Assessment Process Rating Guide

Assessment Process Rating Guide
Program: ________________________________________________________________________________
Reviewed by: _________________________________________________ Date ______________________
Instructions: Rate the program assessment report on the following scale:
0 = Missing or not applicable
1 = Developing (undeveloped)
2 = Met (complete, acceptable)
3 = Exceed (exemplary- please reserve for work of exceptionally high quality.)
Student Learning Outcomes
A. Describe what students should be able to demonstrate, represent or produce.
B. Stated in clear, specific terms, using precise active verbs.
C. Describes student learning, rather than the process for collecting information about it.
D. Can be reasonably observed and measured.
E. Rigorous but attainable.
F. Are made known to students on department website, course syllabi, or other locations.
Methods, Measures and Instruments
G. Assessment activities are listed and described for each measured outcome.
H. Measures align with learning outcome.
J. Instruments measure higher order learning (analysis, synthesis) and not just recall
Most measures are direct; they examine or observe knowledge and skills. (Tests, papers,
and projects are direct measures. Surveys and job placement statistics are indirect
Curriculum Map
K. Report includes a matrix aligning learning outcomes with the courses, requirements, and
experiences that address them.
L. Different indicators show where topics are introduced, reinforced, and assessed.
Evidence Collection and Reporting
M. Clearly describes process for collecting data and information.
N. Breaks evidence down in enough detail to reveal specific patterns and discrepancies.
O. Program faculty share responsibility for evidence collection, where appropriate.
P. Reflection emerges from an inclusive, collaborative process.
Q. Thorough, in-depth, specific, and realistic.
R. Identifies program strengths and challenges as revealed by evidence.
Action in Response to Findings
S. Action steps emerge directly from evidence and reflection.
T. Includes a timeline for implementation and identifies responsible persons.
U. Addresses any identified shortcomings of the assessment process itself.
V. Includes follow-up information on previous year’s action steps.
Assessment Plan
W. Has been updated within the past 5 years.
X. Includes student learning outcomes, describes specifically when and how student learning
outcomes will be assessed, outlines how evidence will be used.
Y. Most recent plan is posted to assessment website.
Summative Statements with Recommendations: