Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Exam #3 Physics I Fall 2005 If you would like to get credit for having taken this exam, we need your name (printed clearly) at the top and section number below. Your name should be at the top of every page. Section # _____ 1 _____ 2 _____ 3 _____ 4 _____ 5 _____ 6 _____ 7 _____ 8 M/R 8-10 (Bedrosian) M/R 10-12 (Wetzel) M/R 12-2 (Wetzel) M/R 12-2 (Bedrosian) M/R 2-4 (Schroeder) T/F 10-12 (Washington) T/F 12-2 (Yamaguchi) T/F 2-4 (Yamaguchi) Questions A-1 Value 16 A-2 12 B 24 C-1 28 C-2 20 Total 100 Score You may not unstaple this exam. Only work written on the same page as the question will be graded. Cheating on this exam will result in an F in the course. 1 Name: _______________________________________________________________________ On this exam, please neglect any relativistic and/or quantum mechanical effects. If you don’t know what those are, don’t worry, we are neglecting them! On all multiple-choice questions, choose the best answer in the context of what we have learned in Physics I. On graphing and numerical questions (Parts B and C), show all work to receive credit. Part A1 – Multiple Choice – 16 Points Total (4 at 4 Points Each) Write your choice(s) on the line to the left of the question number. _______1. A) B) C) D) E) F) +X. –X. +Y. –Y. +Z. –Z. _______2. A) B) C) D) E) F) +X. –X. +Y. –Y. +Z. –Z. ______ 3. A) B) C) D) The figure below shows an electron moving in the +X direction in a region where the electric field (E) points in the –Z direction (into the page). What is the direction of the electric force on the electron? electron v E into page Y (+Z out of page) X The figure below shows an electron moving in the +X direction in a region where the magnetic field (B) points in the –Z direction (into the page). What is the direction of the magnetic force on the electron? electron v B into page Y (+Z out of page) X Two electrons, A and B, are moving in respective circles in the X,Y plane in a region where the magnetic field is in the +Z direction, as shown below. The magnetic force is the only force. Which electron takes longer to make one complete circle? Electron A. Electron B. Both take the same time. Not enough information was given to determine which one. 2 B A Name: _______________________________________________________________________ _______4. The figure below shows electric equipotential lines in a certain region of 2D space. The electric potentials in the figure below are in units of volts. What is the direction of the electric field in this region? A) B) C) D) E) –X +X –Y +Y Cannot be determined. Y X V=0 X = 0 cm V = 50 X = 2 cm V = 100 X = 4 cm Part A2 – Basic Quantities – 12 Points Total (6 at 2 Points Each) Questions 5-10 refer to the named quantities listed below. For each quantity, indicate in the spaces provided whether it is a scalar (write “scalar” or “S”) or vector (write “vector” or “V”) and indicate correct SI units for the quantity. For example: Velocity ___Vector____ ___m/s____ Quantity _Vector/Scalar_ _SI Units___ 5. Electric Force ______________ ____________ 6. Electric Charge ______________ ____________ 7. Electric Field ______________ ____________ 8. Electric Potential ______________ ____________ 9. Electric Potential Energy ______________ ____________ 10. Magnetic Field* ____________ ______________ The quantity we have learned as the “magnetic field” is actually the “magnetic flux density” as it is known in electromagnetic theory. Please answer this question based on the magnetic quantity used in the equations on the formula sheet, the activities we did in class, and the textbook. We included this footnote just to be precise. * 3 Name: _______________________________________________________________________ B – Graphing (24 Points) An electron is traveling through a region of space where a static (constant in time) electric force is the only force acting on the electron. The graph of the electron’s kinetic energy (KE) is shown below as it travels from d = 0 cm to d = 100 cm. Note that the electron has the same KE at d = 0 as it does at d = 100 cm. Calculate and plot graphs of the electron’s potential energy (PE) and the electric potential as functions of position along the electron’s path. Assume both PE and electric potential start at zero at d = 0. Be sure to include: 1. Shape of the curve(s). 2. Minimum and maximum points. 3. Clearly labeled axes. Electron KE (J) 6.4 x 10-17 3.2 x 10-17 0 d (cm) 20 40 60 80 100 Electron PE (J) 0 d (cm) 20 40 60 80 100 Potential (V) 0 d (cm) 20 40 60 80 4 100 Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Problem C-1: Electric Field and Electric Potential (28 Points) Six point charges, four positive = +1.0 C and two negative = –1.0 C, are located at the vertices of a regular hexagon with sides of 1.0 cm as shown in the figure below. 1.0 C = 1.0 × 10–6 C. Note that the triangles shown as dashed lines are all equilateral triangles with a common vertex at the center of the hexagon. Find the total electric field and electric potential at the center of the hexagon due to the six charges at the vertices. Assume the electric potential at infinity is zero. +1 C 1 cm +1 C +1 C Y X -1 C -1 C +1 C Electric Field X Component: _______________________________________________ units _________ Electric Field Y Component: _______________________________________________ units _________ Electric Potential: _______________________________________________ units _________ 5 Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Problem C-2: e/m Experiment (20 Points)* C-2-A (12 points): In the e/m experiment we did in class, the electrons were accelerated in the electron gun from rest at an initial electric potential of –250 V to a final electric potential of 0 V. What was the final speed of the electrons leaving the electron gun? Electron speed: ________________________________________________ units _________ C-2-B (8 points): After leaving the electron gun, the electrons moved in a circle with radius = 5.0 cm. What was the magnitude of the magnetic field produced by the coils? Magnetic Field (Magnitude): ______________________________________________ units _________ * Note: You may not use the equation e 2V 2 2 for this problem unless you derive it. m r B 6 Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Formula Sheet for Homework and Exams – Page 1 of 2 U Fcons dx 1. v v 0 a t t 0 23. 2. x x 0 v 0 ( t t 0 ) 12 a ( t t 0 ) 2 24. U g m g (y y 0 ) 3. x x 0 12 ( v0 v)( t t 0 ) 25. U s 12 k ( x x 0 ) 2 4. x x 0 v( t t 0 ) 12 a ( t t 0 ) 2 26. 27. 28. K U Wnoncons s r v tangential r 29. a tangential r 6. v 2 v 02 2a x x 0 F Fnet m a 7. T 8. a centripetal 5. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 2r v v2 2 r r a radial a centripetal p mv dp F F net dt J Fnet dt p P pi dP Fext dt 30. 0 t t 0 31. 0 0 ( t t 0 ) 12 ( t t 0 ) 2 32. 0 12 (0 )( t t 0 ) 33. 0 ( t t 0 ) 12 ( t t 0 ) 2 2 02 2 0 35a. a b a b sin( ) a b a y b z a z b y î 35b. a z b x a x b z ĵ a x b y a y b x k̂ 34. 36. 37. M mi 38. 1 1 x cm m i x i y cm m i y i M M P M v cm a b a b cos() a x b x a y b y a z b z W Fd W F dx 21. K 12 m v 2 12 m (v x v y ) 22. K f K i Wnet 2 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 2 I m i ri 2 K rot 12 I 2 W d r F dL I d t l r p L l i L I 44x. m1 v1, x ,before m 2 v 2, x ,before m1 v1, x ,after m 2 v 2, x ,after 44y. m1 v1, y ,before m 2 v 2, y ,before m1 v1, y ,after m 2 v 2, y,after 44z. m1 v1,z ,before m 2 v 2,z ,before m1 v1,z ,after m 2 v 2,z ,after 45a. v1,f m1 m 2 2 m2 v1,i v 2 ,i m1 m 2 m1 m 2 45b. 7 v 2,f 2 m1 m m1 v1,i 2 v 2 ,i m1 m 2 m1 m 2 Formula Sheet for Homework and Exams – Page 2 of 2 46a. 46b. 47a. 47b. 48a. 48b. 49. m m | F | G 1 2 2 r m m F G 1 2 2 r̂ r 1 | q1 || q 2 | | F | 4 0 r2 1 q1 q 2 F (r̂ ) 4 0 r 2 1 | qi | | Ei | 4 0 ri 2 1 qi E (r̂i ) 4 0 ri 2 F qE 50. 51. 52. 1 qi 4 0 ri U qV V E dx V V x V 53y. E y y V 53z. E z z 54. F q v B mv 55. r qB 53x. E x Useful Constants (You can use the approximate values on exams.) Universal Gravitation Constant G 6.67310 11 N m 2 kg 2 6.67 10 11 Electrostatic Force Constant 1 8.987551788 10 9 N m 2 C 2 9.0 10 9 4 0 Magnetic Constant 0 4 10 7 H m 1 1.26 10 6 Speed of Light in Vacuum c 2.99792458 10 8 m s 1 3.0 10 8 Charge of a Proton e 1.602176462 10 19 C 1.6 10 19 Electron-Volt Conversion Constant 1eV 1.602176462 10 19 J 1.6 10 19 Mass of a Proton m p 1.6726215810 27 kg 1.67 10 27 Mass of an Electron m e 9.10938188 10 31 kg 9.110 31 8