Mixer Directions

Mixer Directions
for use with County or Multi-Club Officer Training
Ice Breaker for Beginning of Officer Training
Crossword Connections
Give each person a paper plate on which he/she writes his/her name in bold
letters across one side. The group is then given 5 – 7 minutes to mingle with
other participants and find “connections” (similarities) they have with one another.
When you discover a “connection,” write your new friend’s name in crossword
style to connect with your own name. Then turn the plate over and write the
hobby/characteristic/interest you have in common. The participant who discovers
the most connections with different people wins the game.
Process point: Individuals are so unique, but there is common ground between
each person in this world.
Source: Points of Light Foundation, Icebreakers and Team Building Initiatives.
Mixer by Clubs
Two Truths and a Lie
Have each person write down three things about themselves. Of the three
statements, two must be true and one must be a lie. Suggest that the lie should
not be very obvious; it can even be a small detail. The rest of the group tries to
guess which is the lie. If you have a greater amount of time, you can have one
person read all the statements and ask the group to first guess who and then
determine the lie.
Process point: We each have unique strengths and skills. It’s good to get to
know all those in our club so we can utilize these unique strengths. As we learn
about the things we have in common, it helps us develop closer relationships.
Source: Gibbs, Jeanne, Tribes: A New Way of Learning Together.
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