University of Rochester Subject Initials ______ ______ _______ First Middle Last STUDY PROTOCOL #: __________________________ Subject Number: _________________ PATIENT MEDICAL HISTORY NAME: ___________________________________________________________________________ First Middle Last Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ City/Town: _____________________________________ Zip Code _________________ Telephone Number: Day _________________________ Evenings ___________________ Date of Birth _____/_____/_____ Day Month Year Sex: M Ethnic Origin: __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ Caucasian Black Hispanic Asian Other F Name of Family Physician: ____________________________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Name of Other Doctor(s) (Specialists): __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ This information is to be used by medical staff to screen for possible eligibility in a clinical research study. Patients are told that giving false, incomplete or misleading information about their medical history could have serious consequences to their health while participating in a clinical trial. All information received in this document is kept completely confidential. Page ___ of ___ 15-Apr-13 University of Rochester Subject Initials ______ ______ _______ First Middle Last MEDICAL / SURGICAL HISTORY Have you had any operations? If YES, please list below: CONDITION DATE (MM/YY) NO YES CONTINUES? YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO PREVIOUS HOSPITALIZATIONS NO YES If YES, list below any hospitalizations NOT listed in SURGICAL HISTORY REASON Page ___ of ___ DATE (MM/YY) 15-Apr-13 University of Rochester Subject Initials ______ ______ _______ First CURRENT MEDICATIONS Have you taken any medication in the last 30 days? NO Middle Last YES List any and all medications you have taken (including any over-the-counter products (OTC), Medication Ex. Tylenol OTC or RX OTC Page ___ of ___ Dosage 325 mg. Frequency Twice/day Date of First Dose 02JAN2012 Date of Last Dose (Complete only if discontinued) 04JAN2012 Reason Headache 15-Apr-13 University of Rochester Subject Initials ______ ______ _______ First Middle Last ALLERGIES AND SENSITIVITIES Do you have any allergies or sensitivities? NO If YES, indicate below: Type may include: Medication, Food, Environmental, etc. Type of Allergy Name of Allergen YES Date of Onset Symptom/Reaction FEMALES ONLY (for males check N/A ) Contraception Forms of birth control you are currently using (check): Abstinence Diaphragm & Spermicide Condom Hysterectomy I.U.D. Condom & Spermicide Diaphragm Oral Contraceptive (pill) Norplant Date of Implant:__________________________ Depo-Provera: Last injection date: ___________________ Post menopausal for 2 years + Tubal Ligation Vasectomized Partner Other ____________________ Specify date if applicable: ____________________________________________ Are you currently nursing (breast-feeding)? Page ___ of ___ NO YES 15-Apr-13 University of Rochester Subject Initials ______ ______ _______ First Middle Last SYSTEM REVIEW Do you have or have you ever had any disorder of the EYES, EARS, NOSE OR THROAT? Condition/Diagnosis Date of Onset or Diagnosis Do you have or have you ever had any CARDIOVASCULAR disorders? Condition/Dianosis Date of Onset or Diagnosis Do you have or have you ever had any Respiratory disorders? Condition/Diagnosis Page ___ of ___ Date of Onset or Diagnosis NO YES Active or Non-Active NO YES Active or Non-Active No Active or Non-Active 15-Apr-13 Yes University of Rochester Subject Initials ______ ______ _______ First Do you have or have you ever had any GASTROINTESTINAL disorders? Condition/Diagnosis Date of Onset or Diagnosis Middle Last NO YES Active or Non-Active Do you have or have you ever had any GENITOURINARY-REPRODUCTIVE disorders? NO YES Condition/Diagnosis Date of Onset or Diagnosis Active or Non-Active Do you have or have you ever had any MUSCULOSKELETAL disorders? Condition /Diagnosis Date of Onset or Diagnosis NO YES Active or Non-Active Do you have or have you ever had any NEUROLOGICAL-PSYCHIATRIC disorders? NO YES Condition Date of Onset or Diagnosis Active or Non-Active Page ___ of ___ 15-Apr-13 University of Rochester Subject Initials ______ ______ _______ First Middle Last Do you have or have you ever had any HEPATIC-BILIARY disorders? Condition Date of Onset or Diagnosis No Yes Active or Non-Active Do you have or have you ever had any ENDOCRINE disorders? Condition Date of Onset or Diagnosis No Yes Active or Non-Active Do you have or have you ever had any CANCER occurrence? Condition Date of Onset or Diagnosis NO YES Active or Non-Active Do you have or have you ever had any HEMATOLOGIC, LYMPHATIC or IMMUNE disorders? NO YES Condition Date of Onset or Diagnosis Active or Non-Active Page ___ of ___ 15-Apr-13 University of Rochester Subject Initials ______ ______ _______ First Middle Last Have you participated in a CLINICAL TRIAL in the last 30 days? Yes or No If YES, please specify, and give date(s) ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Study Staff Reviewing Information collected: _________________________________ Date:_________________ Page ___ of ___ 15-Apr-13