AAFCS University of Wyoming Student Unit September 11, 2007 Minutes I. The meeting was called to order by President Sophie Omolo at 6:02 pm. II. Those present at the meeting: Sophie Omolo, Adrianna Carlton, Heidi Henderson, Ashley Frome, Merra Lundell, Erin Jones, Lisa Simons, Jamie Wilder, Lindsey Parker, Skye Murphy, Alysa Wismer, John Olson, Kent ???, Joseph ???-, Brittney ???, and Advisor, Dr. Vincenti. [You can ask people for their last names and fill them in for the record so the official set of adopted minutes is complete.] III. Officer Reports A. Dr. Vincenti welcomed everyone at the meeting and gave a brief overview of AAFCS. B. Ashley read the minutes from the last member meeting on April 12, 2007 and gave the treasurer’s report. We had $555.53 and we need to do many fundraisers this year. She welcomes ideas from the group. One possible fundraiser is to help with the Ag. BBQ on October sixth at the Wyoming-TCU football game. A signup sheet for this event was passed around. C. Adrianna, the publicist, reported that the website is almost completed and should hopefully be up by next week. She welcomes opinions, comments, and ideas for the website. D. Heidi requested copies/documentation of all e-mails, membership of committees and working papers, contact information for projects for the official record. She presented the current scrapbook and welcomed all members to contribute photos of AAFCS events. IV. New Business A. Christianne Dechert and Roger Coupal, Albany County Habitat for Humanity Board members, spoke to us about what their program does and ways AAFCS can help. HfH focuses on advocacy, social action, and empowering low-income families. 1. AAFCS can help by: a. Presenting programs/modules to the Habitat families (no longer than one hour duration per program) i. Topic ideas for programs/modules: -budgeting and finance management -interior design -nutrition advice for families and children -healthy lifestyle choices (i.e. not smoking) -parenting information -housekeeping skills -paperwork organization -education about resources available in the community b. Mentoring families with current problems 2. The possibility was mentioned of a training workshop for AAFCS members on how to develop a good working relationship with the families. 3. Erin Jones will create a survey to give to the families to determine which programs they are most interested in taking. 4. A vote was taken by a raise of hands – the majority of the group is interested in pursuing the Habitat for Humanity project. V. Unfinished Business A. Calendar of events for AAFCS – distributed by Adrianna. It can/will be added to or changed as the semester progresses. B. Consumer Conference 1. Explained by Dr. Vincenti and student group opportunities to earn money. 2. Sign up sheets for set up, clean up, and audio-recording were passed around. C. AAFCS Offices 1. Need to be filled: Vice President, Secretary 2. ______I have his name on my desk at UW_________ is willing to be the Ag Council Representative. 3. Merra Lundell is willing to be the Parliamentarian. VI. Announcements A. AAFCS Meetings will be held every other week on Tuesday at 6 p.m. 1. E-mail reminders will be sent before the meetings 2. Next meeting will be 9/18 to develop a Plan of Work a. Please e-mail ideas to Sophie if you are unable to come. B. Please join the AAFCS group on WyoWeb to you will be on the mailing list. Respectfully submitted, Heidi Henderson