Fall 2007 Courses

Religious Studies
Course Offerings - Fall 2007
RELI 1000-01
RELI 1000-41
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RELI 2040-01
RELI 2040-41
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RELI 2110-01
RELI 2175-01
RELI 2450-41
Introduction to Religion - C1/G1, CH/G
Religion is central in shaping culture. While cultural differences stem from religion, many similarities find their
expression in religion. Learn about several world religions and the way each understands the world and
influences its adherents.
Mid-East Religions: Judaism, Christianity & Islam — CH/G
Since 9-11, the conflicts of our world have taken on a religious character, pitting members of Judaism, Islam and
Christianity against each other. This is just the latest chapter in a history of alternatively working together and
struggling against each other. Discover how these religions began and matured, and how they have been shaped
by the modern world.
Introduction to the Old Testament — C1/G1, CH
The Old Testament is sacred to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. What did its theology & stories mean to the
people who wrote it & those who first read it? Use biblical text & archaeological research to learn about ancient
Israel—its people, beliefs, history, and politics.
Life & Teaching of Jesus — C1
As the Christian Messiah, Jesus played an important role in western history. Nations and people took Jesus’
teachings and applied them to their own situations. Go to the earliest evidence and investigate Jesus’ life and
thoughts; study how he expressed ideas; and how the earliest church recorded the stories.
Traditional African Religion — CH, G
Just as Africa is a continent of many peoples, it is also a continent of many religions. These religions divide as
well as unite the peoples. Focus on the traditional religions that originate in Africa while studying the
importation and exploitation of outside religions-especially Christianity and Islam.
RELI 4150-01
RELI 4400-01
Instructor approval
for Enrollment
RELI 4500-01
RELI 4500-02
Christians, Jews, and Muslims in Iberia
Put your religious studies knowledge to work in the “real world” in a paid or volunteer internship. Contact the
Religious Studies advisor to learn about available internship opportunities.
Topics: Women in Judaism
Women and issues facing women have played a key role in Judaism, from ancient Israelite religion to the present
day, and central in any study of social history and contemporary directions in religion. Study women in Bible, in
late antiquity (including Jewish perspectives on early Christianity), the middle ages, Jewish law and ethics, and
modern times. This course helps chart the way and examine the context of social change, as women enter roles in
religion and teaching unthinkable only a few generations ago.
Topics: Written Gospels in Early Christianity
Early Christians viewed Jesus in many different and competing ways, as can be seen in what they wrote about
Jesus. This class will read and analyze the varied and divergent beliefs about Jesus recorded in nearly two dozen
gospels written during the early church.
LANG 2030-03 Biblical Hebrew
Instructor approval
for Enrollment
This course focuses on how, from the Middle Ages to the 21st century, these three religions and peoples have
interacted with and influenced each other and Iberian culture in general, while spreading their spheres of
influence throughout the Old World and into the New. Readings in English from El Cid to Eça de Queirós, from
ibn Gabirol to Galdós, from Maimonides to Miró, along with numerous films, as well as units on music and
This course constitutes the third-semester course in Hebrew studies. It will guide the student in transitioning
from Modern Hebrew to that used in the Hebrew Bible.
If you would like more information or want to pursue a Minor in Religious Studies,
contact the Religious Studies Advisor: Professor Paul Flesher, Hoyt Hall 309B, 766-2616.
Check out the Religious Studies homepage at: http://www.uwyo.edu/RelStds