All previously mentioned dignitaries addressed the gathering, praising the
Matata Fire Service on their achievements of building their station and
their service rendered to the community.
Gordon and Tom were thanked for their service freely given and wished a
long and happy retirement, both received gifts of appreciation from the
Whakatane District Council and Matata Community Council.
The wives of Gordon and Tom - Betty and Alice were presented with
bouquets and thanked for supporting their husbands during all those years
of service.
The star event of the afternoon had to be that performed by Deputy Brian
when he outlined some of the incidents that occurred during the 25 years
as he unrolled a very large scroll, printed out and drawn with sketches in
the form of “this is your life”. It was well presented to the delight of
everyone present. The formalities completed afternoon tea was served and
the bar opened, time to relax and reminisce with friends and relations.
At 17:30 hrs the afternoon festivities concluded. In the evening they
continued on in the Rugby Club at 19:30 hrs, entertained by “Johnies
Dance Band” and formal ceremonies were dealt with early to allow all
those involved to unbend and enjoy themselves.
The retiring officers, Gordon and Tom were presented with U.F.B.A.
Blazes by the new C.F.O.
Service honours presented by L.H.M. Fred Villis
F/F Harold Wi
Sub/Officer Clem Elliott
2 year silver bar
2 year silver bar
11 years
F/F Peter Falwasser
2 year silver bar
19 years
3rd Officer Gordon Parkes
2 year silver bar
21 years
Sub/Officer Gordon Harris
2 year gold bar
C.F.O.Tom Dobson
2 year gold bar
Fred followed on with the main feature of the evening, by saying he to was
honoured to be asked to bestow three ladies as Life Honorary Members of
the Matata Brigade.
Miss Pink Burt, Mrs Bunny Paterson and Mrs Alice Dobson each in turn
received a L.H.M. Badge.
The women folk were delighted and more than a little emotional, so too
was Tom, who with a lump in his throat and hint of a tear or two in his
eyes congratulated the trio (another unique occurrence in the historical
records of the United Fire Brigades Association).
It was a fitting conclusion of the evening’s formalities, all those present
moved into top gear the dance floor was crowded, refreshments consumed
and supper served.
By 0200 hrs the clubrooms were deserted and those still willing and able
to stand partied on in the Fire Station.
The end of the first era 1956 - 1988 in the history of the Matata Fire
Service and it had taken most of those years before one realised that the
brigade was firmly established as an essential party of the community.
The end also for Gordon and Tom - no more will they be rushing off in
response to the siren (it will take time not to) wondering what to expect,
will there be enough for a crew, and hoping like hell no person is involved.
For Tom it will take quite a while to adjust after being involved for so long
as ‘The Chief’, but he is happy with the thought that the brigade he is so
proud of will remain in good hands and of course there will always be
those many fond memories.