Name of Club: ____________________________________ Number of Members: ______________
How are you planning to use the grant money?
Club tour/trip
A community service project
Explain how the club will use the requested funding and explain why you are requesting it. Please be as specific as possible.
__________________ _____________
_________________________ ______
How much money are you requesting? $____________
Will your club be contributing any matching funds? If so, how much? $_________
What is the anticipated timeline to use the amount funded?
How will this grant benefit your club?
How will this grant benefit your community?
Signature of Club President:
Signature of Club Leader:
Signature of Club Member: ______________________________ Date: ______________
Signature of Club Member: ______________________________ Date: ______________
Federation Use Only
Application Received By: _____________ Date: ____________
Application Reviewed: November February May
Amount Awarded: _______________
Club Leader Notified: _________________________________
4-H Federation Club Grant Information
The 4-H Federation Club Grants seek to encourage clubs and leaders to work together to promote the
4-H mission and support positive youth development experiences for youth.
Who Can Apply
Clubs must have a treasury in good standing to apply. Club leaders and presidents are encouraged to apply. Club leaders are highly encouraged to talk to club members about how to use the monies requested. Money given to a club may not be given as a cash donation to an organization. Clubs may only receive one grant per 4-H year
Grant Requirements
Submit 5-6 pictures of the activities, equipment, community service, or other use of the funding within 30 days of using the requested funds, along with a short summary of how the funding was used. Please send to: Jen Odle, Ford Iroquois Extension Office, 916 W Seminary St., Onarga,
IL 60955.
If the club does not use all of the requested funds by the end of the 4-H year, it shall be donated back to the Federation. Spring funds may be used for fall activities.
Due Dates
Applications will be accepted September 1-May 1. Leaders will be notified by the Vice President about their grant submission after it has been reviewed.
Applications received by November 1 will be reviewed at the November Federation meeting.
Application received by February 1 will be reviewed at the February Federation meeting.
Applications received by May 1 will be reviewed at the May Federation meeting.
For More Information
Contact the Ford and Iroquois Extension Office at 815-268-4051.
University of Illinois University of Illinois College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, United
States Department of Agriculture, Local Extension Councils Cooperating
Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment. If you need a reasonable accommodation to participate in this program, please contact our office.