Elementary Education Endorsement Worksheet NES Elementary Education Minimum Coursework Expectations Applicant's Name: Date taken or to be taken: Course Abbreviation/# or Evergreen program title 4 credits probability/statistics 8-10 credits additional math to include Numerical Reasoning, Geometry & Algebra through a problem solving approach Geometry (2 and 3 dimension) College Level Algebra 4 credits from the Arts: dance, music, theatre visual arts Current CPR/First Aid card at time of program start 12 or more credits of science to include credits in each of three areas of science, at least one must include a lab Biology (living things e.g. plants, animals, people, microbes, fungi) Earth & space science (e.g. astronomy, geology, meteorology, oceanography) Physical Science (e.g. Physics, Chemistry, Environmental Science) 12 or more credits of Social Studies to include credits in each area US History (recommend focus on prefounding to Independence) World Geography Civics/Political Science (especially American Government) Economics Pacific Northwest History (recommend focus pre-statehood) World History (recommend ancient civilizations 8000 BCE to 600 CE) 4 credits Children’s Literature (pre-readers to grade 8) 4 credits Language Structure & Functions course, (e.g. Grammar for Teachers;Gram & Lang Functions) Please list all work completed, in-progress and planned. Convert all credits to quarter credits (generally 3 semester hrs = 4.5 qtr cr) Course Name (For Evergreen programs list the name of the course equivalency) Score (if known): # Qtr credits College or University Date completed √ if /to be complete completed