NRCSE Modelling non-stationarity in space and time for air quality data Peter Guttorp University of Washington Outline Lecture 1: Geostatistical tools Gaussian predictions Kriging and its neighbours The need for refinement Lecture 2: Nonstationary covariance estimation The deformation approach Other nonstationary models Extensions to space-time Lecture 3: Putting it all together Estimating trends Prediction of air quality surfaces Model assessment Research goals in air quality modeling Create exposure fields for health effects modeling Assess deterministic air quality models Interpret environmental standards Enhance understanding of complex systems The geostatistical setup Gaussian process Z(s),s D R2 m(s)=EZ(s) Var Z(s) < ∞ Z is strictly stationary if d (Z(s1),...,Z(sk )) (Z(s 1 h),...,Z(s k h)) Z is weakly stationary if m(s) m Cov(Z(s1),Z(s 2 )) C(s1 s 2 ) Z is isotropic if weakly stationary and C(s1 s2 ) C 0 ( s1 s2 ) The problem Given observations at n sites Z(s1),...,Z(sn) estimate Z(s0) (the process at an unobserved site) or Z(s)d(s) (a weighted average of the A process) A Gaussian formula If X m X XX ~ N , Y m Y YX XY YY then (Y | X) ~ N(m Y YX 1 XX (X m X ), YY YX 1 XX XY ) Simple kriging Let X = (Z(s1),...,Z(Sn))T, Y = Z(s0), so mX=m1n, mY=m, XX=[C(si-sj)], YY=C(0), and YX=[C(si-s0)]. Thus 1 Zˆ (s0 ) m C(si s0 )T C(si sj ) X m1n This is the best linear unbiased predictor for known m and C (simple kriging). Variants: ordinary kriging (unknown m) universal kriging (m=Abfor some covariate A) Still optimal for known C. Prediction error is given by C(si s0 ) C(0) C(si s0 ) C(si sj ) T 1 The (semi)variogram ( t ) 1 Var(Z(s t) Z(s)) C(0) C( t ) 2 Intrinsic stationarity Weaker assumption (C(0) need not exist) Kriging can be expressed in terms of variogram Estimation of covariance functions Method of moments: square of all pairwise differences, smoothed over lag bins Problem: Not necessarily a valid variogram Least squares Minimize 2 2 Z(si ) Z(sj ) ( si sj ; i j Alternatives: •fourth root transformation •weighting by 1/2 •generalized least squares Fitted variogram (t) e2 s2 1 t e Kriging surface Kriging standard error A better combination Maximum likelihood Z~Nn(m,) = a[r(si-sj;)] = a V() Maximize n 1 (m ,a,) log( 2a ) log det V() 2 2 1 (Z m )TV ()1 (Z m ) 2a m ˆ 1T Z / n ˆ) / n a ˆ G( G() (Z m ˆ )TV()1 (Z m ˆ) ˆ maximizes the profile likelihood and n G2 () 1 * () log logdetV() 2 n 2 A peculiar ml fit Some more fits All together now... Effect of estimating covariance structure Standard geostatistical practice is to take the covariance as known. When it is estimated, optimality criteria are no longer valid, and “plug-in” estimates of variability are biased downwards. ˆ (s 0 ; ˆ ) ) ˆ) Var( Z ˆ 2 ( ˆ (s 0 ; ˆ ) cov(Z ˆ ) 2 trcov( (Zimmerman and Cressie, 1992) A Bayesian prediction analysis takes proper account of all sources of uncertainty (Le and Zidek, 1992) Violation of isotropy e2 127.1(259) e2 154.6 (134) s2 68.8 (255) 10.7 (45) s2 141.0 (127) 29.5 (35) General setup Z(x,t) = m(x,t) + (x)1/2E(x,t) + e(x,t) trend + smooth + error We shall assume that m is known or constant t = 1,...,T indexes temporal replications E is L2-continuous, mean 0, variance 1, independent of the error e C(x,y) = Cor(E(x,t),E(y,t)) D(x,y) = Var(E(x,t)-E(y,t)) (dispersion) (x)(y)C(x,y) x y Cov(Z(x,t),Z(y,t)) 2 xy (x) e Geometric anisotropy Recall that if C(x,y) C( x y ) we have an isotropic covariance (circular isocorrelation curves). If C(x,y) C( Ax Ay ) for a linear transformation A, we have geometric anisotropy (elliptical isocorrelation curves). General nonstationary correlation structures are typically locally geometrically anisotropic. The deformation idea In the geometric anisotropic case, write C(x,y) C( f (x) f(y) ) where f(x) = Ax. This suggests using a general nonlinear transformation f:R 2 Rd . Usually d=2 or 3. G-plane D-space We do not want f to fold. Implementation Consider observations at sites x1, ...,xn. ˆ ij be the empirical covariance Let C between sites xi and xj. Minimize 2 ˆ (,f ) w ij Cij C(f(x i ),f (x j );) J(f ) i,j where J(f) is a penalty for non-smooth transformations, such as the bending energy 2 2 2 2 2 2 f f f J(f) 2 xy 2 dxdy 2 y x SARMAP An ozone monitoring exercise in California, summer of 1990, collected data on some 130 sites. Transformation This is for hr. 16 in the afternoon Thin-plate splines f(s) c As W' ˜ (s) Linear part ˜ (s) (s x1),...,(s xn )' 2 (h) h log( h ) 1' W 0 X' W 0 J(f) tr(W' S˜ W) A Bayesian implementation Likelihood: T L(S | ) (2 )(T 1)/ 2 exp tr 1S 2 Prior: 1 2 ' ˜ p(W) exp W S W i i 2 i1 Linear part: –fix two points in the G-D mapping –put a (proper) prior on the remaining two parameters Posterior computed using Metropolis-Hastings California ozone 63 Region 6 monitoring sites and their representation in a deformed coordinate system reflecting spatial covariance Thu Oct 30 00:12:36 PST 2003 55643 26 54 5 56 2530 43 2062 26 52 32 15 7 17 58 1147 8 18 6 946223727 41 12 42 3 51 35 45 49 44 53 57 55 40 5928636138 502 460 19 29 23 36 48 33 39 10 31 1 21 34 24 14 13 16 54 30 15 25 2062 32 478 52 17 7 11 69 22 27 41 12 5842 18 351 45 49 46 37 40 35 19 44 57 53 2 55 38 61 36 1 21 63 50 46059 23 28 29 10 31 48 24 33 39 34 13 16 14 Posterior samples N=63, S. Calif: 4 samples from the posterior distribution of deformations reflecting spatial covariance Tue Oct 28 22:18:29 PST 2003 56 5 2643 54 30 25 20 62 32 527 478 17 15 11 41 6922 27 58 12 18 351 42 46 37 45 49 40 35 19 44 57 53 121 61 38 63 55 59 502 460 231036 28 29 31 48 24 33 39 34 13 14 16 556 2643 54 30 62 20 25 17 15 327478 52 11 6922 27 41 12 58 18 351 42 35 4637 45 49 40 19 44 53 57 2460 61 38 36 121 55 59 63 50 231031 28 29 33 48 39 34 24 13 14 16 55643 26 54 30 25 20 62 17 15 327478 52 11 58 18 6 41 27 51 12 3 42922 4637 45 49 35 44 57 53 2 460 38 36 61 63 55 59 50 23 28 10 29 48 2431 33 39 34 13 16 14 40 19 121 56 5 2643 54 15 30 25 20 62 17 32 52 478 711 40 58 6 41 18 12 351 42 92227 45 49 35 46 19 37 53 44 57 21 2 460 61 38 36 1 63 59 50 55 23 28 31 10 29 48 24 33 39 34 13 16 14 Other applications Point process deformation (Jensen & Nielsen, Bernoulli, 2000) Deformation of brain images (Worseley et al., 1999) Isotropic covariances on the sphere Isotropic covariances on a sphere are of the form C(p,q) aiPi (cos pq ) i 0 where p and q are directions, pq the angle between them, and Pi the Legendre polynomials. Example: ai=(2i+1)ri C(p,q) 1 r 2 1 2rcos pq r 2 1 A class of global transformations Iteration between simple parametric deformation of latitude (with parameters changing with longitude) and similar deformations of longitude (changing smoothly with latitude). (Das, 2000) Three iterations Global temperature Global Historical Climatology Network 7280 stations with at least 10 years of data. Subset with 839 stations with data 1950-1991 selected. Isotropic correlations Deformation Assessing uncertainty Gaussian moving averages Higdon (1998), Swall (2000): Let x be a Brownian motion without drift, and X(s) R 2 b(s u)dx(u) . This is a Gaussian process with correlogram r(d) R 2 b(u)b(u d)du. Account for nonstationarity by letting the kernel b vary with location: r(s 1,s 2 ) R 2 bs 1 (u)bs 2 (u)du Kernel averaging Fuentes (2000): Introduce orthogonal local stationary processes Zk(s), k=1,...,K, defined on disjoint subregions Sk and construct Z(s) K wk (s)Zk (s) k 1 where wk(s) is a weight function related to dist(s,Sk). Then r(s1,s 2 ) K wk (s1 )wk (s 2 )rk (s1 s 2 ) 1 A continuouskversion has Z(s) w(x s)Z (s ) (x)ds Simplifying assumptions in space-time models Temporal stationarity seasonality decadal oscillations Spatial stationarity orographic effects meteorological forcing Separability C(t,s)=C1(t)C2(s) SARMAP revisited Spatial correlation structure depends on hour of the day (non-separable): Bruno’s seasonal nonseparability Y(t,x) m(t,x) t (x)(a x Z1(t) Z 2 (t,x)) e(t,x) Nonseparability generated by seasonally changing spatial term t (x) Z1 large-scale feature Z2 separable field of local features (Bruno, 2004) A non-separable class of stationary space-time covariance functions Cressie & Huang (1999): Fourier domain Gneiting (2001): f is completely monotone if (-1)n f (n) ≥ 0 for all n. Bernstein’s theorem : rt f(t) 0 e dF(r) for some nondecreasing F. Combine a completely monotone function and a function y with completely monotone derivative into a space-time covariance h 2 2 C(h,u) 2 d/ 2 2 y( u ) y (u ) A particular case C(h,u) (u 2a 2 h 1 1) exp 2a (u 1) a=1/2,=1/2 a=1/2,=1 a=1,=1/2 a=1,=1 Uses for surface estimation Compliance –exposure assessment –measurement Trend Model assessment –comparing (deterministic) model to data –approximating model output Health effects modeling Health effects Personal exposure (ambient and nonambient) Ambient exposure outdoor time infiltration Outdoor concentration model for individual i at time t Cit m(si ,t) (si ,t) Seattle health effects study 2 years, 26 10-day sessions A total of 167 subjects: 56 COPD subjects 40 CHD subjects 38 healthy subjects (over 65 years old, non-smokers) 33 asthmatic kids A total of 108 residences: 55 private homes 23 private apartments 30 group homes Ogawa sampler HPEM PUF pDR T/RH logger CO2 monitor Ogawa sampler Nephelometer CAT HI Quiet Pump Box PM2.5 measurements Where do the subjects spend their time? Asthmatic kids: – 66% at home – 21% indoors away from home – 4% in transit – 6% outdoors Healthy (CHD, COPD) adults: – 83% (86,88) at home – 8% (7,6) indoors away from home – 4% (4,3) in transit – 3% (2,2) outdoors Panel results Asthmatic children not on antiinflammatory medication: decrease in lung function related to indoor and to outdoor PM2.5, not to personal exposure Adults with CV or COPD: increase in blood pressure and heart rate related to indoor and personal PM2.5 Spatial Analysis Region Definitions Region 6: S Calif, all 94 sites, fitting and validation Fitting (63) Validation (31) Los Angeles County Trend model m(si ,t) m 1(si ) m 2 (si ,t) m 1(si ) m 0 (si ) kVik where Vik are covariates, such as population density, proximity to roads, local topography, etc. m 2 (si ,t) r j (si )fj (t) where the fj are smoothed versions of temporal singular vectors (EOFs) of the TxN data matrix. We will set m1(si) = m0(si) for now. SVD computation 400 200 0 Singular value 600 800 Singular values of T=2912 x S=545 observation matrix 0 100 200 300 Index, 1:545 400 500 EOF 1 0.04 0.02 0.0 -0.04 Annual.svd$svd$u[1:1456, j] Annual Trend Component 1 01/01/1987 10/01/1987 07/01/1988 04/01/1989 01/01/1990 10/01/1990 01/01/1994 10/01/1994 0.04 0.02 0.0 -0.02 Annual.svd$svd$u[1457:2912, j] dates87to94[1:1456] 01/01/1991 10/01/1991 07/01/1992 04/01/1993 dates87to94[1457:2912] EOF 2 0.06 0.02 -0.02 -0.06 Annual.svd$svd$u[1:1456, j] Annual Trend Component 2 01/01/1987 10/01/1987 07/01/1988 04/01/1989 01/01/1990 10/01/1990 01/01/1994 10/01/1994 0.06 0.02 -0.02 -0.06 Annual.svd$svd$u[1457:2912, j] dates87to94[1:1456] 01/01/1991 10/01/1991 07/01/1992 04/01/1993 dates87to94[1457:2912] EOF 3 0.04 0.0 -0.04 Annual.svd$svd$u[1:1456, j] Annual Trend Component 3 01/01/1987 10/01/1987 07/01/1988 04/01/1989 01/01/1990 10/01/1990 01/01/1994 10/01/1994 0.06 0.02 -0.02 -0.06 Annual.svd$svd$u[1457:2912, j] dates87to94[1:1456] 01/01/1991 10/01/1991 07/01/1992 04/01/1993 dates87to94[1457:2912] Region 6 : S. Calif Starplot of temporal trend coefficients (LA) 061111003 061112003 060719004 060714003 060370113 060374002 0.4 0.2 0.0 sqrt(max 8hr O3) 60714003 01/01/1989 01/01/1990 01/01/1991 01/01/1992 01/01/1993 01/01/1994 01/01/1993 01/01/1994 01/01/1993 01/01/1994 1987-1994 0.4 0.2 0.0 sqrt(max 8hr O3) 60719004 01/01/1989 01/01/1990 01/01/1991 01/01/1992 1987-1994 0.4 0.2 0.0 sqrt(max 8hr O3) 60374002 01/01/1989 01/01/1990 01/01/1991 01/01/1992 1987-1994 0.4 0.2 0.0 sqrt(max 8hr O3) 60370113 01/01/1989 01/01/1990 01/01/1991 01/01/1992 01/01/1993 01/01/1994 01/01/1993 01/01/1994 01/01/1993 01/01/1994 1987-1994 0.4 0.2 0.0 sqrt(max 8hr O3) 61112003 01/01/1989 01/01/1990 01/01/1991 01/01/1992 1987-1994 0.4 0.2 0.0 sqrt(max 8hr O3) 61111003 01/01/1989 01/01/1990 01/01/1991 01/01/1992 1987-1994 Kriging of m0 Ordinary kriging prediction of mu 0.26 1.5 0.25 1.0 0.24 0.5 0.23 0.0 y 0.22 0.21 -0.5 0.20 -1.0 0.19 -1.5 0.18 -2 -1 0 1 2 Kriging of r2 Ordinary kriging prediction of b2 1.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 y 0.0 -0.5 0.0 -1.0 -0.5 -1.5 -2 -1 0 x 1 2 Quality of trend fits 0.4 0.2 0.0 sq rt Ozone Fitted trend (solid) vs Predicted (dashed): 060371002 01/01/1989 01/01/1990 01/01/1991 01/01/1992 01/01/1993 01/01/1994 D ate 0.4 0.2 0.0 sq rt Ozone Fitted trend (solid) vs Predicted (dashed): 060371301 01/01/1989 01/01/1990 01/01/1991 01/01/1992 01/01/1993 01/01/1994 D ate 0.4 0.2 0.0 sq rt Ozone Fitted trend (solid) vs Predicted (dashed): 060375001 01/01/1989 01/01/1990 01/01/1991 01/01/1992 01/01/1993 01/01/1994 Observed vs. predicted 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Zval[, j] 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Zval[, j] 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Zval[, j] 060831015 Zpredf[ , j] 0.2 Zpredf[ , j] 0.3 0.2 0.0 0.1 Zpredf[ , j] 0.4 0.5 060296001 0.5 060371103 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.5 Observed vs. predicted, cont. 0.2 0.0 sq rt Ozone 0.4 Observ ed (points) v s Predicted (lines): 060371301 01/01/1989 04/01/1989 07/01/1989 10/01/1989 01/01/1990 04/01/1990 07/01/1990 10/01/1990 04/01/1992 07/01/1992 10/01/1992 04/01/1994 07/01/1994 10/01/1994 0.2 0.0 sq rt Ozone 0.4 D ate 01/01/1991 04/01/1991 07/01/1991 10/01/1991 01/01/1992 0.2 0.0 sq rt Ozone 0.4 D ate 01/01/1993 04/01/1993 07/01/1993 10/01/1993 01/01/1994 D ate Conclusions Good prediction of day-to-day variability seasonal shape of mean Not so good prediction of long-term mean Need to try to estimate m1 Other difficulties Missing data Multivariate data Heterogenous (in space and time) geostatistical tools Different sampling intervals (particularly a PM problem) Southern California PM2.5 data 01/01/2001 01/01/2001 s1003v1 s1103v1 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 log PM2.5 4 dates.99.01 01/01/2000 01/01/2001 01/01/1999 01/01/2000 01/01/2001 s1201v1 s1301v1 3 2 0 1 2 3 log PM2.5 4 dates.99.01 4 dates.99.01 1 log PM2.5 01/01/2000 dates.99.01 0 01/01/1999 3 01/01/1999 0 log PM2.5 01/01/1999 2 0 01/01/2000 4 01/01/1999 1 log PM2.5 3 2 1 0 log PM2.5 4 s1002v1 4 s0002v1 01/01/2000 01/01/2001 dates.99.01 01/01/1999 01/01/2000 01/01/2001 dates.99.01