GSO / Graduate Student Rights and Responsibilities Graduate Students General Principles I. A. Purpose and Necessary Conditions of Graduate Study 1. The pursuit, dissemination, discovery, advancement, and application of knowledge are the purpose of the Graduate School of Marquette University; therefore, freedom of inquiry, freedom of thought, and freedom of discussion are necessary conditions for its work. Faculty, students, administrators, and staff have the right and responsibility to maintain these conditions through intellectual openness, tolerance of varying opinion, and civility in all aspects of graduate college life. B. Basic Rights and Protections of Graduate Students 1. The Graduate Student as a Member of Society A graduate student of Marquette University is not only a member of the university community but also a member of the larger society and retains the rights, protections, and guarantees held by citizens or granted to aliens legally residing in this country. By the same reasoning, a graduate student must abide by local, state, and federal laws, ordinances and regulations. The University works to uphold the laws and legal practices of the larger community of which it is a part. 2. The Graduate Student as a Member of the Student Body A graduate student is not only a member of the entire student body of Marquette University, but is one who is pursuing higher scholarly education beyond one’s bachelor degree. He or she has the rights and responsibilities established as regulations of the university by trustees, administrators, staff, faculty, students and articulated in the Academic Honesty Policy Marquette University and in the Student’s Rights and Responsibilities Document. 3. Policies that Govern Graduate Students The policies and procedures that have been adopted by trustees, administrators, staff, faculty, and students to implement and maintain graduate education at Marquette University govern a graduate student. Those policies are published in, among other places, the Graduate Bulletin, the Marquette Student handbook and in individual departmental or college handbooks. Links to these references can be found on the Graduate School webpage: C. Central Responsibilities of Graduate Students and the University A graduate student’s essential responsibility is to learn, to develop competence, to acquire skill, and to develop both academic responsibility and intellectual independence. The University’s essential responsibility is to provide the opportunities, privileges, and protections that foster such learning. D. Respecting Rights of Others GSO / Graduate Student Rights and Responsibilities Just as a graduate student exercises his or her right to learn, he or she incurs the responsibility to acknowledge that others have rights essential to learning with which he or she may not interfere. Role of the Faculty Members II. A. Central Role of Faculty Curricula, programs of study, degree eligibility and requirements are developed in part by faculty; therefore, the faculty’s central role in the educational process and its responsibility for the intellectual content and integrity of graduate study must be recognized and preserved. B. Academic Policies and Practices Faculty has authority and responsibility for academic policy and practices in areas such as degree requirements, course content and grading, classroom procedure, and students’ eligibility for degrees. Admission to programs is determined by the Dean of the Graduate School with the recommendation of the academic unit. C. Relationship of Faculty to Student The relationship between faculty member and student should be one characterized by integrity, mentorship, respect for each other, and shared commitment to the educational process. D. Guidance and Mentorship Faculty who teach graduate classes or who supervise graduate work incur and accept the responsibility to provide scholarly guidance and mentorship to graduate students not only during class but also during office hours and other mutually agreed upon conference times. III. Advising A. Advising 1. Careful, Competent and Timely Advising Marquette strives to provide careful, competent, and timely advising to ensure that he or she has full access to information concerning academic requirements, criteria for acceptable academic standing, requirements for graduation, and notification of special conditions which may apply to his or her matriculation at Marquette University. 2. Quality Advising Marquette strives to provide quality advice concerning program planning, selection of courses and professors, and opportunities for research, scholarly and/or creative work, provided by a department, unit and/or the greater University. 3. Accurate and Timely Communication of Policy Changes Marquette strives to provide accurate and timely communication of any policy changes. Because most such communication is via email, addressed to the student’s Marquette email address, the student has the responsibility to activate and monitor the GSO / Graduate Student Rights and Responsibilities Marquette email account, and to read communication sent to that account from departments or colleges within Marquette University. 4. Consultation With Advisers Graduate students are responsible for seeking early and regular consultation with departmental graduate advisers and for familiarizing themselves with University, Graduate School, or departmental policies stated in the publications noted above. Each graduate student is responsible for reading and becoming familiar with the General Policies and Procedures governing graduate education at Marquette University as stated in the Graduate Bulletin; department and college handbooks; the General Requirements for the graduate degree or graduate certificate she or he seeks; and the requirements specific to his or her graduate program as set forth in the Graduate Bulletin and in any printed departmental statements of graduate policy. When a graduate student is uncertain about the implications of a given policy, regulation, or requirement, he or she should seek clarification from the departmental graduate adviser or advisers, departmental Director of Graduate Studies or Chair, or the Dean or Assistant Dean of the Graduate School. 5. Obligation to Follow Advice Graduate students have an obligation to follow programmatic and scheduling advice provided by the adviser and to notify the adviser of any circumstances that might result in a temporary departure from the sequence of courses or program that has been set up. 6. Errors in Advising While departmental advisers will strive to provide careful and competent advice, it is possible that an adviser will make an error or misunderstand a Graduate School regulation or policy. In such cases, the published Graduate School regulation or policy has priority and will govern the actions that follow. Students are responsible for following all published guidelines as published in the Graduate Student Handbook, the Marquette Handbook, and within departmental or college handbooks. IV. Records A. Maintenance of Records 1. Departments Departments shall maintain records for their graduate students, specifying requirements for the degree or program of study, documenting course waivers or substitutions, program changes and other stipulations affecting a student’s admission status, program of study, and/or graduation requirements. At appropriate times, the department adviser, Director of Graduate Studies, or Chair shall forward documents such as programs of study, revisions of such programs, and notifications of exams passed, competencies attained, or requirements satisfied to the Graduate School. 2. Graduate School GSO / Graduate Student Rights and Responsibilities The Graduate School maintains files for graduate students that include application materials and other documents relating to students’ graduate programs. The Dean of the Graduate School must approve all programs of study, waivers, and changes in programs. a. Access to Student Files Students have a right to review items in their Graduate School files by appointment pursuant to FERPA. V. Principles of Course Work A. Classroom Environment Graduate students and faculty both have the responsibility to maintain at all times the kind of classroom decorum and collegial atmosphere upon which effective teaching and learning depend. B. Right to Acceptance and Expression of Views The graduate student may take reasoned exception to information and views offered in the classroom and to reserve judgment about matters of opinion, without fear of penalty. C. Integrity of Scholarship, Grades, and Professional Standards The graduate student shares with the faculty the responsibility for maintaining the integrity of scholarship, grades, and professional standards. D. Right to Competent Instruction Marquette University strives to provide responsible, competent instruction. While competency of instruction can be rightly judged only by professionals, a graduate student may participate in the evaluation of instructors via the process established by the university. E. Access to Course Requirements, Grading Standards, and Criteria of Evaluation The graduate student has a right to know all course requirements, including the grading standards and criteria of evaluation. This information and the syllabus for the course will be provided in writing at the beginning of the semester or session or sufficiently in advance of any actual evaluation. Independent study courses may not entail a formal syllabus, but must have a written contract that includes a course description. The instructor and student shall enter into an agreement that will govern the nature and the amount of work to be done. F. Responsibility to Learn Course Content The graduate student is responsible for learning the content of a course of study according to standards of performance established by the faculty. G. Academic Evaluations The graduate student has a right to timely academic evaluations, including but not limited to course grades, which represent professional judgments of performance made in good GSO / Graduate Student Rights and Responsibilities faith by course instructors or graduate committees established for judging exams, theses, dissertations, or oral defenses of theses and dissertations. 1. Appeal of Academic Evaluations A graduate student has a right to question academic evaluations felt to be unfair or unfounded by means of the appeal processes described in The Graduate Bulletin. H. Office Hours of Instructors The graduate student has the opportunity to confer with the instructor of a course during the instructor’s office hours. The instructor will inform graduate students of his or her office hours and office location via commonly accepted methods that may include posting, email notices, D2L communication, and/or web announcements. I. Faculty – Student Relationship Expectations 1. Trust and Civility The graduate student has a right to scholarly relationships with faculty based on mutual trust and civility. 2. Personal or Intellectual Exploitation The graduate student has a right to be protected from personal or intellectual exploitation and to receive recognition for scholarly, professional, or creative assistance to faculty. 3. Sexual Harassment Both faculty and graduate students are expected to conform to Marquette University’s Sexual Harassment Policy. VI. ACADEMIC PROGRAMMING A. Director of Graduate Studies, Coordinator, or Adviser of Students’ Programs The graduate student will be informed of the name and hours of availability of the Director of Graduate Studies, Coordinator or Adviser for his or her program, and have the opportunity to meet with that person, or the departmental chair, or a substitute approved by the chair for advising and information. B. Student Responsibility to Know Program Requirements and Policies Graduate students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the general Graduate School and the specific program requirements as set forth in the Graduate Bulletin, the Marquette Student Handbook, and departmental and college handbooks. Additionally, departmental chairs or graduate advisers should review program requirements and explain departmental procedures to incoming graduate students. C. Changes in Policy and Curriculum Programmatic, policy, and curricular changes in graduate programs must be accomplished through the appropriate Marquette University committee structures, and GSO / Graduate Student Rights and Responsibilities any changes affecting students in program must be published in departmental, Graduate School, and appropriate university documents, and via email, and announced within departments until the publications are issued. D. Scheduling A graduate student will be given a system of scheduling that provides opportunities to take prerequisites and required courses in a fashion that allows completion of the course requirements within the time limits of the degree or certificate program. Scheduling should also allow students to experience a variety of instructors. E. Scheduling Needs of Part-Time Graduate Students Departments should make reasonable efforts to meet the scheduling needs of part-time as well as full-time students. Part-time students should consult regularly with their advisers about availability of needed courses and their delivery on campus. F. Course Sequence Graduate students have the responsibility to take courses in appropriate sequence and to avail themselves of the opportunities to take required courses when they are offered. G. Qualifying and Comprehensive Examinations A graduate student shall be given opportunities to take qualifying or comprehensive exams, which will be offered at least once a year. Faculty will evaluate performance on said exams in a timely manner, and will convey the results promptly and in writing to the student. A written notice of successful completion of such exams shall be forwarded to the Graduate School. When an unusually large cohort takes exams, some departments may require more time for evaluation. In such instances, departments will explain to examinees the procedures and anticipated time-line for giving and grading the exam. H. Codes and Professional Standards Each department or degree-granting unit shall communicate to graduate students at the time of their admission to a degree or certificate program any specific codes or professional standards of conduct expected of them as part of their study and training that may be different than those standards of conduct commonly expected of all graduate students. I. Evaluation of Academic Progress A graduate student has the right to periodic evaluation of his or her academic progress. Evaluation includes, but is not limited to, course grades, results of language exams, reviews of GPA’s, results of qualifying and comprehensive exams, reviews of internship or field experiences, reviews of performance, results of defenses or exams of thesis and dissertation proposals. Evaluation can also come in the form of verbal or written assessment of a student’s progress toward the degree and the adequacy of his or her performance. An active student has a right to receive a progress report at least once each year, and a written summary of that assessment should be given to the student and placed GSO / Graduate Student Rights and Responsibilities in his or her departmental file. When a department or degree-granting unit determines that a student’s progress or performance is unsatisfactory, the student shall be notified in writing, the areas in which performance is unsatisfactory shall be cited, and criteria for satisfactory performance shall be reviewed. VII. Graduate School Appointments A. Professional Development Graduate Assistants and Fellows, first and foremost, are students and valued members of the community of scholars. Although the service aspect of an Assistantship is emphasized in the definition, Assistants are chosen for their scholarship and manifest interest in the discipline as well as for their ability to perform the needed service for an academic semester or session. Assigned activities of graduate appointees, then, shall be relevant professional experiences, and graduate appointees can expect professional guidance and timely evaluation in the performance of their duties. B. Work Requirements 1. Rules and Guidelines for Graduate School Financial Aid The official rules and guidelines of all Graduate School-administered assistantships and fellowships are enclosed with each award offer sent by the Graduate School. The Rules and Guidelines for Graduate School Financial Aid brochure or insert is also accessible through the Graduate School’s Web site. 2. Kinds of Work Required The kinds of work required of Graduate Assistants may vary among academic units, each of which determines its own range of appropriate possibilities subject to administrative review by the supervising dean or vice-president. A full assistantship in any unit consists of twenty hours of work per week and a half time assistantship consists of ten hours of work per week. Graduate assistants are not allowed to accept additional outside work without the approval of the Graduate School. 3. Notification of Work Requirement The work requirement will be stated in the letter of appointment to the graduate assistant. A copy of the appointment letter, signed by the appointee attesting to the appointee’s agreement with the terms of the assistantship and service requirement, must be returned to the Graduate School by the deadline stated in the letter. 4. Responsibility to Complete Training Assistants whose work requirement includes teaching are required to complete satisfactorily all conditions, where applicable, of any department’s graduate teaching assistant training program. 5. Teaching Assistantship Obligations A graduate student involved in teaching has the obligation to provide students in the classes he or she teaches with appropriate course materials, including but not limited GSO / Graduate Student Rights and Responsibilities to, syllabi and assignment materials according to university and departmental procedures. 6. Communication of Duties and Responsibilities A graduate student involved in or assisting with research has the right to clear articulation of his or her duties and responsibilities and continued guidance or aid in the performance of his or her duties. 7. Right to Clear and Directed Instruction A graduate student involved in or assisting with research has the right to clear and directed instruction or training in the proper use of equipment, materials, and required safety procedures unique to each assignment. 8. Ethical Conduct Graduate students involved in research have the responsibility to observe the ethics of academic research, to conduct his or her own research, to use other authors’ material only with proper citation, and not to plagiarize pursuant to the Academic Honesty Policy. 9. Duties and Renewals A graduate student who is involved in teaching, assisting with teaching, research, or assisting with research or any other approved assignment is expected to fulfill responsibly and effectively his or her assigned duties. Graduate teaching assistants must abide by the requirements of FERPA in protecting the students being taught. Renewal of graduate appointments depends upon, among other things, effective and appropriate performance of assigned duties. VIII. Graduate Student Participation in Governance Graduate students are accorded opportunities for participation in governance, and for this reason the university has established and helps to support the Graduate Student Organization, a body that aims to increase graduate student participation in the university community and to represent graduate needs and concerns. Through this organization, graduate students who have been admitted to graduate programs are eligible to participate in shared governance, including appointment of one representative to the Academic Senate, and to university councils and committees that determine policies and procedures affecting graduate students and their education at Marquette University. Graduate students have a right to representation on the following bodies: University Board of Graduate Studies University Library Committee University Media Committee University Student Appeals Committees University Committee on Academic Policies and Issues University Committee on Teaching GSO / Graduate Student Rights and Responsibilities Academic Senate IX. Protection of Graduate Student Rights If a graduate student believes his/her rights are violated, he/she is entitled to appeal such actions by the existing policies and procedures of the Graduate School and/or the University as specified in the Graduate Bulletin. Sections of this document have been taken and modified from graduate bills of rights and responsibilities from several other universities.