UPPS 08.01.xx : Leased Facilities by Sponsored Programs

Leased Facilities by Sponsored Programs (Grants & Contracts)
UPPS No. 08.01.xx
May 02 draft
We at SWT are committed to the provision and maintenance of
appropriate physical facilities which contribute to a comfortable and
conducive learning and work environment. The following procedure
contributes to the fulfillment of this policy.
This UPPS establishes general policy regarding leasing of University and
off-campus facilities by sponsored programs.
Sponsored programs that do not recover the maximum F&A (facilities and
administration rate, formerly indirect costs) are expected to provide for
facilities rental.
Sponsored Programs – programs funded by either grants or contracts
Office space – (as defined by the Coordinating Board) a room housing
faculty, staff or students working at one or more desks or tables. Included
are faculty offices, administrative offices, clerical offices, graduate
assistant offices, teaching assistant offices, student offices, etc.
Laboratory – (as defined by the Coordinating Board) a room designed as a
laboratory and equipped with “built-in” laboratory benches, specialized
scientific equipment, and/or such utilities as gas, water, steam, air, etc., is
classified as laboratory.
Storage space – a facility or room used to store equipment or materials
(e.g., warehouse, self storage unit). See section 04.01.
Priority is given to satisfying instructional space needs before the needs of
sponsored programs.
If space is needed to ensure the success of the sponsored program, the
principal investigator (PI) must make arrangements at the
departmental/college level for the additional space before the proposal is
submitted to the Office of Sponsored Programs. Signature by the Dean
on the proposal will serve as written confirmation that space has been
identified and will be made available to the sponsored program.
If on-campus space is not available in the facilities occupied by the
departments under the Chair/Dean’s supervision, then the PI should
contact the Assistant Vice President for Finance and Support Services
Planning to determine if on-campus space is available for lease by the
sponsored program.
If there is no on-campus office space available, the PI should work with
the Director of Procurement Services to identify off-campus office space to
lease. University employees have no authority to and may not make or
imply commitments on behalf of the university related to such space; i.e.,
they cannot sign contracts to lease space. If the PI enters into a contract
for leased space under his or her own signature, it becomes a personal
liability and will not be paid by SWT.
The PI should ensure that direct costs for space leasing are included in
the grant/contract budget.
If the PI determines that he/she needs additional space for storage and
that space is not available on campus, the PI must receive written
approval from the funding agency before the university will make an
obligation to lease the storage space. The approval may either be secured
in the original proposal or received after award of the program. A copy of
the written approval must be forwarded to Grants and Contracts
Generally, storage space will not be provided on campus for sponsored
The Assistant Vice President for Finance and Support Services Planning
(AVPFSSP) will:
a) Maintain a list of available on-campus facilities for lease. The list
will be provided to the offices of Sponsored Programs, Grants and
Contracts Administration and Auxiliary Services. As other
properties become available to the university, they will be added to
the list dependent upon location and condition of the property.
b) Determine, with consensus from the Issues Sub-committee, which
program will be given the opportunity to lease on-campus facilities
based on availability.
c) Notify the Assistant Director of Auxiliary Services when a
commitment of on-campus leased space is made to a sponsored
program. Information given to the Assistant Director will include the
amount of assignable square footage available for lease.
d) Coordinate with the Facilities Department any initial remodeling of
the space to bring it to campus standards. Remodeling of this type
will be at the expense of the university.
e) Coordinate with the Facilities Department requests for “cosmetic”
changes. Changes of this type will be at the expense of the
sponsored program.
f) Notify the Associate Vice President for Research of a lease rate
increase by February of each year based on a review of current
San Marcos lease rates.
g) Decide when a sponsored program may be waived from paying
rent for on-campus lease space.
The Special Assistant to the Vice President for Finance and Support
Services will:
a) Work with the Assistant Vice President for Finance and Support
Services Planning to identify other properties near the campus that
could serve as potential on-campus lease facilities for sponsored
programs and notify the AVPFSSP when new properties become
available for lease.
b) Work directly with the owners on negotiations for acquisition of the
The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) will:
a) Encourage the PI to budget for lease payments and renovation
costs in proposals for new sponsored programs which do not
provide full indirect cost.
b) Provide the current lease rate to prospective PI’s for budget
The Grants and Contracts Administration office will:
a) Confirm and notify the Assistant Director of Auxiliary Services when
a sponsored program with funds budgeted for SWT leased space is
The Assistant Director of Auxiliary Services will:
a) Work with the PI to sign a memorandum of understanding (see
attachment for example) between the sponsored program and
SWT. The memorandum of understanding will include: specified
terms and lease rates which provides for the recovery of certain
costs (e.g., custodial, grounds, utility, maintenance, etc.) associated
with the space.
b) Bill the sponsored program and process the transfer for the leased
space per the signed memorandum of understanding (not less than
quarterly). All monies collected for lease of university space will be
deposited to account 4-3779, Rental Facilities.
c) Work with the Facilities Department to see that the routine
maintenance and/or required repairs are handled as needed and
bill account 4-3779, Rental Facilities.
The Principal Investigator (PI) will:
a) Contact the Assistant Vice President for Finance and Support
Services Planning to determine the availability of on-campus lease
space if no space is available in the facilities occupied by the
departments under the Chair/Dean’s supervision.
b) Sign a Memorandum of Understanding if on-campus leased space
is made available for the program.
c) Secure departmental endorsement and dean approval for
remodeling or improvements required by the sponsored program at
the time of lease negotiation. Remodeling or improvements should
be coordinated with Facilities and the cost may be borne by either
the sponsored program or the department. Cosmetic changes will
not be funded by either the grant or the university.
d) Coordinate and pay for moving, contact Telecommunication
Services and Computing Services for appropriate
telecommunication/computer connections, and contact Mail
Services for delivery of mail.
e) Inform the Assistant Director of Auxiliary Services when routine
maintenance or required repairs are needed. Damages to the
property (other than normal wear and tear) are the responsibility of
the PI.
f) Be personally liable if he/she contracts for space and/or
materials/repairs without written approval of the Assistant Director
of Auxiliary Services.
g) Contact the operator on duty at the Cogeneration Plant when an
emergency (e.g., broken water line, etc.) occurs after normal work
hours or on the weekends.
The lease rate will be equivalent to the current San Marcos rate. The rate
may be evaluated annually in February on a per assignable square foot
basis by the Assistant Vice President for Finance and Support Services
Planning and provided to the Associate Vice President for Research. This
rate will provide for custodial care of the facility, grounds upkeep,
electricity, air conditioning/heat, water, garbage pickup, and insurance
coverage of the facility.
A Memorandum of Understanding may be written for the term of the
original grant at the lease rate established at the time the proposal was
A PI may request an extension of the Memorandum of Understanding
when it becomes apparent that the sponsored program will be renewed.
The PI should give the Assistant Director of Auxiliary Services as much
written notice as possible, preferably 60 days prior to the termination date
of the Memorandum of Understanding.
When a PI knows that a current sponsored program is about to terminate
but he/she is interested in writing a proposal for a new sponsored program
which will also require space, the PI needs to follow the process identified
in Section 03, Establishing Need for Office Space. The PI should not
assume that the space that is currently occupied will be made available for
the new program.
Major responsibilities for routine assignments associated with this UPPS
Assistant Vice President for Finance
& Support Services Planning
Feb 1 E5Y
Assistant Director of Auxiliary
Feb 1 E5Y
Associate Vice President for
Feb 1 E5Y
Director of Grants and
Contracts Administration
Feb 1 E5Y
This UPPS has been approved by the following individuals in their official
capacities, and represents SWT policy and procedure from the date of this
document until superseded.
Ms. Nancy Nusbaum, Assistant Vice President for Finance and Support
Services; senior reviewer of this UPPS
Ms. Linda Bagwell, Assistant Director of Auxiliary Services; reviewer of this
Dr. Billy C. Covington, Associate Vice President for Research; reviewer of this
Ms. Charlene Blevins, Director of Grants and Contracts Administration; reviewer
of this UPPS
Mr. William Nance, Vice President for Finance and Support Services
Dr. Robert Gratz, Vice President for Academic Affairs
Dr. Jerome H. Supple, President
Sample Memorandum of Understanding
Southwest Texas State University is agreeable to lease the facility located at
_________________________ to (principal investigator) for use for the
sponsored program entitled ______________________________.
The terms of this agreement are _____________________ through
Further, the terms of this agreement are as follows:
1. The premises may be used for the sponsored program in conducting its
educational mission, including use as an annex for educational research
2. The university will provide all utilities, including water, gas, and electricity,
as well as custodial service and maintain the premises in good condition,
including cutting the grass and watering the yard. The sponsored program
will be responsible for telephone/computer expenses during the term of
this lease or any extension thereof.
3. The monthly rent is ___________ ($_____ per asf/per month). The
assignable square feet occupied in this facility is ___________. The
Assistant Director of Auxiliary Services will bill account number _______
on a(n) ____________ (monthly, quarterly, annual) basis. The P.I. must
approve the invoice and forward to General Accounting within 10 work
days of receipt.
4. The PI will accept the premises in their present condition "as is"; the
premises being currently suitable for the sponsored program's intended
use. The PI agrees not to alter the premises or erect signs on the
premises unless prior written approval has been received from the
Assistant Director of Auxiliary Services. Any physical additions or
improvements to the premises must be coordinated with the Assistant
Director of Auxiliary Services.
5. The PI will be responsible for repairing any damage to the premises
caused by the occupant’s negligence or intentional acts.
If you agree to these terms, please so indicate by signing one copy of this
memorandum of understanding and forward to the Assistant Director of Auxiliary
Principal Investigator, Tenant
Assistant Director of Auxiliary Services