Questionnaire WORD


Equality, Diversity and

Information Rights Team

University Secretary's Office

The Open University

Walton Hall

Milton Keynes

United Kingdom


Tel +44 (0)1908 652566

The Open University Equality

Scheme 2016 – 2020

Consultation Questionnaire

About our Equality Scheme

We are currently in the process of reviewing our equality scheme and intend to publish a revised version by 6 April 2016.

Our equality scheme has a number of purposes: a) It allows us to demonstrate our commitment to advancing equality of opportunity b) It communicates our equality priorities c) It sets out our arrangements for managing and embedding equality d) It ensures we are compliant with equality law

Our scheme covers all our functions and is intended to meet equality duties and requirements in all four nations of the UK. Our international activities are also within scope.

About this consultation

This consultation:

Addresses the major changes proposed which have come about as a result of an analysis of equality that is reported in the summary of main changes proposed for the scheme.

Is open to any person who has a relationship with The Open

University and any person or organisation that has an interest in equality and diversity. In particular, we welcome views from students, alumni, staff, retired staff, our partners, and providers of goods and services to the OU. We also welcome views from equality-related organisations, the Equality Commissions and members of the public.

We have published two documents.

1. A summary of main changes proposed for the scheme

2. This consultation questionnaire

How to respond to this consultation

This consultation questionnaire is set out in sections that match the sections of the draft scheme. You will need to refer to the draft scheme to respond to the questions. You can respond to as many questions as you want.

There are several ways you can respond to the consultation, and all the information you need, including the revisions to the current scheme, is published on our Equality Voice blog .

You can respond via:

1. Blog

2. Survey

3. This Word document

If you’d like to receive these documents in a different format to meet your needs, please contact the Equality and Diversity Team


The closing date for replies to this consultation is Friday 14 th

August 2015 .

How to tell us about your experience

In addition to responding using this consultation questionnaire, you can share your experience of equality at the OU by commenting on the ‘Your thoughts’ blog page. We will use this information to provide feedback to different sections of the OU so that we can improve our services and performance, and to inform the development and implementation of our equality scheme and related policies. The ‘Your thoughts’ blog page is accessible at .

Contact us

The Equality, Diversity & Information Rights Team, University

Secretary’s Office, Level 5, Charles Pinfold Building, Walton Hall,

Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA.

Tel. 01908 652566/652867

Minicom 01908 653074


Section 1: Scope of the OU Equality Scheme 2016-2020

This section sets out the three proposed themes under which our equality objectives will fall.

Q.1. Do you agree that we have identified appropriate themes

( Putting Students First, Leadership and Institutional

Commitment, and A Skilled and Committed Workforce)?

Strongly agree disagree


Agree Disagree Strongly

Q.2.Considering Putting Students First , do you agree with the focus of the three identified broad objectives (specific key performance indicators will be identified for each of the objectives)?

Strongly agree disagree


Agree Disagree Strongly

Q.3. Considering Leadership and Institutional Commitment , do you agree with the focus of the three identified broad objectives

(specific key performance indicators will be identified for each of the objectives)?

Strongly agree disagree


Agree Disagree Strongly

Q.4.Considering A Skilled and Committed Workforce , do you agree with the focus of the three identified broad objectives

(specific key performance indicators will be identified for each of the objectives)?

Strongly agree disagree


Agree Disagree Strongly

Q.5. For any or all of the above themes, what approach or action do you think will help to support the achievement of our objectives?

Q.6. Do you have any other comments about Section 1?

Thank you for completing this consultation.
