Urban Programming

Extension in the City
Bonnie D. McGee, Ph.D.
Professor and Assistant Director for Urban Programs
Texas Cooperative Extension
The Texas A&M University System
Extension’s Mission
“to enable people to improve their
lives and communities through
learning partnerships that put
knowledge to work”
Extension in the
Never in our history has
there been a greater need
for Extension than there
is today and will be in
the 21st Century.
The greatest challenge that
Extension will face in the
21 Century will be our ability
to change as the needs of our
customers change.
“If Extension is to thrive,
it must understand and
adjust to this rapidly
changing world.”
- Extension Vision for the 21st Century
For Success:
Value Diversity
Accept Change
More Flexible
Engaged at All Levels
Expand Involvement of Community Leaders
Accountability and Program Interpretation
The greatest risk we face
is not to change while
our customers continue
to change.
Urban Benefits to Extension
 Outreach to diverse/minority audience
 Application of sound science to address
urban problems
 New educational methods
 Agents develop new area of expertise
 Visibility
Urban Population
Texas Population - 21,325,018
Almost 50% of population
(7 Counties)
83% of population
(25 Counties)
Urban Initiative
Texas Cooperative Extension
Urban Initiative
 Organizational realization of need
 Administrative commitment
 Strategic plan
 Structure changes
 Organizational commitment for support
Urban Program
 Issue based programs
 Collaboration/networking
 School enrichment programs
 Diversity of staff/clientele
 Master Volunteers
 External funding
 Marketing/public relations
“If you want to continue to receive funds
for Extension programs in rural areas,
you must convince the urban legislators
that Extension is a valid investment for
tax dollars. What I’m telling you is that
if you want to continue to have rural
Extension programs, you must have good
urban Extension programs.”
― Pete Laney
Speaker, Texas House
of Representatives
Urban Extension Programs:
Improve Access
Urban Extension Programs:
Expand Educational
Urban Extension Programs:
Provide Program Direction
Urban Extension Programs:
Leverage Resources
Organizations lose their
effectiveness when their
memories become greater
than their dreams.
Doug Andrews
County Extension Director – Dallas County
Texas Cooperative Extension
The Texas A&M University System
Bouche Mickey
County Extension Director – Fort Bend County
Texas Cooperative Extension
The Texas A&M University System