Testing, Research-Support & Evaluation Center (TREC) ePortfolio Faculty Evaluation Request Form Please call us at 245-2276 if you have any questions about completing this form. Department: Telephone: Semester: Texas State email for results: Evaluation based on: ePortfolio only ePortfolio and Scantron combined (Evaluations must be the same in both format to use this option) About evaluation items: Number of items to be evaluated (e.g. 25) : Demographic items (e.g. 1-4) : Indicate scale used: (e.g. Excellent = 5, meaning Excellent worth 5 points) Strongly Agree = 5 Agree = 4 Neutral = 3 Disagree = 2 Strongly Disagree = 1 Almost Always = 5 Very Often = 4 Occasionally = 3 Seldom = 2 Almost Never = 1 Excellent = 5 Very Good = 4 Good = 3 Fair = 2 Poor = 5 Other (Please specify) Not applicable/neutral response: (This response will not be used in calculating statistics.) Yes No Response (e.g. C) : Subscales: (Group of items for which you want to create subtotals.) No Yes Number of subscales (maximum of 10): Name of subscales “Example” Items to be included 1-12, 14, 18 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Missing responses to be handled for subscales: (If left blank, first choice will be used.) Drop student evaluation from calculation of subscales Replace missing with mean of evaluation items