Title to make people stop and look space for logos space for logos The masterminds behind this work, especially this person Institutions, affiliations, etc. An interesting subtitle Keep subtitles informative Some key term: definition or description or key idea Some key intro text - additional text or figures in this space Minimize number of different font styles used throughout poster. Finding the right place to put different poster elements so they align is an art. Important points details that are nevertheless important to state space for a figure space for a figure If you use a particular font style in multiple place (italics, bold, etc.) it should be for the same reasons - to highlight concepts or definitions or applications, etc. space for a figure space for a figure space for a figure immediately visible Keep text on poster minimal. Leave lots of space for visuals. Some additional examples: Leave plenty of breathing space for all your poster elements! Plenty of figures! And some key points. space for a figure space for a figure space for a figure Some key term: or idea or point Dataset: website link here Code: any additional links, downloads, information, terminology, can go in small boxes like these, if they are important enough to include and separate from the rest of the poster. space for a figure space for a figure Avoid generic subtitles Align captions and Align neighboring elements text with figures as with each other. much as possible any misalignments will be avoid visual dissonance space for a figure Only put most essential text in captions. space for a figure space for a figure