Form 4-A Instructions: Manure Storage Descriptions and Dimensions 1. Use Form 4-A to describe the type of manure storage on your facility. Use a separate form for each different manure storage (tank, lagoon, bedded pack, solid stack, etc.). However, if you have two or more identical storages that are managed the same, consider using a single form to describe them. Include a diagram and dimensions either in the space provided or attach to Form 4-A. 1. Describe how you operate this manure storage. Describe how often manure is removed and how. Identify existing collection and transfer equipment. Describe procedures and maintenance activities. 2. Certifications and registrations Check the appropriate boxes at the bottom of Form 4-A for all certifications and registrations or permits you have for this manure storage. Mark the checkboxes to describe whether this manure storage takes runoff, wastewater, rinse water or other material and from what source it comes. Example: A pit beneath a gestation building receives manure from a shallow pit nursery. For more complex systems, consider producing a “management train” sketch. See the example in Appendix B.