
GSA Meeting Minutes - 4/11/2016
9 - 10 a.m.
Hylan 306
Social officer
Information Technology Officer
Academic Officer
GSS Representative
GSS/URBEST Representative
Amanda Davis
Valerie Fleischauer
Tanya Malhotra
Fabrizio Buccheri
Xiaoyu Du
Janice Van Opdorp
Matthew Payea
Liz Albertorio-Saez
Not Attending:
Communications Officer
Student Advocacy Officer
Hongying Sun
Stephanie Daifuku
1. URBEST/RMSC funding discussion (Liz)
 URBEST is for med center students not wanting jobs in academia; includes
science communication training
 informal science education workshop this week (1/3 of attendees are AS&E);
stage to present research how often?
 GSA will fund materials for science alive presentations by AS&E grad students
(within reasonable guidelines, like for GSS which funds up to $50/student for
materials that stay at RMSC), b/c GSS can't fund projects that are outside of
health sciences or by post-docs
 check with post-doc association for post-doc funding
 Val - try petty cash? ideally we order the components to avoid reimbursement;
email Val when it comes up to work out logistics
 Liz to PDA mtg - PDA encompasses AS&E and GSS (one group with two
2. Academic
 Review of communication seminar - 16 ppl, very interactive, good speakers
 Conference travel funding review update - 30 applicants; reviews done by 25th,
with results announced a week or so later; gifts to reviewers?
 Planning for RIT gravity wave talk - no response on talk timing yet; will email
 3MT - Workshop 1 done; registration open this week; may 4th final event
3. Social
 Gala tickets on sale - email Alex about payment
 Coffee hour date - april 20th
May event - board game; 27th of may; GSS joining; try welles-brown, green
lounge, gavett, munnerlyn, or Goergen lounges (6-7 pm start?)
4. GSS - no updates
5. Advocacy - physical therapy event went well! ~15 ppl, helpful stretches
6. Treasury
 Brandani's receipt - no email response from the company yet
 still waiting on receipt from Little Theatre
7. Dept. rep. meeting
 schedule for next week
8. Constitution/Bylaws updates
 changes discussed by executive board, to be finalized by email
 propose changes at dept. rep meeting