Center Pivot Irrigation Standards Assessed: 1.1, 1.3, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5, 3.1, 3.3, 3.4 Name __________________ Algebra 2 Directions: Center pivot irrigation, also called circle irrigation, is a method of crop irrigation in which equipment rotates around a pivot. A circular area centered on the pivot is irrigated, often creating a circular pattern in crops when viewed from above. Center pivots are typically less than 500m in length (circle radius) with the most common size being the standard ¼ mile machine (400m). For the diagrams we will assume the center pivot has length of ¼ mile. Shaded areas represent the regions that are receiving water. If you have a square piece of land with only the inscribed circle receiving irrigation, what percent of the land is NOT receiving water? Make sure you include an explanation with necessary computations, sketches, formulas, and notes. Often times the center pivot will not be set to water in a full circle. Using the sketch below, what percent of the total land is currently being irrigated? (Note: you may need to use a protractor to help determine some angles.)