Middle Level Humanities Endorsement Worksheet Minimum Coursework Expectations

Middle Level Humanities Endorsement Worksheet
WEST E ML Humanities pt.1 (ELA) Date taken or to be taken:
WEST E ML Humanities pt.2 (SS) Date taken or to be taken:
Minimum Coursework
Course Abbreviation/#
or Evergreen program title
English Language Arts must include a
minimum of 20 credits (more preferred) in
the following categories beyond the
required research and/or expository
writing course from the general prerequisites
4 credits adolescent literature
4 credits multicultural literature (American
ethnic authors)
4 credits speech or debate or equivalent
4 credits language skills/structure study, e.g.
Grammars for Teachers or Grammar &
Language Functions
Additional language arts including writing &
literature, theatre, communications, media/film
analysis, digital web tools
social studies must include a minimum of
24 credits (more preferred) in the
following categories
4 credits US history (prefer origins to 1900)
4 credits world geography
4 credits economics
4 credits Pacific NW history (pre-statehood to
4 credits civics/political science (U.S.
government and other political systems)
4 credits world history (recommend 8000 to
other social studies and social sciences
including additional history, anthropology,
psychology and sociology
Please list all work completed, in-progress and planned. Convert all credits
to quarter credits (generally 3 semester hrs = 4.5 qtr cr)
Applicant’s Name:
Score (if known):
Score (if known):
Course Name
(For Evergreen programs list the
√ if
completed/to be
name of the course equivalency) credits College or University complete