Literacy World and the Revised Northern Ireland Primary Curriculum

Literacy World and the Revised Northern Ireland Primary Curriculum
The Essential Fiction and Non-fiction Teaching and Planning Guides have been fully updated in 2007 to reflect the latest
curriculum guidance across the UK.
The tables below demonstrate how the Teaching and Planning Guides cover the Revised Northern Ireland Primary Curriculum for
Language and Literacy.
Note: there are some objectives which we feel will be achieved either outside structured lesson time, or over a longer period as
the culmination of a year’s literacy work. These include the reading objectives ‘engage in sustained, independent and silent
reading for enjoyment and information’, ‘extend the range of reading and develop their own preferences’ and the writing
objectives ‘begin to formulate their own personal style’ and ‘develop a swift and legible style of handwriting’. Finally, the talking
and listening objective ‘talk with people in a variety of formal and informal situations’ is partly covered within the structured
work, but as the example ‘during educational visits or visitors to the classroom’ suggests, this should also be covered in real
world situations if possible.
STAGE 3 Essential Non-fiction Teaching and Planning Guide
LW Unit
Revised NI Primary Curriculum
Language and Literacy
Key Stage 2
Unit 1
Talking and Listening
Pupils should be enabled to:
Pupils should be enabled to:
 listen and respond to a range of
 participate in modelled, shared, paired
fiction, poetry, drama and media texts
and guided reading experiences
through the use of traditional and
 read, explore, understand and make use
digital resources
of a wide range of traditional and digital
 participate in group and class
discussions for a variety of curricular
 use traditional and digital sources to
locate, select, evaluate and communicate
 know, understand and use the
information relevant for a particular task
conventions of group discussion
 represent their understanding of texts in a
 formulate, give and respond to
range of ways, including visual, oral,
Pupils should be enabled to:
 participate in modelled, shared,
guided and independent writing,
including composing on-screen
 discuss various features of layout in
texts and apply these, as appropriate,
within their own writing
 write for a variety of purposes and
audiences, selecting, planning and
using appropriate style and form
 use the skills of planning, revising and
Unit 2
and reports
guidance, directions and instructions
 participate in a range of drama
activities across the curriculum
 improvise a scene based on
experience, imagination, literature,
media and/or curricular topics
 identify and ask appropriate questions
to seek information, views and feelings
 recognise and discuss features of
spoken language, including formal and
informal language, dialect and
colloquial speech
dramatic and digital
 consider, interpret and discuss texts,
exploring the ways in which language can
be manipulated in order to affect the
reader or engage attention
 begin to be aware of how different media
present information, ideas and events in
different ways
 use a range of cross-checking strategies to
read unfamiliar words in texts
 use a variety of reading skills for different
reading purposes
Talking and Listening
Pupils should be enabled to:
 listen and respond to a range of
fiction, poetry, drama and media texts
through the use of traditional and
digital resources
 tell, retell and interpret stories based
on memories, personal experiences,
literature, imagination and the content
of the curriculum
 participate in group and class
discussions for a variety of curricular
 know, understand and use the
conventions of group discussion
 participate in a range of drama
activities across the curriculum
 improvise a scene based on
experience, imagination, literature,
Pupils should be enabled to:
 participate in modelled, shared, paired
and guided reading experiences
 read, explore, understand and make use
of a wide range of traditional and digital
 use traditional and digital sources to
locate, select, evaluate and communicate
information relevant for a particular task
 represent their understanding of texts in a
range of ways, including visual, oral,
dramatic and digital
 begin to be aware of how different media
present information, ideas and events in
different ways
 justify their responses logically, by
inference, deduction and/or reference to
evidence within the text
redrafting to improve their writing,
including that which they have
composed digitally
 create, organise, refine and present
ideas using traditional and digital
means, combining text, sound or
 understand the differences between
spoken and written language
 use a variety of skills to spell words
 develop increasing competence in the
use of grammar and punctuation to
create clarity of meaning
Pupils should be enabled to:
 participate in modelled, shared,
guided and independent writing,
including composing on-screen
 discuss various features of layout in
texts and apply these, as appropriate,
within their own writing
 write for a variety of purposes and
audiences, selecting, planning and
using appropriate style and form
 use the skills of planning, revising and
redrafting to improve their writing,
including that which they have
composed digitally
 understand the differences between
spoken and written language
 use a variety of skills to spell words
Unit 3
media and/or curricular topics
 describe and talk about real
experiences and imaginary situations
and about people, places, events and
 identify and ask appropriate questions
to seek information, views and feelings
 recognise and discuss features of
spoken language, including formal and
informal language, dialect and
colloquial speech
Talking and Listening
Pupils should be enabled to:
 participate in group and class
discussions for a variety of curricular
 know, understand and use the
conventions of group discussion
 share, respond to and evaluate ideas,
arguments and points of view and use
evidence or reason to justify opinions,
actions or proposals
 participate in a range of drama
activities across the curriculum
 prepare and give a short oral
presentation to a familiar group,
showing an awareness of audience and
including the use of multimedia
 use appropriate quality of speech and
voice, speaking audibly and varying
register, according to the purpose and
 read aloud to the class or teacher from
prepared texts, including those composed
by themselves, using inflection to assist
 use a range of cross-checking strategies to
read unfamiliar words in texts
 use a variety of reading skills for different
reading purposes
 develop increasing competence in the
use of grammar and punctuation to
create clarity of meaning
 develop a swift and legible style of
Pupils should be enabled to:
 participate in modelled, shared, paired
and guided reading experiences
 read, explore, understand and make use
of a wide range of traditional and digital
 use traditional and digital sources to
locate, select, evaluate and communicate
information relevant for a particular task
 represent their understanding of texts in a
range of ways, including visual, oral,
dramatic and digital
 consider, interpret and discuss texts,
exploring the ways in which language can
be manipulated in order to affect the
reader or engage attention
 begin to be aware of how different media
present information, ideas and events in
different ways
 justify their responses logically, by
inference, deduction and/or reference to
Pupils should be enabled to:
 participate in modelled, shared,
guided and independent writing,
including composing on-screen
 discuss various features of layout in
texts and apply these, as appropriate,
within their own writing
 experiment with rhymes, rhythms,
verse structure and all kinds of word
play and dialect
 write for a variety of purposes and
audiences, selecting, planning and
using appropriate style and form
 use the skills of planning, revising and
redrafting to improve their writing,
including that which they have
composed digitally
 express thoughts, feelings and opinions
in imaginative and factual writing
 create, organise, refine and present
ideas using traditional and digital
 recognise and discuss features of
spoken language, including formal and
informal language, dialect and
colloquial speech
evidence within the text
 use a range of cross-checking strategies to
read unfamiliar words in texts
 use a variety of reading skills for different
reading purposes
Unit 4
Talking and Listening
Pupils should be enabled to:
 listen and respond to a range of
fiction, poetry, drama and media texts
through the use of traditional and
digital resources
 participate in group and class
discussions for a variety of curricular
 describe and talk about real
experiences and imaginary situations
and about people, places, events and
Unit 5
Talking and Listening
Pupils should be enabled to:
 participate in group and class
discussions for a variety of curricular
 share, respond to and evaluate ideas,
arguments and points of view and use
evidence or reason to justify opinions,
actions or proposals
 participate in a range of drama
Pupils should be enabled to:
 participate in modelled, shared, paired
and guided reading experiences
 read, explore, understand and make use
of a wide range of traditional and digital
 represent their understanding of texts in a
range of ways, including visual, oral,
dramatic and digital
 consider, interpret and discuss texts,
exploring the ways in which language can
be manipulated in order to affect the
reader or engage attention
 use a range of cross-checking strategies to
read unfamiliar words in texts
Pupils should be enabled to:
 participate in modelled, shared, paired
and guided reading experiences
 read, explore, understand and make use
of a wide range of traditional and digital
 use traditional and digital sources to
locate, select, evaluate and communicate
information relevant for a particular task
means, combining text, sound or
 use a variety of skills to spell words
 develop increasing competence in the
use of grammar and punctuation to
create clarity of meaning;
Pupils should be enabled to:
 participate in modelled, shared,
guided and independent writing,
including composing on-screen
 write for a variety of purposes and
audiences, selecting, planning and
using appropriate style and form
 use a variety of skills to spell words
Pupils should be enabled to:
 participate in modelled, shared,
guided and independent writing,
including composing on-screen
 discuss various features of layout in
texts and apply these, as appropriate,
within their own writing
 write for a variety of purposes and
audiences, selecting, planning and
activities across the curriculum
 prepare and give a short oral
presentation to a familiar group,
showing an awareness of audience and
including the use of multimedia
 begin to be aware of how different media
present information, ideas and events in
different ways
 read aloud to the class or teacher from
prepared texts, including those composed
by themselves, using inflection to assist
STAGE 3 Essential Fiction Teaching and Planning Guide
LW Unit
Revised NI Primary Curriculum
Language and Literacy
Key Stage 3
Unit 1
Talking and Listening
Pupils should be enabled to:
Pupils should be enabled to:
 listen and respond to a range of
 participate in modelled, shared, paired
fiction, poetry, drama and media
and guided reading experiences
texts through the use of traditional
 read, explore, understand and make use
and digital resources
of a wide range of traditional and digital
 tell, retell and interpret stories based
on memories, personal experiences,
 extend the range of their reading and
literature, imagination and the
develop their own preferences
content of the curriculum
 use traditional and digital sources to
 participate in group and class
locate, select, evaluate and
discussions for a variety of curricular
communicate information relevant for a
particular task
using appropriate style and form
 use the skills of planning, revising and
redrafting to improve their writing,
including that which they have
composed digitally
 use a variety of skills to spell words
 develop increasing competence in the
use of grammar and punctuation to
create clarity of meaning
Pupils should be enabled to:
 participate in modelled, shared,
guided and independent writing,
including composing on-screen
 experiment with rhymes, rhythms,
verse structure and all kinds of word
play and dialect
 write for a variety of purposes and
audiences, selecting, planning and
using appropriate style and form
 use the skills of planning, revising and
redrafting to improve their writing,
Unit 2
 know, understand and use the
conventions of group discussion
 share, respond to and evaluate ideas,
arguments and points of view and use
evidence or reason to justify opinions,
actions or proposals
 participate in a range of drama
activities across the curriculum
 improvise a scene based on
experience, imagination, literature,
media and/or curricular topics
 describe and talk about real
experiences and imaginary situations
and about people, places, events and
 prepare and give a short oral
presentation to a familiar group,
showing an awareness of audience
and including the use of multimedia
 identify and ask appropriate questions
to seek information, views and
Talking and Listening
Pupils should be enabled to:
 listen and respond to a range of
fiction, poetry, drama and media
texts through the use of traditional
and digital resources
 tell, retell and interpret stories based
on memories, personal experiences,
literature, imagination and the
content of the curriculum
 represent their understanding of texts in
a range of ways, including visual, oral,
dramatic and digital
 consider, interpret and discuss texts,
exploring the ways in which language
can be manipulated in order to affect
the reader or engage attention
 begin to be aware of how different
media present information, ideas and
events in different ways
 justify their responses logically, by
inference, deduction and/or reference
to evidence within the text
 reconsider their initial response to texts
in the light of insight and information
which emerge subsequently from their
 use a variety of reading skills for
different reading purposes
Pupils should be enabled to:
 participate in modelled, shared, paired
and guided reading experiences
 read, explore, understand and make use
of a wide range of traditional and digital
 consider, interpret and discuss texts,
exploring the ways in which language
can be manipulated in order to affect
including that which they have
composed digitally
express thoughts, feelings and
opinions in imaginative and factual
use a variety of stylistic features to
create mood and effect
use a variety of skills to spell words
develop increasing competence in the
use of grammar and punctuation to
create clarity of meaning
develop a swift and legible style of
Pupils should be enabled to:
 participate in modelled, shared,
guided and independent writing,
including composing on-screen
 write for a variety of purposes and
audiences, selecting, planning and
using appropriate style and form
 use the skills of planning, revising and
redrafting to improve their writing,
Unit 3 Stories
from other
 participate in group and class
discussions for a variety of curricular
 know, understand and use the
conventions of group discussion
 participate in a range of drama
activities across the curriculum
 use appropriate quality of speech and
voice, speaking audibly and varying
register, according to the purpose and
 read aloud, inflecting appropriately,
to express thoughts and feelings and
emphasise the meaning of what they
have read
Talking and Listening
Pupils should be enabled to:
 listen and respond to a range of
fiction, poetry, drama and media
texts through the use of traditional
and digital resources
 participate in group and class
discussions for a variety of curricular
 know, understand and use the
conventions of group discussion
 share, respond to and evaluate ideas,
arguments and points of view and use
evidence or reason to justify opinions,
actions or proposals
 participate in a range of drama
activities across the curriculum
 improvise a scene based on
the reader or engage attention
 begin to be aware of how different
media present information, ideas and
events in different ways
 read aloud to the class or teacher from
prepared texts, including those
composed by themselves, using
inflection to assist meaning
Pupils should be enabled to:
 participate in modelled, shared, paired
and guided reading experiences
 read, explore, understand and make use
of a wide range of traditional and digital
 extend the range of their reading and
develop their own preferences
 use traditional and digital sources to
locate, select, evaluate and
communicate information relevant for a
particular task
 justify their responses logically, by
inference, deduction and/or reference
to evidence within the text
 read aloud to the class or teacher from
prepared texts, including those
including that which they have
composed digitally
create, organise, refine and present
ideas using traditional and digital
means, combining text, sound or
understand the differences between
spoken and written language
use a variety of skills to spell words
develop increasing competence in the
use of grammar and punctuation to
create clarity of meaning
Pupils should be enabled to:
 participate in modelled, shared,
guided and independent writing,
including composing on-screen
 write for a variety of purposes and
audiences, selecting, planning and
using appropriate style and form
 use the skills of planning, revising and
redrafting to improve their writing,
including that which they have
composed digitally
 express thoughts, feelings and
opinions in imaginative and factual
 create, organise, refine and present
ideas using traditional and digital
means, combining text, sound or
Unit 4
Older literature
experience, imagination, literature,
media and/or curricular topics
 describe and talk about real
experiences and imaginary situations
and about people, places, events and
 prepare and give a short oral
presentation to a familiar group,
showing an awareness of audience
and including the use of multimedia
 use appropriate quality of speech and
voice, speaking audibly and varying
register, according to the purpose and
 read aloud, inflecting appropriately,
to express thoughts and feelings and
emphasise the meaning of what they
have read
 recognise and discuss features of
spoken language, including formal and
informal language, dialect and
colloquial speech
Talking and Listening
Pupils should be enabled to:
 listen and respond to a range of
fiction, poetry, drama and media
texts through the use of traditional
and digital resources
 participate in group and class
discussions for a variety of curricular
 know, understand and use the
composed by themselves, using
inflection to assist meaning
 use a range of cross-checking strategies
to read unfamiliar words in texts
 use a variety of reading skills for
different reading purposes
 develop increasing competence in the
use of grammar and punctuation to
create clarity of meaning
Pupils should be enabled to:
 participate in modelled, shared, paired
and guided reading experiences
 read, explore, understand and make use
of a wide range of traditional and digital
 extend the range of their reading and
develop their own preferences
 use traditional and digital sources to
Pupils should be enabled to:
 participate in modelled, shared,
guided and independent writing,
including composing on-screen
 write for a variety of purposes and
audiences, selecting, planning and
using appropriate style and form
 express thoughts, feelings and
opinions in imaginative and factual
conventions of group discussion
 share, respond to and evaluate ideas,
arguments and points of view and use
evidence or reason to justify opinions,
actions or proposals
 participate in a range of drama
activities across the curriculum
 improvise a scene based on
experience, imagination, literature,
media and/or curricular topics
 identify and ask appropriate questions
to seek information, views and
Unit 5
Film narrative
Talking and Listening
Pupils should be enabled to:
 listen and respond to a range of
fiction, poetry, drama and media
texts through the use of traditional
and digital resources
 tell, retell and interpret stories based
on memories, personal experiences,
literature, imagination and the
content of the curriculum
 participate in group and class
discussions for a variety of curricular
locate, select, evaluate and
communicate information relevant for a
particular task
 represent their understanding of texts in
a range of ways, including visual, oral,
dramatic and digital
 consider, interpret and discuss texts,
exploring the ways in which language
can be manipulated in order to affect
the reader or engage attention
 begin to be aware of how different
media present information, ideas and
events in different ways
 justify their responses logically, by
inference, deduction and/or reference
to evidence within the text
 use a range of cross-checking strategies
to read unfamiliar words in texts
 use a variety of reading skills for
different reading purposes
Pupils should be enabled to:
 read aloud to the class or teacher from
prepared texts, including those
composed by themselves, using
inflection to assist meaning
 understand the differences between
spoken and written language
 use a variety of skills to spell words
Pupils should be enabled to:
 participate in modelled, shared,
guided and independent writing,
including composing on-screen
 write for a variety of purposes and
audiences, selecting, planning and
using appropriate style and form
 use the skills of planning, revising and
redrafting to improve their writing,
including that which they have
composed digitally
 express thoughts, feelings and
Unit 6 Dramatic
 share, respond to and evaluate ideas,
arguments and points of view and use
evidence or reason to justify opinions,
actions or proposals
 formulate, give and respond to
guidance, directions and instructions
 participate in a range of drama
activities across the curriculum
 improvise a scene based on
experience, imagination, literature,
media and/or curricular topics
 describe and talk about real
experiences and imaginary situations
and about people, places, events and
 identify and ask appropriate questions
to seek information, views and
 use appropriate quality of speech and
voice, speaking audibly and varying
register, according to the purpose and
 read aloud, inflecting appropriately,
to express thoughts and feelings and
emphasise the meaning of what they
have read
 recognise and discuss features of
spoken language, including formal and
informal language, dialect and
colloquial speech
Talking and Listening
Pupils should be enabled to:
 listen and respond to a range of
opinions in imaginative and factual
 use a variety of stylistic features to
create mood and effect
 develop increasing competence in the
use of grammar and punctuation to
create clarity of meaning
Pupils should be enabled to:
 participate in modelled, shared, paired
Pupils should be enabled to:
 participate in modelled, shared,
Unit 7 Poetic
fiction, poetry, drama and media
texts through the use of traditional
and digital resources
 participate in group and class
discussions for a variety of curricular
 formulate, give and respond to
guidance, directions and instructions
 participate in a range of drama
activities across the curriculum
 prepare and give a short oral
presentation to a familiar group,
showing an awareness of audience
and including the use of multimedia
 identify and ask appropriate questions
to seek information, views and
 recognise and discuss features of
spoken language, including formal and
informal language, dialect and
colloquial speech
Talking and Listening
Pupils should be enabled to:
 listen and respond to a range of
fiction, poetry, drama and media
texts through the use of traditional
and digital resources
 participate in group and class
discussions for a variety of curricular
 share, respond to and evaluate ideas,
arguments and points of view and use
and guided reading experiences
 read, explore, understand and make use
of a wide range of traditional and digital
 engage in sustained, independent and
silent reading for enjoyment and
 represent their understanding of texts in
a range of ways, including visual, oral,
dramatic and digital
 begin to be aware of how different
media present information, ideas and
events in different ways
 read aloud to the class or teacher from
prepared texts, including those
composed by themselves, using
inflection to assist meaning
Pupils should be enabled to:
 participate in modelled, shared, paired
and guided reading experiences
 read, explore, understand and make use
of a wide range of traditional and digital
 extend the range of their reading and
develop their own preferences
 use traditional and digital sources to
locate, select, evaluate and
guided and independent writing,
including composing on-screen
discuss various features of layout in
texts and apply these, as appropriate,
within their own writing
write for a variety of purposes and
audiences, selecting, planning and
using appropriate style and form
express thoughts, feelings and
opinions in imaginative and factual
create, organise, refine and present
ideas using traditional and digital
means, combining text, sound or
Pupils should be enabled to:
 participate in modelled, shared,
guided and independent writing,
including composing on-screen
 experiment with rhymes, rhythms,
verse structure and all kinds of word
play and dialect
 write for a variety of purposes and
audiences, selecting, planning and
using appropriate style and form
evidence or reason to justify opinions,
actions or proposals
 use appropriate quality of speech and
voice, speaking audibly and varying
register, according to the purpose and
 read aloud, inflecting appropriately,
to express thoughts and feelings and
emphasise the meaning of what they
have read
communicate information relevant for a
particular task
 consider, interpret and discuss texts,
exploring the ways in which language
can be manipulated in order to affect
the reader or engage attention
 justify their responses logically, by
inference, deduction and/or reference
to evidence within the text
 read aloud to the class or teacher from
prepared texts, including those
composed by themselves, using
inflection to assist meaning
Unit 8
Talking and Listening
Classic/narrative Pupils should be enabled to:
 listen and respond to a range of
fiction, poetry, drama and media
texts through the use of traditional
and digital resources
 participate in group and class
discussions for a variety of curricular
 know, understand and use the
conventions of group discussion
 participate in a range of drama
activities across the curriculum
 identify and ask appropriate questions
to seek information, views and
 use appropriate quality of speech and
voice, speaking audibly and varying
register, according to the purpose and
Pupils should be enabled to:
 participate in modelled, shared, paired
and guided reading experiences
 read, explore, understand and make use
of a wide range of traditional and digital
 extend the range of their reading and
develop their own preferences
 consider, interpret and discuss texts,
exploring the ways in which language
can be manipulated in order to affect
the reader or engage attention
 read aloud to the class or teacher from
prepared texts, including those
composed by themselves, using
inflection to assist meaning
 use a range of cross-checking strategies
to read unfamiliar words in texts
 use the skills of planning, revising and
redrafting to improve their writing,
including that which they have
composed digitally
 express thoughts, feelings and
opinions in imaginative and factual
 use a variety of skills to spell words
 develop increasing competence in the
use of grammar and punctuation to
create clarity of meaning
 develop a swift and legible style of
Pupils should be enabled to:
 participate in modelled, shared,
guided and independent writing,
including composing on-screen
 experiment with rhymes, rhythms,
verse structure and all kinds of word
play and dialect
 understand the differences between
spoken and written language
 use a variety of skills to spell words
Unit 9
Choral and
Unit 10
 read aloud, inflecting appropriately,
to express thoughts and feelings and
emphasise the meaning of what they
have read
 recognise and discuss features of
spoken language, including formal and
informal language, dialect and
colloquial speech
Talking and Listening
Pupils should be enabled to:
 listen and respond to a range of
fiction, poetry, drama and media
texts through the use of traditional
and digital resources
 participate in group and class
discussions for a variety of curricular
 share, respond to and evaluate ideas,
arguments and points of view and use
evidence or reason to justify opinions,
actions or proposals
 participate in a range of drama
activities across the curriculum
 use appropriate quality of speech and
voice, speaking audibly and varying
register, according to the purpose and
 read aloud, inflecting appropriately,
to express thoughts and feelings and
emphasise the meaning of what they
have read
Talking and Listening
Pupils should be enabled to:
 participate in modelled, shared, paired
and guided reading experiences
 read, explore, understand and make use
of a wide range of traditional and digital
 justify their responses logically, by
inference, deduction and/or reference
to evidence within the text
 read aloud to the class or teacher from
prepared texts, including those
composed by themselves, using
inflection to assist meaning
Pupils should be enabled to:
 participate in modelled, shared,
guided and independent writing,
including composing on-screen
 experiment with rhymes, rhythms,
verse structure and all kinds of word
play and dialect
 use a variety of skills to spell words
 develop increasing competence in the
use of grammar and punctuation to
create clarity of meaning
Concrete poems
Pupils should be enabled to:
 listen and respond to a range of
fiction, poetry, drama and media
texts through the use of traditional
and digital resources
 participate in group and class
discussions for a variety of curricular
 read aloud, inflecting appropriately,
to express thoughts and feelings and
emphasise the meaning of what they
have read
Pupils should be enabled to:
 participate in modelled, shared, paired
and guided reading experiences
 read, explore, understand and make use
of a wide range of traditional and digital
 extend the range of their reading and
develop their own preferences
 read aloud to the class or teacher from
prepared texts, including those
composed by themselves, using
inflection to assist meaning
 use a range of cross-checking strategies
to read unfamiliar words in texts
Pupils should be enabled to:
 participate in modelled, shared,
guided and independent writing,
including composing on-screen
 discuss various features of layout in
texts and apply these, as appropriate,
within their own writing
 experiment with rhymes, rhythms,
verse structure and all kinds of word
play and dialect