
2010-2012 CATALOG
Spanish (345.00) Minor Checklist
BGS Degree
This checklist is for advising purposes only. Consult your undergraduate catalog or
official degree audit for degree requirements.
Twelve advanced hours in the minor coursework are required.
A 2.25 cumulative GPA must be maintained in all minor courses.
No grade lower than a “C” will be accepted as credit for the BGS degree.
15 Hours
_____ SPAN 1410 – Beginning Spanish I
_____ SPAN 1420 – Beginning Spanish II
_____ SPAN 2310 – Intermediate Spanish I
_____ SPAN 2320 – Intermediate Spanish II
The above courses serve as prerequisites to all upper division courses. Students may satisfy these
prerequisites by passing a credit-bearing test (e.g. CLEP or departmental proficiency exam) or
successfully completing the courses.
Note: SPAN 1410, SPAN 1420, SPAN 2310, SPAN 2320 all require grades of “C” or higher to
proceed to the next SPAN course.
Choose 5 advanced courses from:
_____ SPAN 3308 (WI) - Advanced Composition
(Note: This course is a prerequisite to all advanced Spanish courses)
_____ SPAN 3309 - Introduction to Hispanic Literature and Literary Analysis
(Prerequisite or Co-requisite: SPAN 3308; Note: This course is a prerequisite to all
advanced Spanish literature courses)
_____ SPAN 3301 (WI) - Survey of Spanish Literature – Beginning through 18th Century
(Prerequisite: SPAN 3309)
_____ SPAN 3302 (WI) - Survey of Spanish Literature – 19th Century through Present
(Prerequisite: SPAN 3309)
_____ SPAN 3305 (WI) - Survey of Spanish-American Literature: Colonial Period - 1880
(Prerequisite: SPAN 3309)
_____ SPAN 3306 (WI) - Survey of Spanish-American Literature: 1880 to Present
(Prerequisite: SPAN 3309)
_____ SPAN 3310 - Spanish Phonetics and Phonemics
(Prerequisite: SPAN 3308)
_____ SPAN 3311 - Business Spanish I
(Prerequisite: SPAN 3308)
_____ SPAN 3312 - Business Spanish II
(Prerequisite: SPAN 3311)
Updated 8/10
_____ SPAN 3370 (WI) - Spanish Civilization
(Prerequisite: SPAN 3308)
_____ SPAN 3371 (WI) - Spanish-American Civilization
(Prerequisite: SPAN 3308)
_____ SPAN 4302 (WI) - The Spanish Novel
(Prerequisite: SPAN 3309)
_____ SPAN 4311 - Historical Aspects of Hispanic Linguistics
(Prerequisite: SPAN 3308)
_____ SPAN 4312 - Spanish Sentence Structure and Meaning
(Prerequisite: SPAN 3308)
_____ SPAN 4330 (WI) - The Spanish-American Novel
(Prerequisite: SPAN 3309)
_____ SPAN 4340 (WI) - Advanced Spanish Grammar and Stylistics
(Prerequisite: SPAN 3308)
_____ SPAN 4350 - Latin American Novel and Film
(Prerequisite: SPAN 3309)
_____ SPAN 4361 (WI) - Masterpieces of Hispanic Poetry
(Prerequisite: SPAN 3309)
_____ SPAN 4362 (WI) - Masterpieces of Hispanic Drama
(Prerequisite: SPAN 3309)
_____ SPAN 4370 - Hispanic Literature of the Southwest: Space and Images
(Prerequisite: SPAN 3309)
_____ SPAN 4380 (WI) - Topics in Hispanic Literature and Linguistics (Repeatable for credit
with different emphasis. Prerequisite: SPAN 3308)
_____ SPAN 4380A (WI) - Hispanic Nobel Prizes in Literature
(Prerequisite: SPAN 3309)
_____ SPAN 4380B - Don Quijote
(Prerequisite: SPAN 3309)
_____ SPAN 4380C – Hispanic Film
(Prerequisite: SPAN 3309)
_____ SPAN 4380D – Gabriel Garcia Marquez
(Prerequisite: SPAN 3309)
_____ SPAN 4380E – Translation Practice and Theory
(Prerequisite: SPAN 3308)
_____ SPAN 4390 - Studies in Spanish Culture, Language, or Literature
(Prerequisite: SPAN 3308, approval of the Dept. Chair) (Repeatable for credit with a
different emphasis)
Updated 8/10