CHRISTIAN COUNTY 1120 N. Webster St, Taylorville, Illinois 62568 Telephone: 217/287-7246 Fax: 217/287-7248 This form must be completed and turned in with your 4-H Records by the last Friday in August 28th, 2015. 4-H Records Cover Sheet Name: ____________________________________________________________________________ Address: City: Phone: Years in 4-H: Name of Club: Birthdate: Award Areas: Achievement (this focuses on the entire career of the 4-H member. It includes all project areas, leadership shown, knowledge and skills gained, community service and outside 4-H activities of the member. Must turn in all your records) Animal Sciences (includes the following areas: Beef, Dairy, Sheep, Swine, Small Pets, Goats, Rabbits, Horses, Dogs, Poultry, Veterinary Science) Community Involvement & Global Awareness (includes Citizenship, Service Learning, Community Service & Intercultural) Engineering & Technology (includes Aerospace, Bicycles, Computer Science, Electricity Geospatial (GPS/GIS), Robotics, Safety, Small Engines, Tractor, Welding and Wood Science). Environmental & Natural Resources Natural Resources, Camping, Outdoor adventures, Sportsfishing, Shooting Sports, Forestry, Entomology, Geology and Wildlife. Food, Nutrition & Health (includes Food and Nutrition, and Health – Physical and Mental) Home & Family (includes Child Care, Intergenerational, Family Relations, Clothing & Textiles, Consumer Education, Financial Champions, Consumer Savvy, Be the E!, Fashion Revue, and Interior Design. Leadership (member must be enrolled in Leadership project) Personal Development (includes Communications, Journalism, Theatre and Performing Arts, Photography, Filmmaking/Video, Visual Arts, and Recreation) Plants & Soils (includes Crops & Soils, Floriculture, Horticulture and Plant & Soil Science. I am applying in the following area(s): 1. 2. 3. Signatures Member Signature Parent Signature Leader Signature University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences United States Department of Agriculture Local Extension Councils Cooperating University of Illinois Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment. Updated 4/2014 MY 4-H RECORDS Current Year: _________ Participation in Activities: C=County level, L=Local, M=Multi-county, R=Regional, S=State, N=National, I=International Club Meeting Attendance: (Place a check mark beside each month you attended a meeting and mark n/a if no meeting held) September December March June October January April July November February May August Please be specific Talks & Demonstrations Example: How to prepare carrot sticks, L Radio, TV presentations & newspaper articles written Club tours & Trips Example: Tour of GSI, L Workshops & Conferences Attended Example: Cake Decorating, C Speaking for IL 4-H, S Exhibits & Displays Camps Updated 4/2014 Window Displays, Open House, Etc, Science Camp L, Monticello 4H Camp, S Space Camp, N 4-H Judging Contests 4-H Service Projects 4-H Federation Activities Awards Received Example: Livestock, Horse, Etc. (Events you judged) Example: Tray Favors, (# 0f times) Nursing Home, L Example: Helped with New Member Party, Swim Party, etc. Awards You received other than county fair awards 4-H Fair Exhibit Example: County Fair and State Fair awards received Other Example: International Night, Job Shadowing Updated 4/2014 Project Knowledge and Skills: Explain the things you have learned through your 4-H projects and experiences this year. Project Area Example: Photography Updated 4/2014 Learned to load film Took pictures from different angles Received an A rating at County Fair Project Knowledge and Skills (Cont’d). Leadership Exhibited: Show the ways you have provided leadership during your 4-H experiences. Remember, as a young member you will probably not have very many experiences in this area. Updated 4/2014 Committee Committees Chaired & Club Offices Held Junior Leader Project Leader Activities Other Updated 4/2014 Example: Refreshment, Window Display Community/School/Other Accomplishments (These are non-Extension on Non-4-H Activities) Other Activities, events you have organized and/or taught Other: Sports, Band, Choir, Key Club, Student Council, Scouts, Honors, Awards Updated 4/2014 My 4-H Story: The 4-H Story should relate to your projects, as well as your activities or experiences during the period of September 1 through August 31. Do not mention your name in the story. Updated 4/2014