Tuesday week7, part1

The Ban on P-Values
• The editorial board of Basic and Applied Social
Psychology, a peer-reviewed scientific journal
is “banning the NHSTP.” Where NHSTP = null
hypothesis significance testing procedure.
• “prior to publication, authors will have to
remove all vestiges of the NHSTP (p-values, ttests, F-values, statements about “significant”
differences or lack thereof, and so on.”
• “Confidence intervals are also banned”
February 2015
Häggström hävdar - http://haggstrom.blogspot.com/
Intellectual suicide by the journal
Basic and Applied Social Psychology
With all due respect, professors Trafimow and Marks, but this is moronic. The
procedure they call NHSTP is not "invalid", and neither is the (closely related)
use of confidence intervals. The only things about NHSTP and confidence
intervals that are "invalid" are certain naive and inflated ideas about their
interpretation, held by many statistically illiterate scientists. These
misconceptions about NHSTP and confidence intervals are what should be
fought, not NHSTP and confidence intervals themselves, which have been
indispensable tools for the scientific analysis of empirical data during most of
the 20th century, and remain so today.
Q: Why do so many colleges and grad schools teach p = .05?
A: Because that's still what the scientific community and
journal editors use.
Q: Why do so many people still use p = 0.05?
A: Because that's what they were taught in college or grad
March 2016
- multiple testing (Gelman and Loken 2014)
- “a p-value near 0.05 taken by itself offers only weak evidence against the
null hypothesis” (Johnson, 2013)
- we did not address alternative hypotheses, error types, or power (among
other things),
While the p-value can be a useful statistical measure, it is commonly
misused and misinterpreted.
March 2016
Essential Elements of the ASA Statement
on Statistical Significance and P-values
Informally, a p-value is the probability under
a specified statistical model that a statistical
summary of the data (for example, the
sample mean difference between two
compared groups) would be equal to or more
extreme than its observed value.
March 2016
Essential Elements of the ASA Statement
on Statistical Significance and P-values
P-values can indicate how incompatible the data are with a specified statistical
model. This incompatibility can be interpreted as casting doubt on or providing
evidence against the null hypothesis or the underlying assumptions.
P-values do not measure the probability that the studied hypothesis is true, or the
probability that the data were produced by random chance alone.
Scientific conclusions and business or policy decisions should not be based only on
whether a p-value passes a specific threshold. The widespread use of “statistical
significance” (generally interpreted as “p ≤ 0.05”) as a license for making a claim of
a scientific finding (or implied truth) leads to considerable distortion of the scientific
Proper inference requires full reporting and transparency. Conducting multiple
analyses of the data and reporting only those with certain p-values (typically those
passing a significance threshold) renders the reported p-values essentially
March 2016
Essential Elements of the ASA Statement
on Statistical Significance and P-values
5. A p-value, or statistical significance, does not measure the size of an effect or the
importance of a result.
6. By itself, a p-value does not provide a good measure of evidence regarding a model or
hypothesis. For these reasons, data analysis should not end with the calculation of a pvalue when other approaches are appropriate and feasible.
Other approaches:
- emphasize estimation over testing, such as confidence, credibility, or prediction
- Bayesian methods; alternative measures of evidence, such as likelihood ratios or Bayes
- and other approaches such as decision-theoretic modeling and false discovery rates.
All these measures and approaches rely on further assumptions, but they may more
directly address the size of an effect (and its associated uncertainty) or whether the
hypothesis is correct.
March 2016
“The reproducibility crisis”
Replication with respect to failure
to reproduce results
Replication studies: Bad copy
In the wake of high-profile controversies, psychologists are facing up to problems
with replication.
Yong. Nature News. 16 May 2012
“The reproducibility crisis”
“The conduct of subtle experiments has much in common with the direction of
a theatre performance,” says Daniel Kahneman, a Nobel-prizewinning
psychologist at Princeton University in New Jersey. Trivial details such as the
day of the week or the colour of a room could affect the results, and these
subtleties never make it into methods sections.
In a survey of more than 2,000 psychologists, Leslie John, a consumer
psychologist from Harvard Business School in Boston, Massachusetts,
showed that more than 50% had waited to decide whether to collect more
data until they had checked the significance of their results, thereby allowing
them to hold out until positive results materialize. More than 40% had
selectively reported studies that “worked”.
Brian Nosek, a social psychologist from the University of Virginia in
Charlottesville, is bringing together a group of psychologists to try to
reproduce every study published in three major psychological journals in
2008. The teams will adhere to the original experiments as closely as possible
and try to work with the original authors.
“The reproducibility crisis”
'uniformly most powerful' Bayesian test that defines the alternative hypothesis in a standard
way, so that it “maximizes the probability that the Bayes factor in favor of the alternate
hypothesis exceeds a specified threshold,”
This threshold can be chosen so that Bayesian tests and frequentist tests will both reject the
null hypothesis for the same test results.
Johnson compared P values to Bayes factors.
P value of 0.05 or less — commonly considered evidence in support of a hypothesis in fields
such as social science, in which non-reproducibility has become a serious issue —
corresponds to Bayes factors of between 3 and 5, which are considered weak evidence to
support a finding.
Indeed, as many as 17–25% of such findings are probably false, Johnson calculates1.
He advocates for scientists to use more stringent P values of 0.005 or less to support their
He postulates that use of the 0.05 standard might account for most of the problem of nonreproducibility in science — even more than other issues, such as biases and scientific
Weak statistical standards implicated in scientific irreproducibility
Hayden, E.C. 2013. Weak statistical standards implicated in scientific irreproducibility: Onequarter of studies that meet commonly used statistical cutoff may be false. Nature News 11
“The reproducibility crisis”
over-reliance on statistical testing
Test of an over-reliance on significance-testing in research publication practices.
12 journal issues, all p-values, reliability tests
P-values follow an exponential distribution
Residuals in the 0.045-0.050 range were much larger than other intervals. More pvalues here!
Publication bias, over-emphasis on NHST, “researcher degrees of freedom”
Repeated peeks
Optional stoppings
Selective exclusion of outliers
Selective use of covariates
Bakker and Molenaar – researchers with p-values just below 0.05 are less likely to
share data.
“If false beliefs about p are partly to blame then one strategy may be to better
educate researchers about the proper implementation of NHST and the benefit of
complementary approaches such as likelihood analyses and Bayesian statistics.”
Masicampo and Lalande 2012 “A peculiar prevalence of p values just below 0.05” The
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology.
“The reproducibility crisis” – code
• Increasing transparency as one solution (open source
code, data archiving etc).
• Nature and Scientific Data already have code-sharing
policies. http://www.nature.com/articles/sdata20154
• The problem is that reproducibility, as a tool for
preventing poor research, comes in at the wrong stage
of the research process (the end). While requiring
reproducibility may deter people from committing
outright fraud (a small group), it won't stop people
who just don't know what they're doing with respect to
data analysis (a much larger group).
“The reproducibility crisis” –
Publication bias
Medical literature - positive outcomes are more likely to be reported
than null results.
One result in 20 that is “significant at P=0.05” by chance alone.
If only positive findings are published then they may be mistakenly
considered to be of importance.
As many studies contain long questionnaires collecting information on
hundreds of variables, and measure a wide range of potential
outcomes, several false positive findings are virtually guaranteed.
The high volume and often contradictory nature of medical research
findings, however, is not only because of publication bias.
A more fundamental problem is the widespread misunderstanding of
the nature of statistical significance.
Jonathan A C Sterne and George Davey Smith Sifting the evidence—
what's wrong with significance tests? Another comment on the role
of statistical methods BMJ 2001; 322
Replication in Ecology
• To what degree is replication possible in Ecological research?
• As we move to larger and larger scales, replication becomes impossible.
On the emptiness of failed replications
Jason Mitchell, Harvard University
“unsuccessful experiments have no meaningful scientific value”
“What more, it is clear that the null claim cannot be reinstated by additional negative
observations; rounding up trumpet after trumpet of white swans does not rescue the
claim that no non-white swans exists. This is because positive evidence has, in a
literal sense, infinitely more evidentiary value than negative evidence”
How is a “significant” finding different from a black swan?
1.Which of the arguments in the blog
were most directly connected to
concepts we’ve focused on in this
2.Which is your favorite argument,
example, or insight from the blog?
3.What do you disagree with? Why?