SYLLABUS Medical Virology Patb 4710/5710 Course Objective: This course will provide an introduction to the science of virology. The basic properties and basic replication strategies of viruses will be introduced in the early lectures. These topics will then covered in more depth by looking at representative groups of viruses affecting man and animals along with the pathogenesis and symptoms of major diseases. It will take advantage of the individual expertise of a number of scientists who will serve as guest lecturers for specific viruses. The exam questions will be developed and graded by the instructor in consultation with the guest speakers. Expectations. Students are expected to have already acquired background knowledge of biochemistry, molecular biology, and cell biology prior to taking this course. Lecture notes may be given out to facilitate note taking. However, exam questions will not be limited to these printout pages and information from the lectures and text book reading will be covered on the exams. Accordingly, it is recommended that students attend the lectures and review notes taken in the lecture the same day or shortly thereafter to facilitate information retention. Reading the material from the related text-book chapters is highly recommended prior to the lecture in order to be prepared for discussion or questions. Reading assignments of 10-40 pages per week should be expected. Instructor and Office hours: Myrna Miller, WSVL 1107. Office hours by appointment. 766-9934 Campus office hours will be held on Tuesday and Thursday in AgC 5017. Hours: Tuesday 9:30-10:30, or Thursday 12:30-1:30. Grading: There will be 3 one hour exams scheduled with 100 points each. In addition there will be two quizzes of 25 points each that will be announced no less than one week in advance, and a final exam worth 150 points for a total of 500 possible points. Grades will be assigned as A=90100%, B=80-89%, C=70-79% and D=60-69% of the total possible points. Quizzes and exams will be short answer, multiple choice and true/false format. Questions or challenges to test questions or test grades will only be considered up to the time of the next scheduled exam. This is a dual listed course with some students enrolled as graduate students in Patb 5710. Patb 5710 enrolled students will be required to submit a referenced presentation on a topic agreed on by the student and the instructor. Textbook: The text for this course will be “Viruses and Human Disease. Second Edition. 2008, James H. Strauss and Ellen G. Strauss. Academic Press. Makeup policy: Unless a quiz or test is missed due to an emergency, make up exams will only be arranged with prior notice and approval from the instructor. It is the student’s responsibility to notify the instructor and schedule a make-up. Academic Dishonesty: The University of Wyoming is built upon a strong foundation of integrity, respect, and trust. Members of this class are expected to be honest and expect honesty from others. Cheating on an exam, or assisting another student to cheat on an exam, will not be tolerated and will result in a failing grade in the class. For the full University policy on academic dishonesty refer to UW Regulation 6-802. Disability and Accommodations. If you have a physical, learning, sensory or psychological disability and require accommodations, please let me know as soon as possible. You will need to register with, and provide documentation of your disability to University Disability Support Services (UDSS) in SEO, room 330 Knight Hall, 766-6189. Electronic devices. Please be respectful of others and turn off/ put aside electronic devices during class time.