Lecture Schedule, Fall 2010 Patb4710/5710 Instructor Myrna Miller Date August 24 26 31 September 2 7 9 14 16 21 23 28 30 October 5 Chapter 1&2 3, Plus strand RNA viruses Chapt 4 Chapt 3 4, minus strand RNA 6 RNA with RT Topic Intro the course, history and methods of study. Classification schemes. Replication strategies Replication strategies and structure Picorna/calicivirus lecturer Miller Toga/flavivirus, BVDV, Border disease, CSF Rhabdo/filoviruses 1st one hour exam Corona viruses orthomyxoviruses O’Toole Mills Retroviruses Paramyxoviruses Bunyaviruses-early out, Telling seminar 5 RNA double Orbiviruses (Reoviridae), Bluetongue virus, stranded EHDV 7 2nd hour exam 12 7, DNA viruses Adenovirus 14 Parvo/papavo virus 19 Herpes virus 21 Pox virus 26 Hepadnavirus (w reverse transcriptase) 28 Pathogenesis November 2 3rd hour exam 4 8 Emerging viral diseases 9 9, subviral agents Prions 11 10 Immune response to viruses 16 10 Vaccines 18 Chemotherapy 23 No class for holiday 25 Thanksgiving Day 30 Graduate students presentations December 2 Graduate student presentations, or review December 7 Final Exam. 10:15-12;15 Note: There will be 2 quizzes to be announced at least1 week in advance. Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Schatzl Letchworth Miller Miller Letchworth Cornish Letchworth Miller Miller Miller Miller Schatzl Belden Belden Miller GS and Miller GS and Miller