VOLUNTEER ROLE DESCRIPTION Interstate 4-H Exchange Coordinator Purpose: This individual will coordinate the 4-H exchange committee. They will work with youth members and parents to facilitate a positive learning experience. Success Criteria: Youth delegates and families will have a safe, enjoyable time when they host youth from another state or travel to another state to live with host families. Exchange will have educational and social activities. Delegates will adhere to a prescribed code of conduct and the exchange will be conducted within budget as determined by the committee. Responsibilities: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Time Required: 8-10 hours per quarter Target Dates: (September through July): Fall: Prepare letter to other states looking for group to connect with (host or travel) Organize and plan committee meeting; work with Extension staff to revise and update youth contract if needed. Develop a budget Winter: Conduct fundraiser if needed Begin planning for traveling or hosting experience. Organize and plan committee meeting. Spring: Make travel arrangements, if traveling Make arrangements for hosting including screening of host families. Organize and plan committee meeting. Conduct fundraiser if needed. Summer: Create risk management plan Delegate and family orientation. Review and update youth application and contract. Promote exchange opportunity and recruit delegates and families. Determine resources needed for traveling and hosting. Publicize 4-H exchange in county newsletter. Work with local media to insure publicity after traveling or hosting. Search for a state to travel to and to host. Guide group planning meetings. Supervise fundraising efforts and monitor budget for event. Develop a risk management plan for trip/hosting Arrange for volunteer application and screening. Secure “special events” insurance for traveling and hosting events. Coordinate group preparation. Make travel arrangements. Plan orientation for delegates and their families. Maintain order and schedule. Evaluate value of experience with delegates and families. Provide summary report for file. VOLUNTEER ROLE DESCRIPTION Obtain “special events” insurance. Exchange trip or host. Evaluation meeting. Resources Available: Former and present committee members Extension youth staff Files of previous reports and committee minutes Report to: Unit Extension Youth Staff For Questions, Contact: Unit Extension Youth Staff _________________________(Address) _________________________(Phone) Date: 02/03