2013 – 1 of 3 SECTION 1 WYOMING 4-H — PROJECT RECORD Member’s Name:________________________________________________________ 4-H Project Being Reported: _______________________________________________ Name of Project Leader:___________________________________________________ Year(s) Enrolled in 4-H:______________Year(s) in This Project Area:______________ Project Meetings Attended: ________________ Project Meetings Held: ____________ GOALS (WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO? WHAT DO YOU WANT TO ATTAIN THIS YEAR? WHAT DO YOU WANT REACH?) 1. 2. 3. 4. PROJECT DESCRIPTION (WHAT DID YOU DO IN YOUR PROJECT? MATERIALS USED, TIME SPENT, MONEY SAVED, ETC) SHOOTING SPORTS MEMBERS: BE SURE TO DOCUMENT YOUR SHOOTING SUPPLIES (ARROWS, BULLETS, ETC) NOT JUST YOUR COUNTY FAIR PROJECT) 2013 – 2 of 3 SECTION 1 PROJECT RECORD WYOMING 4-H — FINANCIAL INFORMATION Income # Description Expenses Cost # Description Cost Total Income Additional Information (Optional) Total Expenses Total Income Subtract Total Expenses Equals Total Profit or Loss KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS ACQUIRED (WHAT DID YOU LEARN?) 2013 – 3 of 3 SECTION 1 PROJECT RECORD WYOMING 4-H — SUMMARY (ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS, IF IT DOES NOT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT, STATE NOT APPLICABLE-N/A) RECOGNITION SUMMARY EXHIBIT COUNTY STATE NATIONAL What was the market price per pound for your animal on the day you sold your animal? ____________¢__ * Where did you find the price? ________________ * What was the date you looked up the price? __________________ * What was your animal's value if it sold at an auction barn or coop market (weight of animal when sold x market price per pound)? $__________________ * How much more money did your buyer give you than the market value of your animal? $________________. Make sure you thank them properly!! *How much time did you spend on your project? ________________________ * How many days did you feed your animal? ___________________________ *What percent protein did you feed your animal? ________________________ What other ingredients were in the feed? ___________________________________________________ * How many total pounds were fed daily to your animal? __________________ * What was your Average Daily Gain of your animal? ____________________ * What did your animal’s feed cost per pound? _________________________ * Did you vaccinate your animal? If so what and when? What is the withdrawal time? Vaccination Date Given Withdrawal Time