The E-government Revolution What is the impact for Rural America? Relevant Topics What is e-government? Is e-government a reality in rural America? Who currently uses e-government services? Are security and privacy serious concerns? What are the benefits of e-government? Does e-government equate to better government? What Is E-government? E-government is the provision of services, information, and/or communication to constituents from federal, state, or local governmental bodies via some electronic means, typically the internet. E-government should be considered as another means by which governmental agencies can better serve their constituents. Examples include: – – Electronic filing of income taxes Availability of electronic government forms and reports Who Currently Uses E-government? Study shows 35% of Americans are frequent internet users. Additional 28% are occasional users*. Survey of government agencies indicates: 95% of federal/state agencies have internet presence. Roughly 40% of local agencies have internet presence. 66% of those who use the internet indicated that they are egovernment users. 71% of that same group rated government sites as excellent or good*. Rural America may be a little slower in adapting these concepts, but trends are expected to be similar. *The Council for Excellence in Government August 2000 What Is the Public’s Perception of E-government? Public is still learning about egovernment. Roughly 50% of population is familiar with the concept. Only 11% of those surveyed indicated that e-government would have a negative effect on services. Public wants a slow transition. Additional data regarding specific services*. 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% The Council for Excellence in Government August 2000 Very Favorable View Med. Info. Leg. Info. Social Security Student Loans Income Tax Driver's License Is E-government a Reality in Rural America? Though rural America may be a little slower in adapting e-government, trends are expected to parallel those of the general population. This statement assumes access to the internet. As with e-commerce, e-government presents a great opportunity for more efficient service to the customer, especially those customers who reside in rural America. Are Security and Privacy Issues a Concern? Public is extremely concerned about security and Privacy Issues*. Public named improved security as top priority for government web pages. Hackers 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% The Council for Excellence in Government August 2000 Extremely Concerned* Misuse of Personal Info Less Personal Privacy No Internet = Less Gov. Service Impersonal service What Are the Benefits of E-government? Improved government accountability to citizens Greater public access to information More efficient/effective government services More convenience of governmental services Gov. Account ibility Public Access 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% The Council for Excellence in Government August 2000 Most Important Benefits* More Efficient Gov. Conveni ence Does E-government Equate to Better Government Services? E-government should be viewed as another means by which agencies meet the needs of their constituents. The general public says “Yes.” E-government can improve the efficiency of rural governments. Access and ease of communication were the main items referenced in ways egovernment will improve government services*. The Council for Excellence in Government August 2000