My 4-H Project Record Engineering & Technology Name: __________________________________ 4-H Year: ______________ 4-H Club: ________________________________ 4-H Age: ____________ Montgomery County Please circle the project(s) you are taking and put the number of years you have taken the project next to it. Aerospace ____ Bicycle____ Robotics____ Small Engines____ Computer Science____ Tractor____ Electricity____ Geospatial____ Welding____ Woodworking____ _____________________________________________________________________ Goals: What do I want to do? Throughout the year, add and change goals. What do you want to do and learn in this project area during the year? Think about who will help you and when you want to meet these goals. Do not feel that you have to fill in every line. Be specific about what you want to do and learn. What will I do or learn? (Goal) Example: Design and build my own robot Project Robotics Date Finished October 6 Example: Talk to someone with experience Small Engines April 4 What did I do in Engineering & Technology? Size & Growth List how many times you practiced your project, hours invested, money spent, etc. Show us how many you made, how much you made, how many times you did it. Examples: recycled 52 weekly newspapers; interviewed 7 family members on genealogy; completed 4 generations of family history; read 12 articles on Japan related to government . Project Work Done Income/Expenses/hours/amounts Example: assisted in wiring 7 electrical boxes 2.5 hours Example: Built 3 bird houses 3 hours, $27.44 supplies What did I learn? Knowledge & Skills: List challenges you encountered, and what you learned from them for future 4-H story ideas. From everything we do, we learn something, sometimes it is that we don’t ever want to do that again and sometimes it is the unexpected like you made a friend or you found out you like a project in a related area. I learned to: List what you learned this year related to your project area that was not listed as a goal. Examples: learned about different tools used to work on engines’/ Learned about parts of an engine/ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ My memories: List things that made you stop and think, or things that you didn’t realize could be a problem or a joy from doing this project. Example memories: I met a new friend at the small engine workshop that is now working with on a project/ Dad said that I had a real knack for engines and hopes Ill help him again. – things you would like remember later down the road when you look through your 4-H career. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Participation in Engineering & Technology List participation related to your project area(s). Examples: Workshop on small engines, toured aerospace museum, made solar house at 4-H camp; science fair exhibit on ethanol fueled vehicles. _______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Awards & Recognition in Engineering & Technology List exhibit ratings, trophies, medals and other special recognitions received in 4-H this year in Engineering and Technology ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Leadership in Engineering & Technology List activities in this project area only, where you led others; include the number of people you led. Examples: led workshop on using web (15); gave talk on bicycle safety to club; presentation at school on Ohm’s Law. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Community Service in Engineering & Technology List activities that you participated in and where you helped others in your project area(s). Example: helped clean dad’s wood shop; donated bicycle to family; volunteered at local farm safety day camp. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________