Nature HeritageTourismMinor2007

2007-2008 CATALOG
Nature & Heritage Tourism (380.00) Minor Checklist
BGS Degree
This checklist is for advising purposes only. Consult your undergraduate catalog or
official degree audit for degree requirements.
Twelve advanced hours in the minor coursework is required.
A 2.25 cumulative GPA must be maintained in all minor courses.
No grade lower than a “C” will be accepted as credit for the BGS degree.
24 Hours
_____ NHT 4301 - Planning and Development of Nature & Heritage
_____ NHT 4302 - Internship in Nature & Heritage Tourism
(Prerequisite: NHT 4301)
Choose 18 hours (from at least 2 separate departments, 6 hours must be advanced {3000-4000 level}):
_____ ACC 2361 - Introduction to Financial Accounting
(Prerequisite: MATH 1319 or equivalent)
_____ ACC 2362 - Principles of Managerial Accounting
(Prerequisites: ACC 2362, MATH 1319 or equivalent)
_____ AG 3318 - Agricultural Business Management
(Prerequisites: AG 2383, AG 2390, or consent of the instructor)
_____ AG 3321 - Range Management
_____ AG 3351 - Agricultural Marketing and Sales
(Prerequisites: AG 2383, MATH 1315)
_____ AG 3455 - Land Surveying
(Prerequisites: Math 1315 or MATH 1317 or MATH 1319, AG 2373, AG 2390)
_____ AG 3426 - Soil Science
(Prerequisites: CHEM 1341, CHEM 1141)
_____ AG 3427 - Environmental Soil Management Systems
(Prerequisite: AG 3426)
_____ AG 4383 - Agricultural Resource Economics
(Prerequisites: AG 2383, MATH 1315/1319 or consent of the instructor)
_____ ANTH 2415 - General Archaeology
_____ ANTH 3314 - Latin American Cultures
_____ ANTH 3315 - Archaeology of the Southwest
_____ ANTH 3332 - Myths and Moundbuilders
_____ ANTH 3333 - North American Indians
_____ ANTH 3334 - Indians of the Southwest
_____ ANTH 3345 - Archaeology of Mexico
_____ ANTH 3347 - Archaeology of North America
(Prerequisite: ANTH 2415)
_____ ANTH 3375 - Special Topics in Anthropology--See ANTH dept. for approval
_____ ANTH 4630 - Archaeological Field School
_____ BIO 3422 - Biological Oceanography
(Prerequisites: GEO 3335, BIO 2450, BIO 2410 or BIO 2411 with a grade of “C”
or higher)
Updated 7/07
_____ BIO 4304 - Wildlife & Recreation: Impact & Management
(Prerequisite: BIO 2450 with a grade of “C” or higher)
_____ BIO 4305 - Nature Study
_____ BIO 4410 - Field Biology of Plants
(Prerequisite: BIO 2450 with a grade of “C” or higher)
_____ BIO 4415 – Ichthyology
(Prerequisites: BIO 2411, BIO 2450 with a grade of “C” or higher)
_____ BIO 4416 - General Ecology
(Prerequisites: BIO 2450, any one of BIO 2410, BIO 2411, BIO 2400 with a grade
of “C” or higher)
_____ BIO 4420 - Natural History of the Vertebrates
(Prerequisites: BIO 2411, BIO 2450 with a grade of “C” or higher)
_____ BIO 4421 – Ornithology
(Prerequisites: BIO 2411, BIO 2450 with a grade of “C” or higher)
_____ BIO 4422 – Mammalogy
(Prerequisites: BIO 2411, BIO 2450 with a grade of “C” or higher)
_____ BIO 4423 - Wildlife Management
(Prerequisites: BIO 2410, BIO 2411, BIO 2450 with a grade of “C” or higher)
_____ BIO 4434 – Herpetology
(Prerequisites: BIO 2411, BIO 2450 with a grade of “C” or higher)
_____ ENG 3309 - The Southwest in Film
_____ ENG 3345 - Southwestern Studies I: Defining the Region
_____ ENG 3346 - Southwestern Studies II: Consequences of Region
_____ ENG 4325 - Literature of the Southwest
_____ GEO 2410 - Introduction to Physical Geography
(Prerequisite: MATH 1315 with a “C” or higher--or equivalent)
_____ GEO 3313 - Natural Resource Use and Planning
_____ GEO 3329 - Geography of Texas
_____ GEO 4321 - Planning Methods and Procedures
_____ GEO 4390 - Independent Study
_____ GEO 4411 - Map Design
(Prerequisite: GEO 3411 or equivalent)
_____ GEO 4430 - Field Methods
(Prerequisites: GEO 2410, GEO 3301 or equivalents)
_____ GEOL 1410 - Physical Geology
_____ GEOL 1420 - Historical Geology
(Prerequisite: GEOL 1410)
_____ GEOL 3410 - Sedimentation and Stratigraphy
(Prerequisite: GEOL 2410) with a grade of “C” or higher)
_____ HIST 3353 - The Greater Southwest
_____ HIST 3369 - Selected Topics in American History
_____ HIST 3370 - The Tools and Techniques of Historical Research &
_____ HIST 3372 - Texas History: A Survey
_____ HIST 4372 - Mexican American History
_____ MGT 3303 - Management of Organizations
(Prerequisite: Junior standing, 2.0 TX ST GPA)
_____ MGT 3340 - Small Business Management & Entrepreneurship
(Prerequisites: MGT 3303, junior standing, 2.0 TX ST GPA)
_____ MGT 4336 - Small Business Operations & Financials
(Prerequisites: MGT 3303, junior standing, 2.0 TX ST GPA)
_____ MKT 3343 - Principles of Marketing
_____ PE 1225 - Water Safety Instructor
_____ PFW 1150H - Western Horsemanship
_____ PFW 1190A – Canoeing
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_____ PFW 1190F - Beginning Scuba
_____ PFW 1201 - Advanced Scuba Diving
_____ PFW 1204 - Underwater Photography
_____ POSI 3328 - Public Finance Administration
(Prerequisites: POSI 1309, POSI 2310)
_____ POSI 4322 - Public Policy Formulation
(Prerequisites: POSI 1309, POSI 2310)
_____ POSI 4361 - Administrative Law
_____ REC 1310 - Introduction to Recreation and Leisure Services
_____ REC 1330 - Leisure and Outdoor Recreation
_____ REC 3340 - Design and Maintenance of Recreational Facilities
(Prerequisites: REC 2335, Grade of “C” or higher in REC 1310)
_____ REC 3351 - Evaluation of Leisure Service Programming
(Prerequisites: REC 2335, Grade of “C” or higher in REC 1310)
_____ REC 4318 - Special Topics in Recreation and Leisure Services
_____ REC 4337 - Independent Study in Recreational Administration
_____ SOCI 3340 - Sociology of Sport and Leisure
_____ SOCI 3366 - Folkways and Folklore: An Introduction
_____ SOCI 3375 - Selected Topics in Sociology
Updated 7/07