second Shanghai to follow Beijing success Press Release

Press Release
HEC launches second EMBA program in China
Shanghai to follow Beijing success
21st July 2008
From March 2009, HEC Paris will expand its successful Beijing EMBA program with a second China
option to be offered in Shanghai. Delivered under the auspices of the training center of the National
Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), the new Shanghai EMBA program is an intensive
course of study for select senior managers with a focus on market-oriented themes and general
management. Taught by HEC faculty, in English, participants contribute actively to the learning process
by applying their personal and professional experience to the course.
For HEC Paris this marks a significant step in the expansion of its activities in China. The new
partnership with the NDRC will allow HEC Paris to engage in China-relevant research and will create a
platform for HEC Paris’ continuing mission to develop the skills of executives in China and the region.
According to Bernard Ramanantsoa, Dean of HEC Paris, “…this program is a strategic expansion of
HEC’s international portfolio, and demonstrates HEC’s global reach. HEC Paris is investing in China,
with the support of government partners like the NDRC, allowing us to put our expertise to the service
of companies doing business in China and doing business with China.” At a time when some business
schools are questioning their presence in China, HEC is rushing to respond to a clear need in the
market. “We called upon HEC, as Europe’s leading business school, to provide the highest standard of
international management tools and insights to leaders in China, who must drive their organizations to
be more competitive on the global market,” says Mr. Ping Du, Director of the Training Center of the
The Shanghai option follows on the heels of the HEC EMBA Program launched in September 2006
under the auspices of the powerful State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of
the State Council of the People’s Republic of China (SASAC). The SASAC-HEC EMBA Program is
designed to expand the technical expertise and leadership skills of Chinese executives, largely from
State-Owned Enterprises, to prepare them for competition within the global economy. Its first graduating
class of over 70 participants received their diplomas on 13 June, 2008 during HEC’s Graduation
Ceremony in Jouy-en-Josas, France.
Following the tremendous success of the SASAC program, HEC Paris was solicited by the prestigious
NDRC to develop a second EMBA program in Shanghai. The NDRC is a macroeconomic management
agency under the State Council, which studies and formulates policies for economic and social
development, maintains a balance of economic aggregates and guides the overall economic system
restructuring. The NDRC is at the heart of China’s transition to a socialist market economy, committed
to deepening reforms, promoting development and opening China to the outside world. The Shanghai
option of the EMBA program will target experienced managers largely from the private sector. Local and
international participants from Chinese and non-Chinese firms are welcome to apply.
Press Contact, HEC School of Management Paris
Elisabeth de Réals
 + 33 1 39 67 94 23