County Government Pay Classification Studies in West Virginia

County Government
Pay Classification Studies
in West Virginia
Michael Dougherty
WVU Extension Service
2004 SRDC CRED Conference
May 19-21, 2004 Tampa, Fla.
West Virginia Situation
Counties often lack professional expertise
Constitutional offices described, protected
Less than half have administrator/manager/assistant
Everything else falls to County Commission
Elected officials can have intramural squabbling
2004 SRDC CRED Conference
May 19-21, 2004 Tampa, Fla.
WVU Extension Involvement
Began at request of PA faculty member
Photo from WVU
Requested assistance, expertise
Planned to advise and counsel on a project
Work transferred to Extension
Take advantage of expertise, outreach mission
Part of Local Gov’t Technical Assistance
Formal administration followed after initial project
Projects have various educational aspects
2004 SRDC CRED Conference
May 19-21, 2004 Tampa, Fla.
Five Projects in Four WV Counties
Hancock County
Jackson County
Fayette County
Taylor County
2004 SRDC CRED Conference
May 19-21, 2004 Tampa, Fla.
Agreement (contract) to conduct study
Completion of “Job Analysis Worksheet”
On-site interview of employees
Rating of positions by “Universal Job Factors”
Development of initial pay grade levels
Salary review and “Salary Survey”
Completion of pay system with job descriptions
2004 SRDC CRED Conference
May 19-21, 2004 Tampa, Fla.
Job Analysis Worksheet Sections
Job Duties
Job Qualifications
Supervision Received
Supervision Given
Consequence of Error
Working Conditions
Additional Comments
Supervisor Review
2004 SRDC CRED Conference
May 19-21, 2004 Tampa, Fla.
Interviews with Employees
On-site, 15 minutes conversations
Private, confidential sessions
Inquire about uncertainties on worksheets
Chance to educate employees about process
Results form basis job descriptions
Done by faculty member and MPA intern
2004 SRDC CRED Conference
May 19-21, 2004 Tampa, Fla.
Universal Job Factors
Initiative and Ingenuity
Physical Demand
Mental Demand
Equipment or Process
Material or Product
Safety of Others
Work of Others
Working Conditions
Purpose of Contacts
2004 SRDC CRED Conference
May 19-21, 2004 Tampa, Fla.
Development of Initial Pay Grades
Start with raw factor scores
Combine similar scores to simplify system
Examine positions with more than one person
Review like positions across offices
Done by MPA intern, faculty member reviews
2004 SRDC CRED Conference
May 19-21, 2004 Tampa, Fla.
Salary Review and Salary Survey
Review salaries of all current employees
Survey labor market for comparative salaries
Private firms same size as county
Neighboring and like counties
Area municipalities
Also seeks information on benefits package
Information compiled, use to check salaries
Done by MPA intern, faculty member reviews
2004 SRDC CRED Conference
May 19-21, 2004 Tampa, Fla.
Completion of Pay System
Preface or end notes contains special info
Includes all job descriptions
Includes one or more pay systems
Explanation of methodology
Documentation of special circumstances
Generally 5 percent between grades
Range of 2 to 5 percent between steps
Provides information on implementation
2004 SRDC CRED Conference
May 19-21, 2004 Tampa, Fla.
Project 1: Hancock 1997
54 persons in 35 positions
Over $196,000 implementation cost
Photo from WV Web
$71,000 over anticipated cost
Adopted November 1997
Included review personnel manual
Two interns used, Spring and Fall semester
2004 SRDC CRED Conference
May 19-21, 2004 Tampa, Fla.
Project 2: Jackson County
91 persons in 41 positions
$10,104 additional cost for implementation
Photo from WV Web
Above $49,686 for across-the-board raises
Adopted August 1999
Intern worked Fall 1998
2004 SRDC CRED Conference
May 19-21, 2004 Tampa, Fla.
Project 3: Hancock 2000
Photo from WV Web
About 60 persons in 42 positions
18 positions recommended for upgrades
5 percentage increase models for pay scale
Delivered November 2000 – no action taken
Included review of new leave policy
Intern worked Summer 2000
2004 SRDC CRED Conference
May 19-21, 2004 Tampa, Fla.
Project 4: Fayette County
Photo from WV Web
117 persons in 56 positions
Three different pay scales (step differentials)
$17,160 to $37,728 implementation cost
$34,603 to $68,652 annual cost
Delivered April 2003 – to be considered FY2005
Included sick leave policy review
Intern worked late 2001 to early 2002
2004 SRDC CRED Conference
May 19-21, 2004 Tampa, Fla.
Project 5: Taylor County
Photo from WV Web
42 persons in 24 positions (full-time & part-time)
Task lists generated for 34 persons
$41,288 in raises for FT personnel for FY2003
Recommendations for FY2004 not implemented
Job descriptions, task lists delivered April 2003
Included personnel policy review
Special attention sexual harassment policy
Led to separate project to recodify personnel manual
2004 SRDC CRED Conference
May 19-21, 2004 Tampa, Fla.
Lessons Learned
County officials have the final say
– “Champion” needed to ensure implementation
Job Analysis Worksheet has its limitations
MPA Interns must be properly prepared
More positions than would have been expected
Timetable must give way to flexibility
Taking time a necessary investment
2004 SRDC CRED Conference
May 19-21, 2004 Tampa, Fla.
Contact Information
Michael Dougherty
Photo from WVU
Extension Specialist, CRED
Community, Economic and Workforce Development
WVU Extension Service
2104 Ag. Sciences Bldg., PO Box 6108
Morgantown, WV 26506-6108
Phone: 304-293-6131 Ext. 4215
2004 SRDC CRED Conference
May 19-21, 2004 Tampa, Fla.