IEEE 2015 Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Paper Title space for logos presenting author, other authors, Affiliations Subheading Some text Brief description of figures or results: Abstract: not necessarily the paper abstract; just a condensed summary or take-away message. An informative subheading - some main points - some take-aways space for a figure space for a figure space for a figure space for a figure Some more text or a caption Avoid generic subheadings space for a figure some text with important points or key terms highlighted Some explanation of results Keep number of different font, styles, colors to a minimum. But can use to differentiate different information. space space space for for a for a a figure figure figure space for a figure If you use a particular font style in multiple places (italics, bold, etc.) it should be for the same reasons. Keep things consistent. Align text and captions with figures as much as possible. They are distracting. space for a figure space for a figure space for a figure Some more text or a caption Paper, code, links: any additional links, downloads, information, terminology, can go in small boxes like these, if they are important enough to include and separate from the rest of the poster. IEEE 2015 Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Paper Title space for logos presenting author, other authors, Affiliations Paper, code, links: any additional links, downloads, information, terminology, can go in small boxes like these, if they are important enough to include and separate from the rest of the poster. goal: some main points here Abstract: not necessarily the paper abstract; just a condensed summary or take-away message. space for a figure space for a figure A figure caption with some key points. space caption or text Keep number of different font, styles, colors to a minimum. But can use to differentiate different information. Keep text minimal. space for a figure Leave space for figures and results. Keep it visual. a key formula Some main text some more secondary text space for a figure space for a figure Some text with important points or key terms highlighted space for a figure space for a figure space for a figure A caption. If you use a particular font style in multiple places (italics, bold, etc.) it should be for the same reasons. Keep things consistent. space for a figure Applications: leave viewer with some takeaways or final results.