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Breaking Size Prejudice Video & Educator’s Guide
Total Cost
23-minute educational video to promote body-size acceptance
21-page educator’s guide describes additional activities & projects
to promote body-size acceptance.
Target audience: 11 to 17 year-olds
Videos of Larry Kirkwood’s Work
Artist and culture critic Larry Kirkwood makes body casts of men and women to encourage viewers to
appreciate all human bodies in terms of artistic shapes and forms instead of comparison to unreal images
projected by the media. Two videos have been developed from the artist’s exhibit, lecture, and interview at
the University of Wyoming in February 2002.
Search for the Real*
Glimpses (of Kirkwood’s Body Image Project) $30
12-minute video and lesson
Target audience: Adults
47- minute video and discussion questions
Target audience: Educators and health professionals
WIN Kids
Educational lessons*
Set of 12 interactive lessons that address the importance of
enjoyable physical activity, healthful and pleasurable eating and
body-size acceptance. Suitable for classroom and non-classroom
settings. Lessons include educator’s lesson plan, handouts,
take-home activities and ideas for community projects.
Target audience: 5th and 6th graders or 10 to 13 year-olds.
If you have computer access, lessons are available on-line at www.uwyo.edu/wintherockies.
WIN Jeopardy CD*
Slide show/interactive game to help 5th and 6th grade youth
learn how to enjoy physical activity, enjoy pleasurable and
healthful eating, respect body-size differences, and enjoy the
benefits of self-acceptance. Topics and specific answers and
questions are related to WIN Kids lessons for 5th and 6th graders.
Can serve as an introduction or a review for these lessons.
Designed to reinforce WIN Kids lessons, but can be used on its own.
WIN Kids Educational Videos & Lessons
Each video is approximately 10 minutes. Accompanying lesson is included on a CD.
As If*
Uncovers some of the myths of body-image
messages and their unrealistic images of perfection.
Portion Investigators*
Illustrates how super-sized portions can contribute to
overeating. Designed to help students recognize normal versus
outrageous portion sizes and to discover ways to order, select and/or
serve appropriate portions in response to hunger cues.
Total Amount Due
*Developed by WIN the Rockies
Please make checks payable to University of Wyoming Family and Consumer Sciences.
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Send to:
Carol Crowder
UW Cooperative Extension Service
University of Wyoming
PO Box 3354
Laramie, WY 82071
May 2003
For more information contact Carol at:
or email CCrowder@uwyo.edu