NEW: 4-H Wildlife Stewards Training Course On-Line

4-H Wildlife Stewards Web Course
Distance Delivered - 7 weeks (April 25-June 10, 2005)
The 4-H Wildlife Stewards program has a few opening for its first pilot web course. Please
contact Maureen Hosty at if you have a volunteer who would
be interested in this course or would like more information.
We use basic technology to deliver this distance delivered professional development workshop,
including, internet, VHS or DVD videos and PowerPoint. Participants receive the award-winning
4-H Wildlife Stewards Volunteer Handbook and the 4-H Wildlife Stewards Habitat Education Site
Tool Kit Video Series (DVD or VHS format).
Course participants MUST complete and submit the 4-H Volunteer Service Application to their
county 4-H office and complete their county 4-H volunteer screening process prior to the start of
the first session.
Cost: $59
Spring 2005 Dates: April 25-June 10, 2005
Training Includes
 On-line and Project handbook reading assignments with corresponding video instruction
 Class web-based discussion board
 Weekly assignments to reinforce what you are learning in the course
 Flexibility to learn at their own pace and at a time that is convenient for them.
How does it work?
 10-12 fellow educators will explore the 4-H Wildlife Stewards Project Handbook, discuss
course assignments, and share learning experiences over a seven week period.
 Participants will use simple technology during the course: internet, DVD or VHS videos,
and Power Point viewer.
 Participants can participate from the comfort of their classroom, office, or home—no need
to travel.
 Participants receive the 4-H Wildlife Stewards Project Handbook and Habitat Education
Site Tool Kit Video Series (DVD or VHS format).
 Trainees who successfully complete the course will receive access to the 4-H Wildlife
Stewards education kits, no cost admittance to supplemental workshops, a Certificate of
Completion, and a 4-H Wildlife Stewards Name Badge.
Graduate Credit Available: Two professional development graduate credits are available
through Oregon State University New School of Education. Enrollment is limited to minimum of 8,
maximum of 10.
Registration is due by April 15th, 2005.
*This course requires intermediate computer and internet skills. *
The following minimal hardware requirements are necessary for this course:
A computer
233MHz Pentium (PC) or PowerPC (Macintosh)
32 Megabytes of RAM
4 Gigabytes hard drive space (recommended)
A monitor
800x600 resolution (best performance seen at 1024x768 or higher; at lower resolutions
scroll bars may interfere with the interface)
An Internet connection
56 K Modem or better connectivity (DSL, Cable Modem preferred) Reliable Internet
Service Provider (ISP)
The plug-ins and browsers needed for this course are:
PowerPoint viewer (if you do not have the full program)
Acrobat Reader 5.0 or higher
Explorer 6.0 or higher
The instructor can only offer minimum tech support. It is the students’ responsibility to meet
minimum requirements before classes begin to assure maximum benefits.